14 research outputs found

    Povezanost težine simptoma i inteziteta akutnog psihološkog distresa u novodijagnosticiranih bolesnika s kroničnim rinitisom i kroničnim rinosinusitisom

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    Chronic rhinitis and rhinosinusitis (CR and CRS) can lead to impairment of the health-related quality of life (HRQL) with higher psychological perceived distress, resulting in disease worsening and poor treatment outcomes. W aimed to evaluate the potential association between disease severity and HRQL impairment with the perceived acute psychological distress in newly diagnosed CR/CRS patients. This single-center cross-sectional study included otherwise healthy consecutive adults with newly diagnosed CR/CRS (European position paper on rhinosinusitis and nasal polyp criteria and International Consensus Statement on Allergy and Rhinology – Allergic Rhinitis criteria or non-allergic rhinitis), who were evaluated for CR/CRS symptom severity and HRQL (Sino Nasal Outcome Test 22 [SNOT-22], visual analog scale [VAS]) and acute perceived distress (Perceived Stress Scale [PSS]). Principal component analysis (SNOT-22 items, VAS) identified 6 components as CR/CRS severity indicators, i.e,, poor sleep, wakes-up tired, nasopharynx, obstruction, torment and rhinorrhea, which were evaluated for association with PSS score. Of the 63 included patients (20 men, age median 38, range 19-75 years), 27 suffered from CR and 36 from CRS. Upon adjustment for age and sex, higher total SNOT-22 (geometric means ratio [GMR]=1.04, 95% CI 1.01-1.06), higher “torment” (GMR=1.13, 1.04-1.24), higher “poor sleep” (GMR=1.11, 1.02-1.21) and higher “wakes-up tired” (GMR=1.11, 1.01-1.21) scores were each associated with a higher PSS score, overall and consistently in CR and CRS patients. In conclusion, more severe CR/CRS is associated with greater perceived psychological distress already at earlier stages of the disease. Paying attention to patient level of distress and anxiety over time may enable better understanding of the connection between exacerbations, symptom severity and psychological burden of the disease.Kronični rinitis i kronični rinosinusitis (KR i KRS) mogu poremetiti sa zdravljem povezanu kvalitetu života (health-related quality of life, HRQL) kroz višu razinu percipiranog psihološkog distresa, što dovodi do pogoršanja bolesti i loših ishoda liječenja. Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti moguću povezanost težine bolesti i poremećaja HRQL s percipiranim akutnim psihološkim distresom u novodijagnosticranih bolesnika s KR/KRS. U ovu presječnu studiju provedenu u jednom centru uključene su uzastopne inače zdrave odrasle osobe s novodijagnosticiranim KR/KRS (European position paper on rhinosinusitis and nasal polyp criteria and International Consensus Statement on Allergy and Rhinology – Allergic Rhinitis criteria or non-allergic rhinitis), kod kojih je procijenjena težina simptoma KR/KRS i HRQL (Sino Nasal Outcome Test 22 [SNOT-22], vizualna analogna ljestvica [visual analog scale, VAS]) te akutni percipirani distres (Ljestvica percipiranog stresa, Perceived Stress Scale [PSS]). Analiza glavnih sastavnica (stavke SNOT-22, VAS) identificirala je 6 sastavnica kao pokazatelje težine KR/KRS, tj. slab san, osjećaj umora pri buđenju, nazofarinks, opstrukciju, bolnost i rinoreju, koje su procijenjene na povezanost sa zbrojem PSS. Od 63 uključenih bolesnika (20 muškaraca, medijan dobi 38, raspon 19-75 godina) 27 ih je imalo KR, a 36 ih je imalo KRS. Nakon prilagodbe na dob i spol utvrđeno je da su viši ukupni zbroj SNOT-22 (omjer geometrijskih srednjih vrijednosti, geometric means ratio [GMR]=1,04; 95% CI 1,01-1,06), viša razina bolnosti (GMR=1,13; 1,04-1,24), viša razina slabog sna (GMR=1,11; 1,02-1,21) i viša razina osjećaja umora pri buđenju (GMR=1,11; 1,01-1,21) svaki povezani s višim zbrojem na PSS, sveukupno i jednako tako u bolesnika s KR i onih s KRS. Zaključno, teži oblik KR/KRS udružen je s višim percipiranim psihološkim distresom već u ranijim stadijima bolesti. Pridajući pozornost razini distresa i anksioznosti kod bolesnika kroz vrijeme može doprinijeti razumijevanju povezanosti između pogoršanja bolesti, težine simptoma i psihološkog opterećenja ove bolesti

    Učestale alergije i alergeni u etiologiji oralne i perioralne sluznice i kože

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    Allergic reactions sometimes participate in the development of perioral and oral diseases, indicating the need for appropriate allergen assessment. This review discusses current knowledge on the potential allergic reactions to different dental materials in patients with oral and perioral diseases. Aside from allergies to various dental materials, similar non-allergic, non-immune contact reactions (irritant or toxic) can occur. Among dental materials, the most frequent allergens are alloys, followed by rubber materials, polymers and acrylates. Allergic reactions to dental alloys that contain nickel, cobalt and amalgam are especially frequent since dentists use them for prosthetic and other restorations. There is a broad spectrum of clinical presentations of oral and perioral diseases possibly related to allergies, such as lichenoid reactions, cheilitis, perioral dermatitis, burning sensations, etc. Despite some limitations, patch test is crucial in the diagnosis and recognition of causative allergens because it reveals contact allergies, and is still superior in differentiating allergic and irritant contact reactions. It is important to examine patient medical histories (e.g., occurrence of symptoms after dental therapy or food consumption), and in consultation with their dentist, carry out allergy tests to specific dental allergens which are used or planned to be used in subsequent treatment.Alergijske reakcije ponekad sudjeluju u razvoju perioralnih i oralnih bolesti, što ukazuje na potrebu određivanja potencijalnih alergena. Ovaj pregledni članak govori o trenutnim saznanjima o potencijalnim alergijskim reakcijama na različite dentalne materijale u bolesnika s oralnim i perioralnim bolestima. Uz alergije na razne dentalne materijale mogu se pojaviti slične nealergijske, neimunske kontaktne reakcije (nadražujuće ili toksične). Među zubnim materijalima zubne legure najčešći su alergeni, a slijede ih gumeni materijali, polimeri i akrilati. Alergijske reakcije na zubne legure koje sadrže nikal, kobalt i amalgam osobito su česte, jer ih stomatolozi koriste za protetičke i druge restauracije. Postoji širok spektar oralnih i perioralnih bolesti koje su vjerojatno povezane s alergijama, poput lihenoidnih reakcija, heilitisa, perioralnog dermatitisa, osjećaja pečenja itd. Unatoč određenim ograničenjima epikutani test je presudan u dijagnozi i prepoznavanju uzročnih alergena, jer otkriva kontaktne alergije i još je superiorniji u razlikovanju alergijskih i iritativnih kontaktnih reakcija. Važno je uzeti detaljnu anamenzu bolesnika (npr. pojavu simptoma nakon stomatološke terapije ili konzumiranja hrane) i uz savjetovanje sa stomatologom provesti alergološko testiranje na specifične stomatološke alergene koji se koriste ili se planiraju koristiti u sljedećem liječenju

    Main Clinical Features of Patients with Irritant and Allergic Contact Dermatitis on the Hands in Correlation with Skin CD44 Expression: A Prospective Study

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    Contact dermatitis (CD), including its irritant (ICD) and al- lergic (ACD) types, is a complex, often chronic and therapy-resistant dis- ease that significantly affects patient quality of life and healthcare sys- tems. Objective of this study was to examine the main clinical features of patients with ICD and ACD on the hands through follow-up in correla- tion with baseline skin CD44 expression.Our prospective study involved 100 patients with hand CD (50 with ACD; 50 with ICD) who initially un- derwent biopsies of skin lesions with pathohistology, patch tests to con- tact allergens, and immunohistochemistry for lesional CD44 expression. The patients were subsequently followed-up on for a year, after which they filled out a questionnaire designed by the authors examining dis- ease severity and disturbances/issues. Patients with ACD had signifi- cantly higher disease severity than those with ICD (P<0.001), with more frequent systemic corticosteroid treatments (P=0.026) and greater areas of affected skin (P=0.006), exposure to allergens (P<0.001), and impair- ment of everyday activities (P=0.001). No correlation between ICD/ACD clinical features and initial lesional CD44 expression was observed. Due to the commonly severe course of CD, especially ACD, more research and prevention are needed, including the analysis of the role of CD44 in connection with other cell markers

    Povezanost alergijskih reakcija i upale usnica (heilitisa)

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the possible association between cheilitis and allergic reactions, and to use allergy skin tests to identify the allergens that induce allergic reactions in cheilitis patients (type I and type IV). We included 50 patients with recurrent cheilitis (reversible cheilitis) who were dermatologically examined and agreed to undergo allergy skin tests, i.e., patch test and prick test. Additionally, clinical pictures and patient mental stress levels were examined using the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Positive prick tests (atopy) were recorded in 84% of patients with cheilitis. The most frequently found allergens were contact allergens (54%) (cobalt chloride, nickel sulfate and thimerosal) and inhalant allergens (46%). The patch test positive subjects who used cosmetic, hygiene, and decorative products were significantly more likely to have swollen and red lips than the patch test negative subjects. Also, low stress levels were recorded less frequently in patients with confirmed allergies than in non-allergic patients. The results indicated a higher incidence of cheilitis in the people prone to allergies (atopics) and confirmed an association between cheilitis and allergies. To our knowledge, this is the first study in patients with cheilitis, which simultaneously analyzed allergies, their clinical features and PSS in the same patients.Svrha ovoga rada bila je istražiti moguću povezanost između upale usnica (heilitisa) i alergijskih reakcija te pomoću alergoloških testova utvrditi najčešće alergene koji uzrokuju alergijske reakcije u bolesnika s upalom usnica (tip I. i tip IV.). Ukupno je 50 ispitanika s reverzibilnim heilitisom bilo podvrgnuto dermatološkom pregledu te u konačnici pristalo na alergološka testiranja kože, patch test i prick test. Zatim su zabilježeni simptomi koji se pojavljuju nakon primjene raznih proizvoda za usnice. Također, ispitanici su ispunili upitnik kojim se utvrđuje razina psihičkog stresa, Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). U 84% ispitanika s heilitisom bio je pozitivan barem jedan alergen iz prick testa (atopija). Najčešće utvrđeni alergeni bili su alergeni patch testa (54%, kobalt klorid, nikal sulfat i timerosal) te inhalacijski alergeni (46%). Ispitanici koji su bili pozitivni na kontaktne alergene (alergene patch testa) nakon uporabe kozmetičkih, higijenskih i dekorativnih proizvoda češće su imali otečene i crvene usnice nego ispitanici koji nisu imali niti jedan pozitivan kontaktni alergen. Također, u bolesnika u kojih je utvrđena alergija, niska razina stresa uočena je rjeđe nego u ne-alergičara. Rezultati ovoga istraživanja pokazuju višu incidenciju heilitisa u bolesnika sklonih alergijama (atopičari) te potvrđuju povezanost heilitisa i alergija. Prema našim spoznajama, ovo je prvo istraživanje u kojem su u bolesnika s upalom usnica istodobno analizirane alergijske reakcije, simptomi i klinička slika te razina stresa

    Determination of concentration of serum IL-6 TNF-alpha and salivary cortisol in patients with allergic contact hand dermatitis

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    Uvod: Alergijski kontaktni dermatitis (AKD) negativno utječe na kvalitetu života (KŽ). U razjašnjavanju etiopatogenetskih čimbenika AKD­a, s psihoneuroimunološkog (PNI) aspekta, smatra se da kronični psihički stres (PS) utječe na hipotalamo­hipozifno­adrenalnu (HHA) os i proupalne citokine. Metodologija: U 59 bolesnika s AKD­om šaka i 19 zdravih ispitivani je PS („Perciedved Stress Scale“ upitnikom (PSS)), neuroendokrini (jutarnji kortizol u slini) i imunosni čimbenici (serumski IL­6 i TNF­α), težina (“Hand Eczema Extent Score” (HEES)) i trajanje bolesti, KŽ („Dermatology Life Quality Index“ (DLQI)) te njihove razlike između bolesnika s atopijom i onih bez. Rezultati: Bolesnici s AKD­om šaka imali su niži jutarnji kortizol u slini i viši PSS (p>= 0,001) od zdravih, bez razlike u IL­6 i TNF­α. Viši DLQI bio je povezan s višim HEES­om i PSS­om (p=0,002 i p<0,001) te su to bili jedini prediktori KŽ. Duljina trajanja bolesti nije bila povezana s ispitivanim čimbenicima. AKD bolesnici s atopijom imali su neznačajno viši IL­6, PSS i DLQI te niži kortizol u slini i HEES. Kortizol u slini i serumu pozitivno su korelirali (p=0,004). Zaključak: Ovo je prvo istraživanje PNI čimbenika u KAKD­u koje podupire postojanje promjena u HHA osi i dokazuje utjecaj bolesti na KŽ te naglašava važnost multidisciplinarnog pristupa bolesnicima.Introduction: Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is a form of late hypersensitivity reaction of skin contact with allergens. As an inflammatory skin disease, ACD has a negative impact on the quality of life and there is a need to elucidate the etiopathogenetic factors of the disease, whereby using the psychoneuroimmunological (PNI) approach can be helpful. Psychological stress (PS), as a component of PNI, leads to aggravation of the contact hypersensitivity reaction. In response to the perception of stress, cortisol secretion is enhanced by activation of the hypothalamic­pituitary­adrenal (HPA) axis. Furthermore, the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin 6 (IL­6) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF­α) play a role in activating the HPA axis as well as initiating and maintaining inflammatory responses. Recent studies show that IL6, IL­1, and TNF­α values are increased in serum of patients with contact dermatitis, as well as in keratinocyte cell culture. Methods: The study examined the association of PNI factors (morning salivary cortisol as a biomarker of stress, serum IL­6 and TNF­α, stress intensity with "Perceived Stress Scale" (PSS) questionnaire, quality of life of dermatology patients with "Dermatology Life Quality Index" (DLQI)) with the disease severity evaluated using the Hand Eczema Extent Score (HEES) and the duration of disease in hand ACD patients, as well as the differences between patients with ACD and atopic disease and those without atopy. Results: This study examined the association of PNI factors (morning salivary cortisol as a biomarker of stress, serum IL­6 and TNF­α, stress intensity with "Perceived Stress Scale" (PSS) questionnaire, quality of life of dermatology patients with "Dermatology Life Quality Index" (DLQI)) with the disease severity evaluated using the Hand Eczema Extent Score (HEES) and the duration of disease in hand ACD patients, as well as the differences between patients with ACD and atopic disease and those without atopy. Conclusion: This study is the first so far, to our knowledge, in which a detailed analysis of PNI factors in patients with hand ACD was conducted. The results show that patients with ACD have lower values of morning cortisol in saliva and higher stress intensity, which indicates changes in the balance of the HPA axis and indirectly affects the quality of life and severity of the clinical picture of teh disease. The results of the research provide more knowledge about ACD and contribute to and emphasize the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to treatment, thus improving the quality of life of these patients

    Determination of concentration of serum IL-6 TNF-alpha and salivary cortisol in patients with allergic contact hand dermatitis

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    Uvod: Alergijski kontaktni dermatitis (AKD) negativno utječe na kvalitetu života (KŽ). U razjašnjavanju etiopatogenetskih čimbenika AKD­a, s psihoneuroimunološkog (PNI) aspekta, smatra se da kronični psihički stres (PS) utječe na hipotalamo­hipozifno­adrenalnu (HHA) os i proupalne citokine. Metodologija: U 59 bolesnika s AKD­om šaka i 19 zdravih ispitivani je PS („Perciedved Stress Scale“ upitnikom (PSS)), neuroendokrini (jutarnji kortizol u slini) i imunosni čimbenici (serumski IL­6 i TNF­α), težina (“Hand Eczema Extent Score” (HEES)) i trajanje bolesti, KŽ („Dermatology Life Quality Index“ (DLQI)) te njihove razlike između bolesnika s atopijom i onih bez. Rezultati: Bolesnici s AKD­om šaka imali su niži jutarnji kortizol u slini i viši PSS (p>= 0,001) od zdravih, bez razlike u IL­6 i TNF­α. Viši DLQI bio je povezan s višim HEES­om i PSS­om (p=0,002 i p<0,001) te su to bili jedini prediktori KŽ. Duljina trajanja bolesti nije bila povezana s ispitivanim čimbenicima. AKD bolesnici s atopijom imali su neznačajno viši IL­6, PSS i DLQI te niži kortizol u slini i HEES. Kortizol u slini i serumu pozitivno su korelirali (p=0,004). Zaključak: Ovo je prvo istraživanje PNI čimbenika u KAKD­u koje podupire postojanje promjena u HHA osi i dokazuje utjecaj bolesti na KŽ te naglašava važnost multidisciplinarnog pristupa bolesnicima.Introduction: Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is a form of late hypersensitivity reaction of skin contact with allergens. As an inflammatory skin disease, ACD has a negative impact on the quality of life and there is a need to elucidate the etiopathogenetic factors of the disease, whereby using the psychoneuroimmunological (PNI) approach can be helpful. Psychological stress (PS), as a component of PNI, leads to aggravation of the contact hypersensitivity reaction. In response to the perception of stress, cortisol secretion is enhanced by activation of the hypothalamic­pituitary­adrenal (HPA) axis. Furthermore, the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin 6 (IL­6) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF­α) play a role in activating the HPA axis as well as initiating and maintaining inflammatory responses. Recent studies show that IL6, IL­1, and TNF­α values are increased in serum of patients with contact dermatitis, as well as in keratinocyte cell culture. Methods: The study examined the association of PNI factors (morning salivary cortisol as a biomarker of stress, serum IL­6 and TNF­α, stress intensity with "Perceived Stress Scale" (PSS) questionnaire, quality of life of dermatology patients with "Dermatology Life Quality Index" (DLQI)) with the disease severity evaluated using the Hand Eczema Extent Score (HEES) and the duration of disease in hand ACD patients, as well as the differences between patients with ACD and atopic disease and those without atopy. Results: This study examined the association of PNI factors (morning salivary cortisol as a biomarker of stress, serum IL­6 and TNF­α, stress intensity with "Perceived Stress Scale" (PSS) questionnaire, quality of life of dermatology patients with "Dermatology Life Quality Index" (DLQI)) with the disease severity evaluated using the Hand Eczema Extent Score (HEES) and the duration of disease in hand ACD patients, as well as the differences between patients with ACD and atopic disease and those without atopy. Conclusion: This study is the first so far, to our knowledge, in which a detailed analysis of PNI factors in patients with hand ACD was conducted. The results show that patients with ACD have lower values of morning cortisol in saliva and higher stress intensity, which indicates changes in the balance of the HPA axis and indirectly affects the quality of life and severity of the clinical picture of teh disease. The results of the research provide more knowledge about ACD and contribute to and emphasize the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to treatment, thus improving the quality of life of these patients

    Povezanost alergijskih reakcija i upale usnica (heilitisa)

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the possible association between cheilitis and allergic reactions, and to use allergy skin tests to identify the allergens that induce allergic reactions in cheilitis patients (type I and type IV). We included 50 patients with recurrent cheilitis (reversible cheilitis) who were dermatologically examined and agreed to undergo allergy skin tests, i.e., patch test and prick test. Additionally, clinical pictures and patient mental stress levels were examined using the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Positive prick tests (atopy) were recorded in 84% of patients with cheilitis. The most frequently found allergens were contact allergens (54%) (cobalt chloride, nickel sulfate and thimerosal) and inhalant allergens (46%). The patch test positive subjects who used cosmetic, hygiene, and decorative products were significantly more likely to have swollen and red lips than the patch test negative subjects. Also, low stress levels were recorded less frequently in patients with confirmed allergies than in non-allergic patients. The results indicated a higher incidence of cheilitis in the people prone to allergies (atopics) and confirmed an association between cheilitis and allergies. To our knowledge, this is the first study in patients with cheilitis, which simultaneously analyzed allergies, their clinical features and PSS in the same patients.Svrha ovoga rada bila je istražiti moguću povezanost između upale usnica (heilitisa) i alergijskih reakcija te pomoću alergoloških testova utvrditi najčešće alergene koji uzrokuju alergijske reakcije u bolesnika s upalom usnica (tip I. i tip IV.). Ukupno je 50 ispitanika s reverzibilnim heilitisom bilo podvrgnuto dermatološkom pregledu te u konačnici pristalo na alergološka testiranja kože, patch test i prick test. Zatim su zabilježeni simptomi koji se pojavljuju nakon primjene raznih proizvoda za usnice. Također, ispitanici su ispunili upitnik kojim se utvrđuje razina psihičkog stresa, Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). U 84% ispitanika s heilitisom bio je pozitivan barem jedan alergen iz prick testa (atopija). Najčešće utvrđeni alergeni bili su alergeni patch testa (54%, kobalt klorid, nikal sulfat i timerosal) te inhalacijski alergeni (46%). Ispitanici koji su bili pozitivni na kontaktne alergene (alergene patch testa) nakon uporabe kozmetičkih, higijenskih i dekorativnih proizvoda češće su imali otečene i crvene usnice nego ispitanici koji nisu imali niti jedan pozitivan kontaktni alergen. Također, u bolesnika u kojih je utvrđena alergija, niska razina stresa uočena je rjeđe nego u ne-alergičara. Rezultati ovoga istraživanja pokazuju višu incidenciju heilitisa u bolesnika sklonih alergijama (atopičari) te potvrđuju povezanost heilitisa i alergija. Prema našim spoznajama, ovo je prvo istraživanje u kojem su u bolesnika s upalom usnica istodobno analizirane alergijske reakcije, simptomi i klinička slika te razina stresa

    Association between Symptom Severity and Intensity of Acute Psychological Distress in Newly Diagnosed Patients with Chronic Rhinitis and Chronic Rhinosinusitis

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    Chronic rhinitis and rhinosinusitis (CR and CRS) can lead to impairment of the health-related quality of life (HRQL) with higher psychological perceived distress, resulting in disease worsening and poor treatment outcomes. W aimed to evaluate the potential association between disease severity and HRQL impairment with the perceived acute psychological distress in newly diagnosed CR/CRS patients. This single-center cross-sectional study included otherwise healthy consecutive adults with newly diagnosed CR/CRS (European position paper on rhinosinusitis and nasal polyp criteria and International Consensus Statement on Allergy and Rhinology – Allergic Rhinitis criteria or non-allergic rhinitis), who were evaluated for CR/CRS symptom severity and HRQL (Sino Nasal Outcome Test 22 [SNOT-22], visual analog scale [VAS]) and acute perceived distress (Perceived Stress Scale [PSS]). Principal component analysis (SNOT-22 items, VAS) identified 6 components as CR/CRS severity indicators, i.e,, poor sleep, wakes-up tired, nasopharynx, obstruction, torment and rhinorrhea, which were evaluated for association with PSS score. Of the 63 included patients (20 men, age median 38, range 19-75 years), 27 suffered from CR and 36 from CRS. Upon adjustment for age and sex, higher total SNOT-22 (geometric means ratio [GMR]=1.04, 95% CI 1.01-1.06), higher “torment” (GMR=1.13, 1.04-1.24), higher “poor sleep” (GMR=1.11, 1.02-1.21) and higher “wakes-up tired” (GMR=1.11, 1.01-1.21) scores were each associated with a higher PSS score, overall and consistently in CR and CRS patients. In conclusion, more severe CR/CRS is associated with greater perceived psychological distress already at earlier stages of the disease. Paying attention to patient level of distress and anxiety over time may enable better understanding of the connection between exacerbations, symptom severity and psychological burden of the disease

    Vitamin D supplementation in patients with atopic dermatitis, chronic urticaria and contact irritant and allergic dermatitis – possible improvement without risk

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    Abstract Introduction: There has been a lot of talk lately about the importance of reduced serum vitamin D levels and their supplementation for patients with inflammatory skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis (AD) and other allergic diseases. Serum vitamin D values are associated with a number of factors such as limited sunlight exposure (modern lifestyle, extended indoor stay, enhanced sun protection, etc.) which can affect different diseases. Aim: To evaluate serum vitamin D values in patients with inflammatory skin diseases, comparing them on the basis of other parameters (age, gender/sex, residential areas, total serum IgE), and establishing whether vitamin D supplementation would affect the improvement of the clinical picture of the disease. Patients and methods: A total of 157 patients participated in this prospective study: 51 patients with AD, 55 with chronic urticaria (CU) and 51 with contact dermatitis (CD): 38 with irritant CD (ICD) and 13 with allergic CD (ACD). In all patients, the values of serum vitamin D were determined by chemiluminescence microparticle immunoassay (CMIA) and compared by diagnosis, age, sex, living environment, values of total IgE. In patients with reduced values of vitamin D, its supplementation for 3 months was recommended, after which the second evaluation of D vitamin values and disease status were determined and compared with an untreated/unsupplemented group with normal vitamin D values. Results: Vitamin D deficiency was often observed in patients with AD, CU and CD, most frequently in the ICD group, and least frequently in the ACD group. No significant differences were found in terms of age, gender or living environment, nor was any correlation with total IgE found. In the subjects supplemented with vitamin D, their levels increased significantly and, after its supplementation, improvement of the clinical condition was more common than in the untreated group; however, the differences were not statistically significant (69.8 vs. 58.1, p=0.428). Conclusions: Although serum vitamin D levels of the groups did not differ significantly, the supplementation of vitamin D in patients with prominent vitamin D deficiency may be useful and crucial for improving the prognosis of the disease