173 research outputs found

    SEO Automation Tool

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    SEO automation means making the search engine optimization process automatic through the use of tools, software and other programs that reduce human labor. The article considers programs for SEO automation. Their positive and negative sides are shown

    The problems of service realization to check WEB sites applying usability indicators

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    The article considers the concept of "site" and site functions, analyzes e-commerce sites and online stores in terms of usability, and provides a scheme for the development of an automated audit Web site usability service

    Actionism in modern art and social space

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    The article interprets actionism in the light of the general specifics of modern art. Performativity, ?patage, temporality are reflected as generic features of modern art. The attention is drawn to acute relations between modern art and social lifeОсмысливается акционизм в свете общей специфики современного искусства. Отрефлексированы перформативность, эпатажность, темпоральность как родовые особенности современного искусства, рассмотрены модели автора и воспринимающего в акционизме. Обращается внимание на острые отношения между современным искусством и общественной жизнь

    Evaluation of quality web sites for example internet shop and corporate site using a universal scheme of testing

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    The complexity of the website usability evaluation of the quality has been considered. Basic functions of the websites, and also the elements which are subject to tests are selected. The universal scheme for automated testing of web sites on usability indicators has been represented

    Неклассическая художественность: проблемы изучения и интерпретации

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    The Article is devoted to the topical problem of understanding non-classical arts, the relationship of classical and nonclassical artistic paradigms, the specifics of modern art and the principles of its interpretationСтатья посвещена актуальной проблеме понимания неклассического искусства, соотношению классической и неклассической художественных парадигм, специфике современного искусства и принципам его интерпретаци

    Russian-Speaking Groups in Germany: Motivation for Migration

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    Introduction. The article considers motivation for migration of Russian-speaking groups who came to Germany from the territory of the former USSR countries. The article focuses on the analysis of ethnically privileged migrant groups – late migrants (Russian Germans) and quota refugees (Russian Jews) who came to Germany in the period of the late 1980s to mid-2000s. The aim of the research is to reveal the main reasons for and motives of the Russian-speaking group migration from the post-Soviet republics. The authors focus on the migration motives which have not been fully described, shown or analyzed in foreign research works, thus, enabling the readers to broaden their view on the migration of Russian-speaking groups to Germany. Methods. The research is based on qualitative methodology using the method of thematically-centered interview. The selection was done by the “snowball” method. Analysis. The authors carried out a comparative analysis of several research works with the results of the project conducted with Russian-speaking groups in Munich in 2005–2006 and 2011. The analyzed basis makes 43 interviews. The paper discusses the most questionable aspects regarding the ascertainment of the motivations of Russian Germans and Russian Jews for moving to Germany; it also compares the groups and reveals common features of migratory background characteristics to both of them. The paper gives special attention to ethnic motivations of migration which turn to be both pushing and pulling factors for both Russian-speaking groups. It also compares interpretations of significance of ethnicity and ethnic discrimination being the reasons for migration of Russian Germans and Russian Jews in the research works analyzed here. Results. The hypothesis is that after the USSR split ethnic discrimination of both groups may be considered on the basis of “wrong” ethnicity in the countries of exodus. The conclusion is drawn that discrimination on ethnic basis cannot be the main reason for migration of Russian Germans and Russian Jews to Germany. It is more probable that in the case of Russian-speaking groups we deal with “drifting” ethnicity which may be suggested to or imposed on individuals. The data presented in the article may be of great interest for improving the state policy of this country towards compatriots from abroad and working out migratory regulations