47 research outputs found

    Distance and T-square sampling for spatial measures of tree diversity

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    Distance sampling and its statistically improved variant, T-square sampling, are important sampling methods in plant ecology. They have often been applied in the context of plant density estimations and are comparatively easy to implement, since they intuitively follow the nearest-neighbour principle and thus do not require the layout of sample plots. Previous research studying distance sampling suggested that T-square sampling may also lead to an improved estimation of spatial tree diversity indices. We simulated distance and T-square sampling in six large fully mapped forest areas for seven tree diversity indices of which some competed for the same diversity aspect, i.e. tree location (dispersion), tree species and tree size diversity. Our results demonstrated that both distance and T-square sampling are indeed robust methods for sampling spatial measures of tree diversity. The sample size required for a sampling error of 10% does not exceed 20% of the total number of trees in a sampling area. Tsquare sampling has the ability to adapt to different spatial patterns of tree locations and this ability is key to the way the method controls estimation bias. The sample size required for species mingling and size differentiation clearly depends on the underlying spatial tree pattern in the sampling area. With most diversity indices, sample size reductions between 0.06% and 40% could be achieved by the application of T-square sampling compared to traditional distance sampling. All other conditions being equal, we could identify the uniform angle index, the species mingling index and the size differentiation index as those diversity indices achieving lower sampling error values than their competitors. For tree density estimations the Diggle and Byth estimators performed best. Based on our results, T-square sampling can be considered a robust sampling method for spatial tree diversity indices that is easy to apply in the field

    Revisiting silvicultural systems: Towards a systematic and generic design of tree regeneration methods

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    Understanding and mimicking regeneration processes in forests is crucial to sustainable forestry and forest conservation, since they largely determine the structural and ecophysiological traits as well as the ecosystem goods and services of forest stands. The techniques employed in achieving tree regeneration include the active manipulation of forest structure and are formally described by silvicultural systems. In the past, most silvicultural systems were developed locally and the corresponding authors used names and terminology that greatly varied and were often ambiguous. In addition, although local developments, silvicultural systems were often presented as "package deals" and individual components were not sufficiently defined to allow for adaptations in applications elsewhere. We critically reviewed the basic components and variants of silvicultural systems as well as their combinations in order to develop a unifying terminology that allows a better communication of regeneration methods and inspires the continued creation of new ones. Finally we applied the terminology elaborated in our review to an example of classifying silvicultural systems from Poland in order to show how existing silvicultural systems can be more clearly re-interpreted. We found that our review and analysis opened new insights on silvicultural systems that pave the way to more detailed and systematic future research in regeneration techniques. Silvicultural systems applied to high forests are often, with few modifications, also applicable to coppice forests and vice versa. Silvicultural systems also form an important element of close-to-nature or continuous cover forestry (CCF), as they contribute to diversifying forest structure by introducing new tree cohorts and the way how rigorously silvicultural systems are applied in various countries much depends on the time elapsed since the adoption of CCF

    Unravelling the mechanisms of spatial correlation between species and size diversity in forest ecosystems

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    With ongoing climate change at global scale we are currently losing biodiversity at an unprecedented rate. The insurance hypothesis and associated research, however, suggest that biodiversity has a major stabilising effect in ecosystems. In this situation, it is crucial to develop a better understanding of natural processes of maintaining biodiversity for employing them in conservation practice. In forest ecosystems, spatial species and size diversity are important aspects of 伪-diversity at woodland community and species population level. Both aspects of spatial diversity stem from complex relationships between tree interaction, disturbances and subsequent waves of colonisation by tree seedlings of various species. Using point process statistics, particularly the mark mingling function and the mark variogram, we studied the processes causing spatial correlations of species and size diversity. We found that spatial species dispersal and conspecific size distributions are key drivers of spatial species-size correlations and that a combination of simple random size-labelling techniques applied to mark variograms is instrumental in efficiently diagnosing them. If size ranges differ between species, spatial size diversity is largely a function of spatial species mingling. The existence of these correlations is crucial to conservation because they imply that conservation efforts can be rationalised: It is possible to focus on only one of the two tree diversity aspects. Interestingly, in multi-species forest ecosystems, although general species diversity is high, spatial species-size correlations can be diluted, because some of the many species populations may have similar size distributions

    Spatial patterns of correlation between conspecific species and size diversity in forest ecosystems

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    Recently correlations between spatial species and size diversity have been found in many forest ecosystems around the world. They are likely to play a prominent role in nature's mechanisms of maintaining species and size diversity. In this study, we analysed the species population means of spatial species-mingling and sizeinequality indices in 36 large forest monitoring plots from the temperate and subtropical zones in China. Based on the literature we included eleven diversity-index combinations and considered their correlations for increasing numbers of nearest neighbours. Generally, positive correlations are related to between-species population size differences whilst negative correlations reflect within-species population size differences. Our results showed that the selected species-mingling and size-inequality indices produced different correlation patterns in one and the same monitoring site. We therefore defined a species-mingling size-inequality correlation space by computing the 0.025 and the 0.975 quantiles from the correlation data of the eleven index combinations. We noticed that each observed correlation space included 1-3 combinations of five basic geometric types and can be interpreted as the unique signature of a forest ecosystem in time. The correlation space allowed us to understand more clearly at which spatial scale within-species correlation was more influential than between-species inequality and vice versa. The shape of the correlation space is interpretable and gives important clues about the forest development stage of a forest ecosystem

    CanopyShotNoise - An individual-based tree canopy modelling framework for projecting remote-sensing data and ecological sensitivity analysis

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    Very few spatially explicit tree models have so far been constructed with a view to project remote-sensing data directly. To fill this gap, we introduced the prototype of the CanopyShotNoise model, an individual-based model specifically designed for projecting airborne laser scanning (ALS) data. Given the nature of ALS data, the model focuses on the dynamics of individual-tree canopies in forest ecosystems, that is, spatial tree interaction and resulting growth, birth and death processes. In this study, CanopyShotNoise was used to analyse the long-term effects of the processes crown plasticity (C) and superorganism formation (S) on spatial tree canopy patterns that are likely to play an important role in ongoing climate change. We designed a replicated computer experiment involving the four scenarios C0S0, C1S0, C0S1 and C1S1 where 0 and 1 imply that the preceding process was switched off and on, respectively. We hypothesized that C and S are antagonistic processes, specifically that C would lead to increasing regularity of tree locations and S would result in clustering. Our simulation results confirmed that in the long run intertree distances decreased and canopy gap size increased when superorganisms were encouraged to form. At the same time, the overlap and packing of tree crowns increased. The long-term effect of crown plasticity increased the regularity of tree locations; however, this effect was much weaker than that of superorganism formation. As a result, gap patterns remained more or less unaffected by crown plasticity. In scenario C1S1, both processes interestingly interacted in such a way that crown plasticity even increased the effect of superorganism formation. Our simulation results are likely to prove helpful in recognizing patterns of facilitation with ongoing climate change

    Analysing gap dynamics in forest canopies with landscape metrics based on multi-temporal airborne laser scanning surveys - A pilot study

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    For a long time gaps or openings in the forest canopy have been of considerable interest to forest ecologists and to forest managers. In the context of disturbances induced by climate change, canopy gap dynamics are of particular interest, since they can indicate imminent damage to forest resources and irreversible trends such as forest decline. Here, statistical significance is crucial for establishing whether any imminent large-scale threat to the sustainability of forest resources exists. In order to be able to assess significance, we applied the Boolean model, a null or reference model from random set statistics. The Boolean model served as a theoretical benchmark for testing the significance of the observed trends in forest canopy gap dynamics. As a pilot study we analysed airborne laser scan (ALS) data collected in the Krycklan catchment area (Northern Sweden) in 2006 and 2015. The data were analysed using eight different landscape metrics. Despite the moderate resolution of our ALS data the landscape metrics have proved to be useful tools for monitoring canopy gap dynamics of forest ecosystems. The Boolean model has been successful in ascertaining statistical significance and the model parameters indi-cated important trends. In the Krycklan catchment area, there was no significant trend of canopy gap dynamics indicating any harmful development between 2006 and 2015. On the contrary, we found evidence for gaps closing in and gap locations becoming more random whilst the canopy cover increased between the two survey years

    Understanding and modelling the dynamics of data point clouds of relative growth rate and plant size

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    Relative growth rates (RGR) have both intrigued and irritated many plant scientists since they were proposed as characteristics of growth performance in the early 20th century. Particularly, the common trend of RGR to decrease with increasing size, also referred to as ontogenetic drift, has given rise to many debates and much criticism. In this study, we showed that, with plants that germinated at the same time, it is common to obtain a linear relationship between RGR and size for each survey year which - when pulled together in one graph - eventually form a system of cascading elliptical point clouds over time. This system of data point clouds reflects the well-known exponential decline of RGR with size, the aforementioned ontogenetic drift. Using 12 individual -tree time series of Pinus radiata in Chile we studied the ontogenetic drift based on a new spatially explicit explanatory model allowing the reconstruction of individual-tree RGR trajectories. Favourable environmental conditions enforced the RGR decline over size and accelerated growth dynamics. Less favourable environmental conditions reduced the strength of the ontogenetic drift and slowed down growth. We also found that the model parameter estimates were more precise the stronger the RGR decline over size. Both, interpretable model pa-rameters and evaluation characteristics, described the ontogenetic drift well. Interestingly, the slopes of the semi -major axes of the RGR-size data ellipses changed signs precisely at the time when smaller trees ceased to dominate population growth and larger trees started to contribute disproportionately to the overall growth processes

    A forest simulation approach using weighted Voronoi diagrams. An application to Mediterranean fir Abies pinsapo Boiss stands

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    Aim of study: a) To present a new version of the forest simulator Vorest, an individual-based spatially explicit model that uses weighted Voronoi diagrams to simulate the natural dynamics of forest stands with closed canopies. b) To apply the model to the current dynamics of a Grazalema pinsapo stand to identify the nature of its competition regime and the stagnation risks it is currently facing.Area of study: Sierra del Pinar de Grazalema (S Spain)Material and methods: Two large plots representative of Grazalema pinsapo stands were used to fit and validate the model (plus 6 accesory plots to increase the availability of mortality data). Two inventories were carried out in 1998 and 2007 producing tree size and location data. We developed a forest simulator based on three submodels: growth, competition and mortality. The model was fitted, evaluated and validated for Grazalema plots. The simulation outputs were used to infer the expected evolution of structural diversity of聽 forest stands.Main results: Vorest has proved to be a good tool for simulating dynamics of natural closed stands. The application to Grazalema pinsapo stands has allowed assessing the nature of the main processes that are driving its development pathway. We have found that the prevailing size-asymmetric competition dominates the self-thinning process in small-sized trees. At the same time, there is an active tree-size differentiation process.Research highlights:Vorest has proved to be a good tool for simulating natural stands with closed canopies.The Grazalema pinsapo stand under consideration is currently undergoing a natural process of differentiation, avoiding long-term stagnation.Keywords: Vorest; stand dynamics; individual-based forest model; spatially explicit forest model; pinsapo

    Neighbours matter and the weak succumb: Ash dieback infection is more severe in ash trees with fewer conspecific neighbours and lower prior growth rate

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    The epidemiology and severity of ash dieback (ADB), the disease caused by the ascomycete fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, has been linked to a variety of site conditions; however, there has been a lack of analysis at an individual tree scale.Symptoms of ADB were scored on ca. 400 trees of Fraxinus excelsior (ash) in permanent sample plots during two successive years in a UK natural woodland reserve. Using comprehensive plot records maintained since 1945, and detailed spatial records updated since 1977, we assembled an array of potential explanatory variables, including site environment factors, ash tree density, previous and present tree condition and near neighbourhood summary statistics (NNSS), such as species mingling and size dominance. Their impact on the severity of ADB of focal ash trees was tested with generalised linear mixed effects models (GLMM).The severity of ADB was much greater in the lower slope parts of the site with moister soils and least in a managed area subject to tree thinning in the previous 35 years. Severity of ADB had a negative association with focal ash tree prior relative growth rate over a period of a decade immediately before the disease was detected at the site. Greater ADB severity was also significantly associated with smaller diameter at breast height of ash trees. Additionally, ADB was significantly positively associated with a greater proportion of heterospecific trees amongst the six nearest neighbours of the focal tree.Synthesis. The relationship of the severity of ADB disease with site environment, tree condition and neighbourhood is complex but nevertheless important in the progression of the disease. The findings suggest some silvicultural interventions, such as thinning to increase the vigour of retained ash trees, might reduce the impact of ADB