15 research outputs found


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a forma de avaliação da qualidade da cana-de-açúcar nos estados do Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Espírito Santo. O sistema de pagamento de cana pelos açúcares totais recuperáveis – ATR, implantado em São Paulo foi adotado pelos demais estados, mas a dinâmica da adequação dos parâmetros deve ser reavaliada frequentemente. No estado do Rio de Janeiro, para a maior parte das comparações, a quantidade de ATR na cana foi inferior, indicando o menor valor no preço da tonelada de cana de fornecedores. -------------------------------------------The objective of this study was to compare the quality evaluation of sugar cane in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Espírito Santo states. The sugar cane payment system by recoverable total sugar – RTS, implanted in São Paulo was adopted by the other states, but the dynamic of adequacy of the parameters must be frequently reevaluated. In Rio de Janeiro state, for most comparisons, the quantity of RTS in sugar cane was inferior, indicating the lower value in sugar cane grower’s price.Agroindústria canavieira, pagamento de cana, açúcares totais recuperáveis, cana-de-açúcar, perdas industriais, sugar cane agro-industry, sugar cane payment, recoverable total sugar, sugar cane, industrial lost, Crop Production/Industries,

    Relações de troca com efeito tecnológico no mercado doméstico de arroz, milho, café e soja

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate, by means of the exchange rate, the profitability of two products directed toward the domestic market and two export products. Other objective was to identify productivity growth compensated the decrease of prices. The geometric rates of the production, area and productivity growth were estimated. The exchange rate was estimated by the relation between the index of the inputs prices and the index of the product prices. The results show a great trend of deterioration of the exchange terms for all the analyzed products. Evidenced that these effects more was been accented for rice and maize. Such behavior associates it the fact of the rice cultures and of maize to be destined to the domestic market, its demands have been not elastic in relation to the coffee and soy cultures.Terms of exchange, Grains, Inputs, Prices, Productivity, Income, Productivity Analysis,

    Desconcentração e interiorização da economia fluminense na última década

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    O objetivo da pesquisa foi analisar o processo de desconcentração e interiorização da economia do estado do rio de Janeiro na última década, mais especificamente o período de 1996 a 2005. Com o uso do modelo estrutural diferencial, fez-se uma análise da evolução do pessoal ocupado nas diversas mesorregiões geográficas que compõem o estado, considerandose as atividades: indústria extrativa mineral, indústria de transformação, serviços industriais de utilidade pública, indústria da construção civil, comércio, serviços, administração pública e agropecuária. Os resultados evidenciaram a ocorrência de desconcentração industrial, com redução da participação da região metropolitana no emprego e na renda, o que se deve, principalmente, à expansão da indústria extrativa mineral associada ao petróleo.------------the Rio de Janeiro's economy, during the last decade (from 1996 to 2005). It was considered the empolyment in the activities: mineral extraction industry, manufacturing industry, industrial utility services, construction industry, trade, services, public administration and farming. The employment evolution, by regions of Rio de Janeiro, was studied with the shiftshare analysis. By the results, Rio de Janeiro's economy became less concentrated, reducing the participation of the metropolitan region in the job and the income. The growth of the mineral extraction industry, associate to the oil, is one of the main causes of these changes.economia regional, modelo estrutural-diferencial, petróleo, regional economy, shift-share analysis, oil., Labor and Human Capital,

    Questão agrária e desenvolvimento econômico e social nas regiões Norte e Noroeste fluminense

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    The research has as objective to analyze the evolution of the agrarian structure, and the behavior of the economic and social development indicators, for the North and Northwest regions of the Rio de Janeiro state. Moreover, it searchs to verify if the land distribution is an important variable in the explanation of the divergences between the degree of economic development of the cities. The results show that, for the considered regions, the differences in the agrarian structure, separately, can not explain the differences in the degree of economic and social development. The size of the population, in turn, seems to be an important variable in this process. This can be associated to the greater potential demand, what is attractive the private investments. Another reason is, possibly, the greatest politics power, due to the size of the electorate, what can influence in the destination of the public investments.Agrarian structure, Economic and social development, Royalties, Community/Rural/Urban Development,


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a forma de avaliação da qualidade da cana-de-açúcar nos estados do Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Espírito Santo. O sistema de pagamento de cana pelos açúcares totais recuperáveis – ATR, implantado em São Paulo foi adotado pelos demais estados, mas a dinâmica da adequação dos parâmetros deve ser reavaliada frequentemente. No estado do Rio de Janeiro, para a maior parte das comparações, a quantidade de ATR na cana foi inferior, indicando o menor valor no preço da tonelada de cana de fornecedores. -------------------------------------------The objective of this study was to compare the quality evaluation of sugar cane in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Espírito Santo states. The sugar cane payment system by recoverable total sugar – RTS, implanted in São Paulo was adopted by the other states, but the dynamic of adequacy of the parameters must be frequently reevaluated. In Rio de Janeiro state, for most comparisons, the quantity of RTS in sugar cane was inferior, indicating the lower value in sugar cane grower’s price

    Inovação tecnológica e cooperação entre os atores econômicos no arranjo produtivo local: o exemplo do mamão no Espírito Santo

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    O artigo discute a formação e as características de um arranjo produtivo local tendo como base os elementos: cooperação, governança e inovação. Para isso resgata-se na literatura econômica os conceitos teóricos fundamentais de firma, inovação e concorrência, apresentando na última seção o caso do APL do mamão no Espírito Santo como exemplo de cooperação e esforço dos atores econômicos envolvidos no setor para seu fortalecimento e êxito no mercado externo. This article discuss the constitution and the characteristics of a cluster having as its base the elements: cooperation, leadership and innovation. For this, it is reviewed on the economic literature the fundamental theoretical concepts of firm, innovation and competition, presenting at the last section the case of the papaya cluster in the state of Espírito Santo as example of cooperation and effort of the economics actors involved at the section to strengthen produce success in the extern market

    Uma interpretação da lei Kaldor-Verdoorn para a análise setorial do PIB, produtividade e emprego na economia brasileira

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    An important indicator of the performance of any economy is the productivity and the connections between the labour market and the sectoral distribution of profit. Despite the restrictions inherent in the use of different concepts of productivity, Kaldor and Verdoorn have undertaken a serious verification of some relationship between production, employment and productivity, in an attempt to explain the dynamics of inter-regional and inter-sectoral economies, resulting in the designation of the so-called Kaldor-Verdoorn Law. The model for such a law asks questions about the relationship between the growth of labour productivity and product growth, throwing up scale indices of impact and return, in particular applicable to the industrial sector. The main theoretical bases of the model have been developed in this article, with empirical applications to the fields of GDP, employment and added value in the Brazilian economy, and the assertions maintained by Kaldor and Verdoorn in their estimates of the elasticities obtained have been proven. In general, an incipient alteration of the structure of sectoral employment was observed, except in the case of the service sector, which offered, on a scale of 1 – 100, a change of 31, and thus a labour market structure with a notable internal modification


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    Objetivou-se analisar a estrutura e a dinâmica da cadeia agroindustrial do café brasileiro após a desregulamentação e seus ajustamentos para atender as exigências do mercado. Estimou-se estrutura e valores da cadeia por meio dos custos e da produção. Dados e informações foram levantados na internet e em trabalhos precursores. Os resultados mostraram que o café continua sendo um dos produtos mais importantes do agronegócio brasileiro. Com a desregulamentação, houve instabilidade nos preços e os ajustamentos tanto dos preços quanto das imperfeições dos agentes da cadeia ocorreram de forma lenta. Por outro lado, o mercado imprimiu certa dinâmica em toda a cadeia agroindustrial do café. Criaram-se novos nichos de mercado, com ênfase na diferenciação do produto, qualidade, certificação, responsabilidade social, mínimo de agressão ao meio ambiente. Houve migração da produção para regiões com melhores condições edafoclimáticas, Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo. No segmento de comercialização, tem ocorrido mais ênfase na formulação de blends alinhado ao processo de diferenciação do produto para atender as indústrias e importadores.----------------------------------------------The objective was to analyze the structure and dynamics of the chain of agroindustrial Brazilian coffee after deregulation and its adjustments to meet the demands of the market. It was estimated structure and values through the chain costs and production. Data and information were raised on the Internet and in work precursors. The results showed that the coffee remains one of the most important products of the Brazilian agribusiness. With deregulation, there was instability in prices and price adjustments both on the imperfections of the players in the chain were so slow. Moreover, the market printed momentum throughout the chain of coffee farming. Creation of new niche markets, with emphasis on the differentiation of the product, quality and certification, social responsibility, least of aggression to the environment. There was a migration of production to areas with better conditions climate and soil, Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo. In segment of the market, more emphasis has occurred in the formulation of blends aligned to the process of product differentiation to meet the industries and importers

    Uma interpretação da lei Kaldor-Verdoorn para a análise setorial do PIB, produtividade e emprego na economia brasileira

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    An important indicator of the performance of any economy is the productivity and the connections between the labour market and the sectoral distribution of profit. Despite the restrictions inherent in the use of different concepts of productivity, Kaldor and Verdoorn have undertaken a serious verification of some relationship between production, employment and productivity, in an attempt to explain the dynamics of inter-regional and inter-sectoral economies, resulting in the designation of the so-called Kaldor-Verdoorn Law. The model for such a law asks questions about the relationship between the growth of labour productivity and product growth, throwing up scale indices of impact and return, in particular applicable to the industrial sector. The main theoretical bases of the model have been developed in this article, with empirical applications to the fields of GDP, employment and added value in the Brazilian economy, and the assertions maintained by Kaldor and Verdoorn in their estimates of the elasticities obtained have been proven. In general, an incipient alteration of the structure of sectoral employment was observed, except in the case of the service sector, which offered, on a scale of 1 – 100, a change of 31, and thus a labour market structure with a notable internal modification.GDP, Productivity, Kaldor-Verdoorn Law, Production Economics,

    Analise das externalidades negativas no meio ambiente e sustentabilidade na agropecuária

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    Objetivou-se analisar os efeitos das externalidades negativas no meio ambiente, abordar o Teorema de Coase no que se refere ao problema de definição dos direitos de propriedade. Adicionalmente, o trabalho explica a teoria econômica da externalidade e ilustra com exemplos. Descreve o comportamento econômico da externalidade na produção agropecuária e mostra de que modo ela cria ineficiência de mercado. Posteriormente, são avaliadas algumas medidas compensatórias para corrigir essas ineficiências. Nesse sentido, argumenta-se em favor da preservação ambiental como requisito básico da manutenção do desenvolvimento agrícola sustentado. Infere-se que modernização da agricultura brasileira teve importância fundamental para o crescimento econômico do País, apesar de que a prioridade dada ao aumento de produtividade pode ter motivado desequilíbrios no meio ambiente.----------------------The objective was to examine the effects of negative externalities in the environment, address the Coase theorem, as regards the problem of definition of property rights. Additionally, the work explains the economic theory of externalities and illustrated with examples. It describes the behavior of economic externalities in production agriculture and shows in what way it creates inefficiency of the market. Subsequently, are evaluated some compensatory measures to correct these inefficiencies. Therefore, it is argued in favor of environmental preservation as a basic requirement of maintaining the sustained agricultural development. It follows that modernization of Brazilian agriculture has fundamental importance for the economic growth of the country, despite the fact that the priority given to increasing productivity may have motivated imbalances in the environment