Seed production of biological categories at top of soybean cultivars and their behavior to soil and climatic conditions at ARDS Secuieni


Seed production is a very important activity for agricultural production, the quality of biological material depends largely cultivated production level obtained. A good organization of seed production must not only satisfy the production of seeds with higher seminal qualities, but to ensure a seed productivity, what can’t be achieved without knowing the nature of plants and their requirements to the conditions of existence. Plant with high fat and protein content soybean is grown on large areas worldwide, the total amount of biomass being used, especially seeds with high protein substances ( 27.0 - 50.0%) and fats (17.2 - 26 , 9%). Mature seeds can be used in human nutrition (in various recipes), to obtain compound and for fat extraction. As a leguminous plant, which enters into symbiotic relationship with nitrogen fixing bacteria, soy is a valuable pre-plant crop rotation. Given the multiple uses of biomass soybean, it is considered „gold plant’’ of people, „extraordinary plant’’or ,,plant of the future’’. During 2008 - 2010, in the Seed Production Laboratory of Agricultural Research and Development Station Secuieni, Neamt, had been grown three soybean varieties, Granat, Onix and Eugen, created by ARDS Turda. These varieties have performed very well in ARDS Secuieni soil and climate conditions realizing production up to 3000 kg / ha. Due to the results obtained in 2011, ARDS Secuieni became the maintainer of variety of soybean varieties Onix and Eugen, establishing maintenance field and future expansion plans for seed production area for superior biological categories

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