6 research outputs found

    Seedbed preparation in difficult conditions

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    Seed production of biological categories at top of soybean cultivars and their behavior to soil and climatic conditions at ARDS Secuieni

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    Seed production is a very important activity for agricultural production, the quality of biological material depends largely cultivated production level obtained. A good organization of seed production must not only satisfy the production of seeds with higher seminal qualities, but to ensure a seed productivity, what can’t be achieved without knowing the nature of plants and their requirements to the conditions of existence. Plant with high fat and protein content soybean is grown on large areas worldwide, the total amount of biomass being used, especially seeds with high protein substances ( 27.0 - 50.0%) and fats (17.2 - 26 , 9%). Mature seeds can be used in human nutrition (in various recipes), to obtain compound and for fat extraction. As a leguminous plant, which enters into symbiotic relationship with nitrogen fixing bacteria, soy is a valuable pre-plant crop rotation. Given the multiple uses of biomass soybean, it is considered „gold plant’’ of people, „extraordinary plant’’or ,,plant of the future’’. During 2008 - 2010, in the Seed Production Laboratory of Agricultural Research and Development Station Secuieni, Neamt, had been grown three soybean varieties, Granat, Onix and Eugen, created by ARDS Turda. These varieties have performed very well in ARDS Secuieni soil and climate conditions realizing production up to 3000 kg / ha. Due to the results obtained in 2011, ARDS Secuieni became the maintainer of variety of soybean varieties Onix and Eugen, establishing maintenance field and future expansion plans for seed production area for superior biological categories

    The study of some quantitative characters to groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) in the M2 mutagen generation

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    Arachis hypogaea L. belongs the Fabaceae family, native to South America origine and has 2n=40 chromosomes genom (Marin Ș., 2011). The seeds from three varieties (Tâmburești, Jelud și Braziliene negre) and lines L9184 of peanuts were treated with three chemical mutagens agents, like: ethyl methane sulfonate, dimethyl sulfate and sodium azide. Ethyl methane sulfonate and dimethyl sulfate concentration were 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6% and 0.8% and sodium azide concentration was 0.02%, 0.04%, 0.06% and 0.08%, each concentration having six hours for action time. The harvested plants were M1 generation each plants seeds being sown in the following year, resulting the M2 generation. We made biometric measurements for all the lines regarding the characters: the number of pods/plant, the number of grains from pods and the weight of grains/plant. By selection, in M2 generation can be identified and selected those useful mutans and plants with valuable traits, mutations being found in homozygous state. In the selection and plant breeding of economically important crops, the first step is to obtain a highly diverse biological material and to induce large individual variability amplitude. In the M2 generation was made a selection based on biometric determinations in all work variants. A special attention has been paid to the criteria selection based on the phenotypic aspects and productivity of the plants from working variants, for this purpose were made observations in the field, in several phenophases. In the M2 generation, for the treated variants, the number of pods per plant was reduced following the mutagen treatments. Excepting the Tâmburești variety, for the other varieties the average weight of beans per plant recorded positive differences compared to the untreated control for all the three mutagens

    The influence of different conventional and conservative tillage systems on qualitative indicators of the seedbed for winter oil seed rape

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    Rapeseed crop has a very important role in world economy, being the third largest source of vegetable oil after palm and soybeans. It is very sensitive to soil compaction, because root growth, water and nutrient absorption are achieved with difficulty. The seedbed preparation ensures the lumps shredding, weed control, land leveling, introduction of fertilizers in soil and, essentially, creating a layer of loose soil, favorable for seed germination. The last tillage done before sowing has direct effects on the quality and quantity of the yield. The tillage activities by their nature must modify soil properties towards biological plant requirements without damaging its physical condition. The qualitative indices determined for the seedbed preparation are average depth of soil mobilization (Da), soil crumbling degree (Dsc), soil loosening degree (Dsl), soil leveling degree (Dls) and weed control degree (Dwc). The paper present the effect of soil tillage on seedbed qualitative indices for the rapeseed crop. The experiments were carried out at the Research and Development Agricultural Station, Secuieni, Neamt County, between 2012 and 2014. The results show that different tillage systems influenced the quality of the seedbed, with higher values for the conventional Plough+Combigerm variant and lower for the minimum tillage one, Disc+Vibromix

    The effect of different tillage system on soil bulk density for the winter wheat crop at R.D.A.S. Secuieni

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    Climatic evolution from Romania, with trend toward heating and aridity, requires the application of new tillage variants, which ensure both soil fertility conservation and high yields. Winter wheat is a very important crop, but the more frequent droughts from August-September, determine great difficulties for seedbed preparation and good sowing. One of the most used indices for physical state characterization, with direct influence on soil air and water permeability, plant root development and microbiological processes is bulk density (BD). In order to emphasize the effect of conventional and conservative tillage on soil compaction degree, expressed by BD values, undisturbed samples were collected on 0-30 cm depth, from 10 to 10 cm, at sowing, during vegetation and at harvest of the winter wheat crop. The highest values were recorded for HDH 3.85+Vibromix and HDH 3.85+VRH and the lowest for the Plow+Combigerm variant

    Partial results on the influence of fertilization on grain production of Sorghum bicolor L., in the climatic conditions of Central Moldavia

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    Sorghum is the species that has the same uses varied as the corn. Hundreds of millions of people in Africa, China and India consume sorghum bread. Also used as the feed for poultry and focused mainly raw material for spirits and beer. Climate evolution for heating and aridity of Romania, forcing a reconsideration of sorghum as: food grains, fodder plants and Technical plant. Improvement of technological sequences cultivation of sorghum, is a thing of great importance to our country the purpose of obtaining high yields, to ensure the necessary human food, animal feed raw material in the production of bioethanol - considered a fuel of the future. For this purpose, in the specific conditions of ARDS Secuieni (Center of Moldova) has placed a bifactorial experience in which followed the influence of the fertilization on grain production at Sorghum bicolor L. The biological material used were the hybrids F32, Armida, Alize, Quebec and KSH2G06. The results showed that the applied mineral fertilization has positively influenced sorghum crop production. Variation of the production obtained at sorghum hybrid varied depending on the dose of mineral fertilizers applied (N0P0, N40P40, N80P80, N120P120) and ranged from 2910 kg / ha (KSH 2G06 - unfertilized) of the 10279 kg / ha (Armida - N120P120 ). At the interaction genotype x fertilizer, the highest level of production was recorded in variants fertilized with N120P120 dose variation yields being from 7043 kg / ha (KSH 2G06) of the 10279 kg / ha (Armida)