55 research outputs found


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    The present work approaches a few problems related to the quality parameters of the food products starting from the present demands of the market economy. We have included in our study a large range of products that are permanently present market place, in a industrialized area. Some of them are vegetable products like: corn, potatoes, cabbage, carrot, spinach, together with other products. The study results highlight the degree of heavy metals contamination of these goods.vegetable products, heavy metals contaminations

    The Influence of Language on the Collective Perception of Alterity: A Study on the Image of Turks in the Greek Media and the Potential for Education

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    Abstract‘Eat your food, child, or else the Turk will come and take you away’. This is a common Greek stereotype about the Turks, illustrating them as bogeyman. But why Greeks have a bad image of their eastern neighbors? The present study has its source of inspiration in a wider research we are currently undergoing, related to the Greek-Turkish relations in the second half of the 20th century and the stereotypes about the Turkish people, promoted by the Greek media. In this paper we aim at remonstrating that the Greek press reinforces ethnic categorization and stereotypes during the bilateral crises, thus cultivating a negative image of the neighbor

    Comunicarea Ɵtiinƣei

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    A l'avant-garde de la communication à l'échelle mondiale, grâce à son rôle de stimulent du développement économique, la communication scientifique continue à se conférer le statut de stimulent certain de l'innovation. La manière dont la société roumaine de nos jours pense l'avenir, résulte de l'analyse du mode dont le scientifique est présent dans les médias écrits et audiovisuels, en le circonscrivant aux nouvelles technologies, ce sans quoi un autre standard économique est difficile à concevoir

    Distributed Control Systems for a Wastewater Treatment Plant: Architectures and Advanced Control Solutions

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    This chapter is focused on the development and implementation of a distributed and hierarchized control system for the wastewater treatment plant (WTP) Calafat, Romania. The primary control loops for both treatment lines (water and activated sludge) are developed and analyzed. Also, the distributed control system (DCS) architecture of the wastewater treatment plant is presented, and the advantages of the proposed control structure are highlighted. In order to increase the performance of the overall control system, some advanced control solutions are investigated. More precisely, multivariable adaptive and robust control algorithms are proposed for the activated sludge bioprocess. Several realistic simulation experiments are performed, and the obtained results are analyzed

    Postoperative Peritoneal Adhesion Syndrome - a Challenging Issue in Laparoscopic Surgery

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    Introduction: The presence of the peritoneal adhesions during surgery represents an element that can negatively influence the intra- and postoperative evolution of the patients. This article aims to evaluate the impact of the peritoneal adhesions on the postoperative recovery of the patients. Material and method: The data of 1407 patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy between January 2014 and October 2018 were retrospectively analyzed. Patients were organized into two groups: the case group, consisting of patients for whom peritoneal adhesions were identifi ed during the surgical intervention, and the control group, with patients that had no postoperative peritoneal adhesions. The degree of association between the presence of the peritoneal adhesions and the operative time, the risk of laparoscopic conversion to laparotomy and the risk of intra- or postoperative complications was analyzed. Results: For 537 patients (38.16%) included in the study postoperative peritoneal adhesions were identifi ed at the time of the laparoscopic cholecystectomy. A direct association was observed between the presence of postoperative peritoneal adhesions and the risk of conversion, a longer operative time or period of hospitalization and the risk of postoperative ileus. Conclusions: Postoperative peritoneal adhesions represent an independent risk factor for the increasing morbidity and mortality rates in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy

    Intestinal Obstruction Secondary to Postoperative Peritoneal Adhesions: the Tolerability of the Conservative Treatment

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    Introduction: The present study aims to determine the mean duration of the conservative management that can be tolerated by the patients with intestinal obstruction secondary to the postoperative peritoneal adhesions, in order to postpone the surgical intervention. Material and method: The data of the patients with intestinal obstruction secondary to postoperative peritoneal adhesions were retrospectively collected and analysed. The number of readmissions, the type of the therapeutic management, the duration of the conservative treatment, the number of surgical reinterventions and the intraoperative aspect represented the studied variables. Results: 543 patients with intestinal obstruction secondary to postoperative peritoneal adhesions, admitted in the Surgical Department of “Sfñntul Pantelimon” Emergency Hospital from Bucharest, Romania, between January 2014 and July 2018, were enrolled in the study. 233 patients underwent conservative treatment, 310 patients being surgically treated. The mean interval necessary for the monitoring of the patients non- operatively treated was 7 days, within a range of 2 to 14 days. For the surgically treated cases, the mean monitoring interval was 5 days, within a range of 1 to 14 days. Among the patients that underwent surgical treatment, there were 276 cases of adhesiolysis, 31 cases of intestinal resection with anastomosis and 3 cases of intestinal resection with terminal ileo- or colostomy. Conclusion: Under strict monitoring, a signifi cant number of cases of intestinal obstruction secondary to postoperative peritoneal adhesions can, successfully, be treated using conservative management, within 7-10 days

    The study of plate-type electrostatic precipitators electrical supplies

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    Stricter environmental legislation in many countries is producing standards governing the emission of fine particles to the atmosphere from all sources. The industrial separating particles from process streams have numerous methods with different principles. In electrostatic precipitators is used electrical charge of dust particles.There are many aspects of pollution control in both solid and liquid phase using electrostatic precipitators.The operation of plate-type electrostatic precipitators is closely related to its electrical energization, to obtain high collection efficiency with low electrical energization consumption. The paper analyze the traditional direct current energization, the intermittent energization, the pulse energization and the switched mode at high frequency power supplies of plate-type electrostatic precipitators sections

    The impact of EAES Fellowship Programme:a five-year review and evaluation

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    Background: The European Association of Endoscopic Surgery (EAES) fellowship programme was established in 2014, allowing nine surgeons annually to obtain experience and skills in minimally invasive surgery (MIS) from specialist centres across the Europe and United States. It aligns with the strategic focus of EAES Education and Training Committee on enabling Learning Mobility opportunities. To assess the impact of the programme, a survey was conducted aiming to evaluate the experience and impact of the programme and receive feedback for improvements.Methods: A survey using a 5-point Likert scale was used to evaluate clinical, education and research experience. The impact on acquisition of new technical skills, change in clinical practice and ongoing collaboration with the host institute was assessed. The fellows selected between 2014 and 2018 were included. Ratings were analysed in percentage; thematic analysis was applied to the free-text feedbacks using qualitative analysis.Results: All the fellows had good access to observing in operating theatres and 70.6% were able to assist. 91.2% participated in educational activities and 23.5% were able to contribute through teaching. 44.1% participated in research activities and 41.2% became an author/co-author of a publication from the host. 97.1% of fellows stated that their operative competency had increased, 94.3% gained new surgical skills and 85.7% was able to introduce new techniques in their hospitals. 74.29% agreed that the clinical experience led to a change in their practices. The most commonly suggested improvements were setting realistic target in clinical and research areas, increasing fellowship duration, and maximising theatre assisting opportunities. Nevertheless, 100% of fellows would recommend the fellowship to their peers.Conclusion: EAES fellowship programme has shown a positive impact on acquiring and adopting new MIS techniques. To further refine the programme, an individualised approach should be adopted to set achievable learning objectives in clinical skills, education and research.</p
