28 research outputs found

    [III livres de l'oraison ecclésiastique en forme de contemplation /

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    BHR/A-033-665 (1)(BIB LVL) w-FONDO ANTIGUO(ES-GrU)b15742489-34cbua_ugrUGRAOPPoncet, Maurice[III livres de l'oraison ecclésiastique en forme de contemplation /[A Paris :194 h.Ej. mútilo de port.La p. A1 separada de la enc.Datos de autor, tít. y pie de imp. probables tomados de HBZ, Union Catalog North Rhine-WestphaliaInic. grab.Apostillas marginalesEsta digitalización se ha realizado con fondos del Ministerio de Cultura y Deport

    The Euclid Science Ground Segment Distributed Infrastructure: System Integration and Challenges

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    The Science Ground Segment (SGS) of the Euclid mission provides distributed and redundant data storage and processing, federating nine Science Data Centres (SDCs) and a Science Operations Centre. The SGS reference architecture is based on loosely coupled systems and services, broadly organized into a common infrastructure of transverse software components and the scientific data Processing Functions. The SGS common infrastructure includes: 1) the Euclid Archive System (EAS), a central metadata repository which inventories, indexes and localizes the huge amount of distributed data; 2) a Distributed Storage System of EAS, providing a unified view of the SDCs storage systems and supporting several transfer protocols; 3) an Infrastructure Abstraction Layer, isolating the scientific data processing software from the underlying IT infrastructure and providing a common, lightweight workflow management system; 4) a Common Orchestration System, performing a balanced distribution of data and processing among the SDCs. Virtualization is another key element of the SGS infrastructure. We present the status of the Euclid SGS software infrastructure, the prototypes developed and the continuous system integration and testing performed through the Euclid “SGS Challenges”

    ECSGS Management Plan

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    Version 0.9 reviewed by ESA at the Euclid SGS Preliminary Requirements Review (2013) Version 1.9 reviewed by ESA at the Euclid SGS System Requirements Review (2015)The ECSGS Management Plan is focused on the following topics: ECSGS organisation, responsibilities, reporting; ECSGS costing, manpower, effort tracking; ECSGS logistic (when relevant); organisation of individual OUs and SDCs under ECSGS coordination. Sections 9 and 10 contain global and local organisation details, and the names of responsible staff. The management principles expressed in this document are a coherent extension of those described in the ECSGS Science Implementation Plan. The document is compliant with the ECSS standards, as tailored for the Euclid SGS

    CernVM Users Workshop

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    Deux traictez en forme de demonstration, desquels l'un contient les principaux fondemens de la verité de la saincte Eucharistie, et l'autre enseigne, que la saincte Messe est de l'institution & commendement de nostre Seigneur Iesus Christ, & de la pratique des Apostres /

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    BHR/A-033-665 (2)(BIB LVL) w-FONDO ANTIGUO(ES-GrU)b15742507-34cbua_ugrUGRAOPPoncet, MauriceDeux traictez en forme de demonstration, desquels l'un contient les principaux fondemens de la verité de la saincte Eucharistie, et l'autre enseigne, que la saincte Messe est de l'institution & commendement de nostre Seigneur Iesus Christ, & de la pratique des Apostres /A Paris :[4], 93, [1] h.Inic. grab.Apostillas marginalesEsta digitalización se ha realizado con fondos del Ministerio de Cultura y Deport

    Problems of afforestation in the Subalpine range, by the light of the experiment achieved in Austria and Switzerland

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    La reconstitution, dans l'étage subalpin, des forêts détruites par le pâturage posa des problèmes spécifiques : les régimes très spéciaux de vent et de température, la répartition de la neige, soumettent les jeunes plants à des conditions très sévères. Pendant une trentaine d'années au moins, les plantations doivent être protégées des mouvements de la neige par des ouvrages provisoires plus ou moins importants. La vigueur des plants peut être améliorée par un élevage convenable en pépinière. Seules les espèces montagnardes classiques sont jusqu'à maintenant employées ; parmi elles le Pin Cembro et le Mélèze sont les mieux adaptées. La sélection d'espèces exotiques, éventuellement meilleures, reste encore presque inexistante. Les forêts de haute montagne sont soumises à des traitements sylvicoles originaux et peuvent avoir, jusqu'à peu de distance de la limite supérieure de la forêt, une production non négligeable. En Suisse, comme en Autriche, la lutte contre les avalanches et le reboisement sont étroitement intégrés dans des programmes d'aménagement global des hautes vallées.The reconstitution, in the Subalpine range, of forests destroyed by pasture, sets spécifie problems : the very spécial conditions of wind and temperature, the repartition of snow, subject the seedlings to highly severe circumstances. During, at least, some thirty years or so, the plantations must be protected against the snow movements by provisional works, more or less important. The saplings sturdiness can be improved through an adequate raising in a nursery. Only classical mountain species have been used up to now ; among them, the most suitable are the Siberian pine and the larch. The selection of exotic species, possibly more adequate, is still almost non-existent. Highland forests undergo original sylvan treatment and may have, up to a little distance from the upper boundary of the forest, a production not to be negelected. In Switzerland, as well as in Austria, prevention against avalanches, and affo-restation are closely integrated into the whole planning of high valleys