4 research outputs found
Effect of dietary organic and inorganic selenium supplementation on chemical, mineral and fatty acid composition of ostrich meat
This study evaluated the effect of dietary organic and inorganic selenium supplementation on chemical, mineral and fatty acid composition of ostrich meat. Forty ostriches were raised in two groups (OSe and IOSe, diets supplemented with an organic form and an inorganic form of selenium, respectively). The form of selenium had no influence on chemical composition of ostrich muscle. Although, there were no significant differences in total content of SFA, MUFA and PUFA, the content of LA and EPA was higher in the muscles of ostriches which were put on a diet supplemented with an organic form of selenium, what resulted in lower n-6/n-3 fatty acids ratio in OSe group (9.99) in comparison to IOSe group (11.70). The results of the study indicate that dietary organic selenium supplementation improves the quality of the ostrich meat as related to the health promoting properties (LA, EPA and selenium content) of meat
Impact of the origin on the raw material on traditional Suwałki potato dishes
Celem pracy było zbadanie wpływu pochodzenia surowca z określonego źródła na wartość odżywczą i jakość sensoryczną regionalnych potraw ziemniaczanych Suwalszczyzny. Materiał badawczy stanowiło po 6 kg surowca odmiany Vineta. Ziemniaki sklasyfikowano jako typ konsumpcyjny AB. Surowiec zakupiono z 2 różnych źródeł. Pierwszym było gospodarstwie rolne mieszczące się na terenie Wigierskiego Parku Narodowego, we wsi Burdeniszki, uprawiające ziemniaki w sposób ekologiczny (nr certyfikatu PL-EKO 05-004005/14/1), a drugim sklep na terenie miasta Suwałki. Z dwóch rodzajów ziemniaków przygotowano te same potrawy, modyfikując ich skład tylko w razie konieczności. Były to: babka ziemniaczana, kartacze, i bliny litewskie. Potrawy ter znajdują się na Liście Produktów Tradycyjnych województwa podlaskiego. Badania prowadzono w dwóch etapach. W pierwszym analizowano wybrane parametry fizyko-chemiczne surowca: wilgotność, zawartość chlorku sodu oraz witaminę C. Dokonano instrumentalnego pomiaru barwy aparatem Konica Minolta CR-400. W drugim przeprowadzono analizę wartości odżywczej sporządzonych potraw w programie Dieta 5 i przeprowadzono ocenę organoleptyczną metodą skalowania i parzystą. Wyniki analizowano w programie Statistica 12.0 PL stosują analizę wariancji (proste przekroje ANOVA), uznano za istotne statystycznie, gdy p < 0,05. Ziemniaki pochodzące z gospodarstwa rolnego charakteryzowały się wyższą zawartością suchej masy i witaminy C, a mniejszą wilgotnością. Potrawy z ziemniaków z uprawy ekologicznej miały ciemniejszą, mniej atrakcyjną barwę, ale pod względem pozostałych cech były bardziej pożądane i wyżej oceniane. Statystycznie istotny wpływ źródła pochodzenia na cechy organoleptyczny zaobserwowano tylko przy ocenie kartaczy. Spośród badanych potraw babka ziemniaczana charakteryzowała się najwyższą wartością energetyczną (trzykrotnie), wyższą zawartością cholesterolu (dwukrotnie w porównaniu do blin litewskich, trzykrotnie w porównaniu do kartaczy) i wyższą zawartością tłuszczu — związane to było z dodatkiem boczku do potrawy. Posiadała także wyższą zawartość białka i węglowodanów ogółem oraz niacyny. Bliny litewskie były potrawą o najniższej wartości energetycznej i najniższej zawartości potasu i fosforu. Wszystkie potrawy dostarczały znacznych ilości sodu. Otrzymane wyniki badań sugerują, że źródło pochodzenia surowca może mieć wpływ na skład chemiczny surowca oraz na wartość odżywczą i walory smakowe przygotowanych z niego potraw.The aim of the study was to examine the influence of the source of origin of raw material on the nutritional and sensory quality of Suwałki regional dishes made with potatoes. The research material consisted of 6 kg of raw potatoes cultivar Vineta. Potatoes were classified as an AB consumer type. Raw material came from two different sources. The first was a farm in the Wigry National Park in the village Burdeniszki applying ecological cultivation (Certificate of conformity No. PL-EKO 05-004005/14/1). The second was a trade network store in Suwałki. From the raw material from both sources, the same dishes were prepared, modifying their recipes only when necessary. These were: potato cake, grapeshot and Lithuanian pancakes. These dishes are on the List of Traditional Products of Podlaskie Province. Research was conducted in two stages. The first involved the physico-chemical analysis of raw materials, including water content, content of the sodium chloride and vitamin C. A spectrophotometric color measurement was also carried out using a Konica Minolta CR-400 colorimeter. In the second stage selected dishes were prepared, their nutritional value was estimated, using ‘Dieta 5’program, and then they were subjected to organoleptic assessment using scaling and even methods. The results were analyzed in the Statistica PL 12.0 using analysis of variance (ANOVA straight sections).The differences were considered to be statistically significant when p < 0.05. Potatoes from the farm applying organic production were characterized by a higher content of dry matter and vitamin C and lower water content. Potato dishes from organic farming had a darker, less attractive color, but in terms of other features, that is, smell, texture and taste were more desirable and assessed higher. A statistically significant effect of origin of the raw material on the organoleptic quality of food was only observed in the analysis of grapeshot. Among the examined dishes potato cake had the highest energy value (three times), much more cholesterol (twice more in comparison with grapeshot, and three times in comparison with Lithuanian pancakes) and a higher fat content — due to the large amount of bacon in this dish. It also contains more protein and carbohydrates in general as well as niacin. Lithuanian pancakes had the lowest energy value and the lowest content of potassium and phosphorus. In all dishes too much sodium gave cause for concern. The obtained results suggest that the origin has an impact on the chemical composition of the raw material and its nutritional value, and partially also on the taste of food prepared from it
The physical traits and fatty acids profile of ostrich meat enriched in n3 fatty acids as influenced by duration of refrigerated storage and type of packaging
The aim of the study was to evaluate physical traits and fatty acids profile of ostrich meat enriched in n3 fatty acids as affected by refrigerated storage (for 14 days) and type of packaging (VAC vs. skin-packaging - SP). During refrigerated storage time drip loss after 7 days was significantly (P<0.001) higher in VAC as compared to SP samples. No significant differences in the SFA content in meat during storage in both types of packaging types recorded. Although there were no significant differences (P=0.067), a tendency for higher MUFA values was observed during storage in VAC packed meat. A significant decrease (P<0.05) in the content of PUFA after 7 and 14 days of storage was also observed in VAC packed meat as compared to fresh meat, whereas, when skin packaging was used, no differences in the PUFA concentration were found. Considering this, the SP can be recommended packaging for ostrich meat industry
Effect of dietary linseed and rapeseed supplementation on fatty acid profiles in the ostrich. Part 1. Muscles
Forty ostriches were raised in five groups [control (C) or with 4% (L4) or 8% (L8) linseed, or 5% (R5) or 10% (R10) rapeseed in the diet]. Linseed supplementation (L4 and L8) improved the nutritive value of the ostrich meat by increasing (P4.2%FA) and PUFA/SFA ratio (>1.0) as compared with the control group (1.7% FA an