52,670 research outputs found

    Environmental Disclosure as a Tool for Public Sector Legitimacy: A Twitter Intelligence Approach

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    The purpose of this study is to measure the extent of Twitter environmental reporting by Andalusian municipalities (Spain) and identify the determinant factors of such a disclosure. Thus, factors such as population, geolocation, political signs, and sustainable commitments were analyzed under the legitimacy theory approach. The sample consisted of the official Twitter accounts of the 153 biggest local governments in Andalusia. The classification of the environmental tweets was based on a dictionary based on the GRI reporting standards for environmental disclosure, and a Twitter environmental disclosure index (TEDI) was developed. The results show that most of the local governments in Andalusia (77.78%) have an official Twitter account with different levels of audience, penetration, and activity. On the other hand, it was found that environmental disclosure is very low. However, municipalities with more surplus budget and municipalities with a greater number of sustainable commitments networks tend to report more on environmental issues through Twitter

    Environmental Disclosure as a Tool for Public Sector Legitimacy: A Twitter Intelligence Approach

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    The purpose of this study is to measure the extent of Twitter environmental reporting by Andalusian municipalities (Spain) and identify the determinant factors of such a disclosure. Thus, factors such as population, geolocation, political signs, and sustainable commitments were analyzed under the legitimacy theory approach. The sample consisted of the official Twitter accounts of the 153 biggest local governments in Andalusia. The classification of the environmental tweets was based on a dictionary based on the GRI reporting standards for environmental disclosure, and a Twitter environmental disclosure index (TEDI) was developed. The results show that most of the local governments in Andalusia (77.78%) have an official Twitter account with different levels of audience, penetration, and activity. On the other hand, it was found that environmental disclosure is very low. However, municipalities with more surplus budget and municipalities with a greater number of sustainable commitments networks tend to report more on environmental issues through Twitte

    Citizen reactions to municipalities’ Instagram communication

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    In this paper, we explore how local governments are using Instagram as a communication tool to engage with their citizens, using data from the municipalities of Andalusia (Spain). We seek to identify the determinants of local government use of Instagram, the determinants of activity in this channel and the determinants of citizen reactions in order to understand the influence of media types (picture, video or album) used in municipality posts, and to understand content type (what the post is about). Instaloader, an open source intelligence (OSINT) tool for Instagram, was applied. It made it possible to automatically extract all posts of the analysed municipalities (14,742 posts). These were later automatically analysed using R, an open source software. It was determined that of the 29 Andalusian local governments with the highest populations, only those that maintain an account on Instagram, totalling 17 municipalities (58.62%), would be part of the final analysis. Our findings demonstrate that when local governments have a high level of debt, they do not maintain and actively use Instagram accounts. We also found that quality of posts’ content is more important than quantity of followers, since there is no significant relationship between citizen reactions and the number of inhabitants of a municipality or the number of followers (audience), while there is a significant negative relationship between the number of posts (activity) and reactions. Our results also highlight that the level of reactions can be stimulated by certain media and content types.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBUAThe authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, or publication of this article: This work was supported as beneficiaries of the “Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020”, by the Regional Government of Andalusia (Spain), General Secretary for Universities, Research and Technology [Research Projects UHU-1253498]

    Comercio y desarrollo en América Latina : el orden de los factores altera el producto; propuestas de políticas públicas para encauzar el comercio internacional hacia la equidad social y de género

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    El crecimiento del comercio internacional en la región no ha contribuido como se esperaba a la creación de mejores oportunidades laborales y especialmente, no ha aprovechado las condiciones de califi cación de la oferta de trabajo femenina. Por otra parte, aun cuando las políticas comerciales hubieran sido exitosas en la creación de empleo y en particular, de empleo femenino, si las políticas públicas no atienden la esfera de la «economía del cuidado», ello no es sufi ciente para lograr un impacto positivo en términos de equidad social y de género. La situación reseñada adquiere una gran relevancia en el contexto actual, en el que los países están negociando Tratados de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos y Acuerdos de Asociación con la Unión Europea. Si no se toman en cuenta estos elementos, dichos acuerdos podrían profundizar las desigualdades y por ejemplo, desplazar puestos de trabajos de altas califi - caciones en sectores que «ya no serían competitivos» al haber un incremento de las importaciones de bienes con alto valor agregado. Por otra parte, los Estados deben asumir las necesidades de cuidado de la población brindando servicios de calidad para apoyar a los hogares en su provisión y fomentar un reparto equitativo de las tareas dentro de los hogares. Lo antedicho es una pre-condición para el acceso de las mujeres, en igualdad de condiciones, al mercado laboral. Estas son las principales problemáticas y propuestas que se desprenden de la última investigación del Capítulo Latinoamericano de la Red Internacional de Género y Comercio. Este documento pretende brindar insumos para que los gobiernos de la región puedan impulsar políticas públicas que encaucen el comercio internacional hacia el desarrollo genuino y la equidad

    Gastric per-oral endoscopic myotomy (G-POEM) for refractory gastroparesis: results from an international prospective trial

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    OBJECTIVE: Although gastric per-oral endoscopic myotomy (G-POEM) is considered a promising technique for the management of refractory gastroparesis, high-quality evidence is limited. We prospectively investigated the efficacy and safety of G-POEM in unselected patients with refractory gastroparesis. DESIGN: In five tertiary centres, patients with symptomatic gastroparesis refractory to standard medical therapy and confirmed by impaired gastric emptying were included. The primary endpoint was clinical success, defined as at least one score decrease in Gastroparesis Cardinal Symptom Index (GCSI) with ≥25% decrease in two subscales, at 12 months. GCSI Score and subscales, adverse events (AEs) and 36-Item Short Form questionnaire of quality of life were evaluated at baseline and 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after G-POEM. Gastric emptying study was performed before and 3 months after the procedure. RESULTS: Of 80 enrolled patients, 75 patients (94%) completed 12-month follow-up. Clinical success at 12 months was 56% (95% CI, 44.8 to 66.7). GCSI Score (including subscales) improved moderately after G-POEM (p\u3c0.05). In a regression model, a baseline GCSI Score \u3e2.6 (OR=3.23, p=0.04) and baseline gastric retention \u3e20% at 4 hours (OR=3.65, p=0.03) were independent predictors of clinical success at 12 months, as was early response to G-POEM at 1 month after therapy (OR 8.75, p\u3c0.001). Mild procedure-related AEs occurred in 5 (6%) patients. CONCLUSION: G-POEM is a safe procedure, but showed only modest overall effectiveness in the treatment of refractory gastroparesis. Further studies are required to identify the best candidates for G-POEM; unselective use of this procedure should be discouraged. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ClinicalTrials.gov Registry NCT02732821

    The relevance of adapted training in physical education relative to gender

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    Bacheloroppgave faglærerutdanning i kroppsøving og idrettsfag, 2014Problemstilling På hvilken måte er tilpasset opplæring relevant i forhold til elevenes kjønn i kroppsøvingsfaget? Teori Oppgaven innebefatter teoribegreper som tilpasset opplæring, kjønn i forskjellige sammenhenger, kroppsøvings- og idrettshistorie, læreplan og opplæringslova Metode Jeg har valgt å skrive min oppgave som et litteraturstudie, hvor jeg kritisk har gjennomgått tidligere forskning på området, og valgt ut de artiklene som best besvarer min problemstilling Resultat Resultatene påviser kjønnsforskjeller i kroppsøvingsfaget, ved at jenter hovedsakelig kommer i andre rekke på flere områder. Relevansen av tilpasning av opplæringen etter kjønn kommer frem Konklusjon Som en besvarelse på problemstillingen, har tilpasset opplæring stor relevans i forhold til kjønn i kroppsøvingsfaget. Dette i kombinasjon med kjønnsdeling av klassene i enkelte tilfeller vil være den arbeidsmåten som oftest vil treffe flest mulig elever