93 research outputs found

    Place cognition and active perception: a study with evolved robots

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    A study of place cognition and 'place units' in robots produced via artificial evolution is described. Previous studies have investigated the possible role of place cells as building blocks for 'cognitive maps' representing place, distance and direction. Studies also show, however, that when animals are restrained, the spatial selectivity of place cells is partially or completely lost. This suggests that the role of place cells in spatial cognition depends not only on the place cells themselves, but also on representations of the animal's physical interactions with its environment. This hypothesis is tested in a population of evolved robots. The results suggest that successful place cognition requires not only the ability to process spatial information, but also the ability to select the environmental stimuli to which the agent is exposed. If this is so, theories of active perception can make a useful contribution to explaining the role of place cells in spatial cognition

    Theoretical Perspectives of Hands-On Educational Practices — From a Review of Psychological Theories to Block Magic and INF@NZIA DIGI.Tales 3.6 Projects

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    In this chapter, the main theories related to cognitive development are discussed, starting from psychological discussion up to theories application to training, pedagogical and formation sciences issues

    Educational Robotics to Foster and Assess Social Relations in Students' Groups

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    Robotics has gained, in recent years, a significant role in educational processes that take place in formal, non-formal, and informal contexts, mainly in the subjects related to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Indeed, educational robotics (ER) can be fruitfully applied also to soft skills, as it allows promoting social links between students, if it is proposed as a group activity. Working in a group to solve a problem or to accomplish a task in the robotics field allows fostering new relations and overcoming the constraints of the established links associated to the school context. Together with this aspect, ER offers an environment where it is possible to assess group dynamics by means of sociometric tools. In this paper, we will describe an example of how ER can be used to foster and assess social relations in students' group. In particular, we report a study that compares: (1) a laboratory with robots, (2) a laboratory with Scratch for coding, and (3) a control group. This study involved Italian students attending middle school. As the focus of this experiment was to study relations in students' group, we used the sociometric tools proposed by Moreno. Results show that involving students in a robotics lab can effectively foster relations between students and, jointly with sociometric tools, can be employed to portrait group dynamics in a synthetic and manageable way

    Inf@nzia Digi.Tales 3.6: un’esperienza di introduzione di strumenti innovativi per l’apprendimento nella fascia di età 3-6 anni

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    Inf@nzia Digi.Tales 3.6 è un progetto che ha avuto l’obiettivo di sviluppare metodologie e tecnologie di apprendimento innovative a supporto delle attività educative curriculari nella scuola dell’infanzia e nel primo anno della scuola primaria, come l’esplorazione spontanea o guidata, che sfrutta il ruolo centrale del tatto, della manipolazione e di tutti e cinque i sensi. Il progetto ha affrontato l’apprendimento al di fuori del contesto scolastico: ha stabilito un continuum scuola-famiglia-città, valorizzando il contesto socioculturale e territoriale; ha inoltre coinvolto amministrazioni scolastiche, docenti e famiglie, sviluppando metodologie partecipative, per accrescere il senso di corresponsabilità educativa, e promuovendo azioni per migliorare la qualità dei servizi amministrativi

    Situated Psychological Agents: A Methodology for Educational Games

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    In recent years, the ever-increasing need for valid and effective training to acquire competences in multiform contexts has led to a wide diffusion of educational games (EG). In spite of their diffusion, there is still a need to reflect on the design process that should embed the games’ pedagogical potential and the instructional process in the entertainment scope. Moreover, as building EG, especially in digital environments, is an enterprise that involves specialists with different expertise, it can be useful to have a shared methodology that is easily understandable and usable by many users. In this paper, we propose to use situated psychological agents (SPA) as a methodology to design and build effective EG and show how to represent games in terms of SPA and their interactions by diagrams and describe different examples of how this approach has been applied

    Un modello di Robotica Evolutiva e Collettiva ispirato ai corvidi

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    Un modello di Robotica Evolutiva e Collettiva ispirato ai corvidi Nei primi anni della Robotica Evolutiva l'attenzione si è concentrata sull' emergenze di comportamenti piuttosto semplici. Col tempo per ottenere comportamenti più complessi si poteva optare per aumentare la complessità all'interno del robot o all'esterno del robot. Un comportamento complesso può derivare da uno o due organismi piuttosto complessi o da moltissimi agenti molto semplici che interagiscono tra loro e con il loro ambiente, che si auto-organizzano sotto la pressione evolutiva. Attualmente la robotica collettiva in cui non è importante il singolo agente, ma il gruppo nella sua totalità trae ispirazione daggli insetti sociali, ma bisognerebbe anche guardare ad altri componenti del regno animale come primati, corvidi, delfini che cooperano. In questo caso abbiamo pochi agenti che lavorano insime per ottenere un risultato altrimenti impossibile. In questo lavoro descriviamo un modello di Robotica Evolutiva ispirato ai corvidi
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