3 research outputs found

    Does coach leadership influence team resilience? Mediating effect of intra-group conflict and group cohesion

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    Introducción/objetivo: El presente estudio tiene como objetivo examinar la rela- ción entre el liderazgo transformacional del entrenador y las características de resiliencia y la vulnerabilidad bajo presión, así como analizar si los factores del conflicto intragrupo (social y tarea) y de la cohesión grupal (social y tarea), pudieran mediar la relación entre dichas variables. Método: A través de un diseño longitudinal, se incluyó a un total de 301 depor- tistas inscritos en los JUDEX, pertenecientes a 34 equipos de fútbol y voleibol, con edades comprendidas entre 13 y 18 años (M = 15.72; DT = 1.33). Resultados: Los resultados mostraron una relación positiva entre el liderazgo transformacional del entrenador y las características de resiliencia, y una asociación negativa respecto a la vulnerabilidad bajo presión. Además, el conflicto intragrupo (social y tarea) actuó como mediador entre la relación del liderazgo trans- formacional del entrenador y la resiliencia de equipo. En cuanto al papel mediador de la cohe- sión grupal, solo la cohesión tarea actuó como mediadora entre el liderazgo transformacional del entrenador y la resiliencia de equipo. Conclusiones: La presente investigación muestra la importancia del liderazgo del entrenador para mejorar la resiliencia del equipo en categorías de formación, y la influencia positiva que tiene la reducción de los conflictos intragrupo y el aumento de la cohesión tarea durante la temporada.Introduction/objective: The present study aimed to examine the relationship be- tween transformational coach leadership with the characteristics of resilience and vulnerability under pressure, as well as to analyze whether the factors of intra-group conflict (social and task) and group cohesion (social and task) could mediate the relationship between these variables. Method: Through a longitudinal design, a total of 301 athletes enrolled in the JUDEX, belong- ing to 34 soccer and volleyball teams, and aged between 13 and 18 years (M = 15.72; SD = 1.33). Results: The results showed a positive relationship between transformational leadership of the coach and resilience characteristics, and a negative association with respect to vulnerability under pressure. In addition, intra-group conflict (social and task) acted as mediators between the relationship between transformational coach leadership and team resilience. Regarding the mediating role of group cohesion, only task cohesion acted as a mediator between trans- formational coach leadership and team resilience. Conclusions: This research draws as main conclusion the importance of the coach’s leadership to improve team resilience in youth cate- gories, and the positive influence of the reduction of intragroup conflicts and the increase of task cohesion during the season.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Age and Maturation Matter in Youth Elite Soccer, but Depending on Competitive Level and Gender

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    This study aimed to explore the relevance of the relative age effect (RAE), maturity status and anthropometry, and their influence on coaches’ assessment of players’ performance, analyzing both genders and different types of academies (elite vs. non-elite). The sample included 603 soccer players (385 male), from the under 12 (U12), under 14 (U14) and under 16 (U16) categories, belonging to elite and nonelite teams. Coaches’ assessment of players’ performance, chronological age, anthropometric characteristics, maturity offset (MO) and peak height velocity (PHV) were registered. Our results showed that RAE was present in both genders within the elite, but not in the nonelite academies. Early maturity players were overrepresented in the male elite, but not in the female academies. No relationship was found between RAE and anthropometry in male elite academies. Male elite players showed better anthropometric characteristics than nonelite players, while this pattern of results was not found for female players. The coaches’ assessment on players’ current performance was not influenced by the chronological age nor anthropometry, but it was linked to the PHV. Coaches from nonelite academies rated better in current assessment of performance the taller players. Our findings suggest that maturity status and RAE play an independent and important role in the talent selection process

    A Relação entre conflitos intra-grupo e desempenho em esportes coletivos: Efeito mediador da eficácia coletiva

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    The present study aimed to analyze the relationship between intra-group conflict and team perceived performance at the end of the season, and to examine the mediating effect of collective efficacy on this relationship. 420 semi-professional and amateur players (M = 22,40; SD = 4,71) of basketball, handball, soccer and volleyball participated. Structural equation modeling was used to test the predictive effects between variables and the bootstrap method with bias correction to find the indirect effects of the models. The results showed that intra-group conflict (task and social) was negatively related to team performance and collective efficacy showed significant results acting as a mediator between the relationship of intra-group conflict (task and social) and team perceived performance. It is important to highlight that intra-group conflict seems to worsen the collective functioning and that collective efficacy can soften this negative relationship, achieving an increase in team performance at the end of the season. Therefore, the findings could be very useful for professionals who work daily with sports teams, reducing the number of intra-group conflicts and increasing the confidence in their players about the capabilities of the team to successfully develop a certain task.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la relación entre el conflicto intra-grupo y el rendimiento percibido a final de temporada, y examinar como actúa la eficacia colectiva como variable mediadora en esta asociación. Participaron 420 jugadores semi-profesionales y amateurs (M = 22,40; DT = 4,71) de baloncesto, balonmano, fútbol y voleibol. Se utilizó el modelado de ecuaciones estructurales para testar los efectos predictores entre variables y el método bootstrap con corrección de sesgo para hallar los efectos indirectos de los modelos. Los resultados mostraron que el conflicto intra-grupo (tarea y social) se relacionó negativamente con el rendimiento percibido del equipo, y que la eficacia colectiva mostró resultados significativos actuando como mediadora entre la relación del conflicto intra-grupo (tarea y social) y el rendimiento percibido del equipo. Es importante destacar que los conflictos intra-grupo parecen empeorar las percepciones sobre el rendimiento grupal y que la eficacia colectiva puede suavizar esta relación negativa, consiguiendo un aumento en el la percepción de los jugadores sobre el rendimiento del equipo a final de temporada. Por lo tanto, estos hallazgos podrían ser de gran utilidad para los profesionales que trabajan diariamente con equipos deportivos, tratando de reducir el número conflictos intra-grupo y aumentando la confianza en sus jugadores sobre las capacidades que posee el equipo para desarrollar con éxito una determinada tarea.O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a relação entre conflito intra-grupo e desempenho percebido no final da temporada, e examinar como a eficácia coletiva atua como uma variável mediadora nesta associação. Participaram 420 jogadores semiprofissionais e amadores (M = 22,40; DT = 4,71) de basquete, handebol, futebol e voleibol. A modelagem de equações estruturais foi utilizada para testar os efeitos preditivos entre as variáveis ​​e o método bootstrap com correção de viés para encontrar os efeitos indiretos dos modelos. Os resultados mostraram que o conflito intra-grupo (trabalho de casa e social) estava negativamente relacionado ao desempenho percebido da equipe e que a eficácia coletiva apresentou resultados significativos atuando como mediador entre a relação do conflito intra-grupo (trabalho de casa e social) e o desempenho percebido da equipe. É importante destacar que o conflito intra-grupo parece agravar o funcionamento coletivo da equipe e que a eficácia coletiva pode amenizar essa relação negativa, conseguindo um aumento na percepção do desempenho da equipe no final da temporada. Portanto, esses achados podem ser de grande utilidade para os profissionais que trabalham com equipes esportivas no dia a dia, tentando reduzir o número de conflitos intra-grupo e aumentando a confiança em seus jogadores sobre as capacidades da equipe para desenvolver com sucesso uma determinada tarefa