23 research outputs found

    Efficient generation of neural stem cell-like cells from adult human bone marrow stromal cells

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    Clonogenic neural stem cells (NSCs) are self-renewing cells that maintain the capacity to differentiate into brain-specific cell types, and may also replace or repair diseased brain tissue. NSCs can be directly isolated from fetal or adult nervous tissue, or derived from embryonic stem cells. Here, we describe the efficient conversion of human adult bone marrow stromal cells (hMSC) into a neural stem cell-like population (hmNSC, for human marrow-derived NSC-like cells). These cells grow in neurosphere-like structures, express high levels of early neuroectodermal markers, such as the proneural genes NeuroD1, Neurog2, MSl1 as well as otx1 and nestin, but lose the characteristics of mesodermal stromal cells. In the presence of selected growth factors, hmNSCs can be differentiated into the three main neural phenotypes: astroglia, oligodendroglia and neurons. Clonal analysis demonstrates that individual hmNSCs are multipotent and retain the capacity to generate both glia and neurons. Our cell culture system provides a powerful tool for investigating the molecular mechanisms of neural differentiation in adult human NSCs. hmNSCs may therefore ultimately help to treat acute and chronic neurodegenerative diseases

    Cercetări privind influenţa unor secvenţe tehnologice asupra producţiei de tuberculi şi biomasă la topinambur în condiţiile de la S.C.D.A. Secuieni

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    The paper aims to highlight the influence of the distance between tubers in a row and the nutrition system of the Jerusalem artichoke plant on the yields of tubers and biomass. The research was conducted between 2018 and 2019, in the experimental field of A.R.D.S. Secuieni. The obtained results showed that the studied factors influenced to a great extent the tuber yield obtained. Thus, the yield of tubers varied within wide limits, being between 23.16 t / ha (40 cm x N0P0K0) and 32.77 t / ha (50 cm x N120P120K80). The interaction of the studied factors influenced the yield of biomass at Jerusalem artichoke, ranging from 25.15 t / ha (40 cm x N0P0K0) to 35.45 t / ha (50 cm x N120P120K80)


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    The stimulation of the seed germination rate may be one of the ways to prevent environmental attacks of byotik or abyotik agents on the quality of seedlings. One of the factors involved in stimulating the germination rate of seeds is red light illumination. Currently, the source for generating red light that consumes the smallest amount of energy is atermic laser. Ocimum basilicum L. is one of the plant species that have been used by man since ancient times in culinary, medicinal, decorative and spiritual activities. Therefore, this paper presents experimental data obtained by testing the treatments based on the use of a laser light field, with a stimulating effect on the rate of seed germination on Marseille and Red Rubin basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) varieties. The experimental data obtained recommendes the application of field laser light treatments for 30' in order to stimulate the germination rate of seeds and in order to obtain seedlings for each of the two varieties of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under study