35 research outputs found
The bravery and its guarantees
Modernism is a school of courage and a hermeneutics of liberty. The releasing of the abyssal forces - the unconscious, the instinct - has brought an important contribution to the participation in the specific mutations. The romantic tradition has left us an integrative vision, a cosmic agreement between I and world, while the moderns take pleasure in the adventure of dispersion, of fragmentarism, of unpredictability. The Romantics had pathos, the modern have impetuosity
The Aesthetics of Paradoxism (Second Edition)
In the history of thought and creation, the decisive events, the great and significant moments, the strongly affirmative stages - then the imposition of the optimizing novelties - have depended on the name and prestige of a personality. Referring to those, we personalize further on. The examples are extremely numerous, even in our nearest past. When we mention a creation - in the largest sense of the term - with the name of the personality who illustrates it most extensively at a given time, we state precisely the specific importance of it; we give it, with other words, the identity to which we can refer continuously with full knowledge and without causing any confusion among the receivers. The facts are called with the name of the man who produced them, and in this way we can compose a parallel onomastic dictionary, in which the work is included in the person’s space, keeping its content. The consecrated proper names evolve through quickly imposed habits, a large range of increments that announce the essential outline of their peak production. No space for ambiguity remains when we address to readers or listeners who are somewhat acquainted with the subject and we use such terms as Aristotelianism, Platonism, Kantianism, Hegelianism, Proustianism, Eminescianism, Barbianism, etc. We have even the advantage of a centered communication when we suggest with a sole notion the work as well as its dominant features, linked with the renown of the concerned author. There is no doubt that this way of denomination, when practiced a long time, has become a reflex and now is part of the habits of a correct expression. And neither the semantic objectification of works by a person nor the inherent axiological sanction disturb anybody. Personification being inevitable in creation, the history of art can be superposed to the history of the authors or, at, least gets tangled very strongly with them. It is precisely the case with the recent literary movement of Paradoxism, conceived in Romania and affirmed in the United States, which is closely bound to the temperament, inclination, taste and creative disposition of its initiator and organizer, the poet-mathematician Florentin Smarandache (paradoxism = smarandachism, in an “internal” and already notorious interpretation)
Situare axiologică
Avangarda ne apare totdeauna legată de un experimentalism care se exasperează de trecut
În filiație postmodernă
După cum a reieşit din dezbaterile despre postmodernism, în această etapă de înfrăgezire a sensibilităţii s-a trecut de la spiritul insurgent şi contestatar al avangardei, la recuperarea ironic-parodică a tradiţiei
Software for Simulation of Static Switch Controllers
In the power supply systems, static converters are increasingly used to feed every kind of consumers. Static converters are used widely in electric drive systems for the change in voltage and/or frequency power of electric machines. The authors realized a Windows software application to simulate the static converter function which is used for better understanding of the students. This software is realized like an independent application helping with Visual Basic software package