20 research outputs found

    Solute and heat transport in groundwater similarity : model application of a high capacity open-loop heat pump

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    The use of renewable resources has increased in Europe so that A2A Calore & Servizi, a leading company in the field of district heating in Milan (Italy) and the surrounding province, has built two co-generation power plants in order to produce heat from both conventional sources (combustion of natural gas in boilers, cogenerative engines and turbines) and through the exploitation of the geothermal potential of groundwater by a large heat pump (15. MWt). Geothermal exploitation is limited to the shallow aquifer; the temperature of which, below the first few metres, remains roughly constant throughout the year.Groundwater flow and heat transfer within the subsurface can be simulated using a numerical model to identify the pumping and recharge well layout that maximizes the efficiency of geothermal exploitation and groundwater protection.Starting with the similarity between solutes and heat transport within aquifers, different scenarios of heat pump operation in the Canavese power station, which has a maximum water withdrawal of 0.3m3/s, have been developed

    Acceptance and commitment therapy as a clinical anxiety treatment and performance enhancement program for musicians

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    In this article we discuss the various options available to musicians wanting to treat their music performance anxiety (MPA), and we recommend that musicians work with a performance psychologist over the other available options. We also discuss the potential for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to serve as both a clinical anxiety treatment and performance enhancement program for musicians, while addressing the state of the research for both applications, as well as the research for a similar, mindfulness and acceptance-based performance enhancement program for athletes, i.e., the Mindfulness–Acceptance–Commitment (MAC) approach. In order for the field of performance psychology to develop into a more credible discipline, we believe practitioners working with musicians should follow an evidence-based practice model of care, in which empirically supported treatments for MPA and performance enhancement are promoted, and information about such treatments is disseminated among practitioners, musicians, and music teachers. Such a practice must become the norm in this field, because it will ultimately result in greater protections for those musicians seeking help for performance-related challenges by ensuring a higher level of professional accountability among practitioners. Lastly, we discuss some issues that may arise when applying ACT or the MAC approach to musicians

    NET of the lung: The experience of the Italian registry.

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    Contro le nuove guerre

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    Sempre più calcolo e progetto sembrano aver sostituito tattica e strategia, mentre la guerra asserve tecniche e scienza in un viluppo di morte affondando la politica dei cittadini. Ma qualcuno degli addetti ai lavori - Scienziate e scienziati contro la guerra - rilutta, si organizza e denuncia con la forza della dimostrazione il programma di distruzione, tanto insensato quanto micidiale e criminale, di cui è principale responsabile la maggiore potenza imperiale del pianeta, ben spalleggiata peraltro dai suoi alleati europei. Questo libro fa seguito a Imbrogli di guerra; è la sua continuazione e il suo approfondimento risultando il frutto di un convegno intenso e appassionato (Torino, Politecnico, 22 e 23 giugno 2000) che ha visto il confronto stringente di studiose e studiosi di varie discipline, dalle scienze naturali alla storia e all'ingegneria, dalla sociologia alla matematica e alla medicina. Esso mantiene intatto il suo contenuto d'informazione ponderata anche e soprattutto dopo il ricambio al vertice di Belgrado. Se la guerra è la sospensione del diritto, le nuove guerre tendono a rendere indefinita e permanente la situazione di squilibrio politico impedendo la libertà di comunicazione e di controllo, devastando progressivamente e irrimediabilmente l'ambiente e asservendo l'economia e lo sviluppo delle relazioni umane alla logica militare di dominio planetario