443 research outputs found

    Characteristic time determination for transport phenomena during the electrokinetic treatment of a porous medium

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    International audienceElectroremediation is a soil decontamination technique. The electric field applied to a porous medium induces the migration of ionic species in solution. The different phenomena appearing in soil are presented. A new methodological approach is carried out in order to determine if preponderant and/or limiting phenomena can be considered. The theoretical study, using dimensional analysis, showed that transport of ionic species in solution could be described only by electro-osmosis and electromigration phenomena. But, other phenomena, such as heterogeneous reactions, can restrict the migration of ionic species which is only possible for chemical species in solution. Then, an experimental study was carried out with a tracer, in order to verify the theoretical characteristic times for transport phenomena, obtained by dimensional analysis and calculated in a synthetic medium. Rigorous experimental procedures were followed to realise well-controlled electroremediation experiments. The experimental results obtained have allowed the measurement of characteristic times of electrokinetic transport and the theoretical times have been validated. In addition, the application of a simple mass balance equation to the soil and an electrolytic compartment has allowed the verification of the migration behaviour of the mass flux as a front advance

    I reati di omessa bonifica e il diritto penale ripristinatorio

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    I reati di omessa bonifica e le problematiche connesse alla loro configurabilit\ue0. I reati di omessa bonifica tra profili di responsabilit\ue0 individuale e responsabilit\ue0 collettiva. L\u2019omessa bonifica e le nuove norme premiali: verso un nuovo diritto penale ripristinatorio

    Changing the approach to anticoagulant therapy in older patients with multimorbidity using a precision medicine approach

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    The ageing of the world population has resulted in an increase in the number of older patients with multimorbid conditions receiving multiple therapies. This emerging clinical scenario poses new challenges, which are mostly related to the increased incidence of adverse effects. This translates into poor clinical care, reduced cost-effectiveness of drug therapies, and social isolation of multimorbid patients due to reduced autonomy. A strategy to address these emerging challenges could involve the personalization of therapies based on the clinical, molecular, and genetic characterization of multimorbid patients. Anticoagulation therapy is a feasible model to implement personalized medicine since it generally involves older multimorbid patients receiving multiple drugs. In this study, in patients with atrial fibrillation, the use of the new generation of anticoagulation therapy, i.e., direct oral anti-coagulants (DOACs), is based on a preliminary assessment of the molecular targets of DOACS and any possible drug–drug interactions. Then, the genetic polymorphism of enzymes metabolizing DOACs is studied. After DOAC prescription, its circulating levels are measured. Clinical data are being collected to assess whether this personalized approach improves the safety and efficacy profiles of anticoagulation therapy using DOACs, thereby reducing the costs of healthcare for ageing multimorbid patients

    Les frontières de la région de Tarapaca (Chili)

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    Les tracés linéaires des frontières séparant le Chili du Pérou et le Chili de la Bolivie dans la région n°1 ou de Tarapacà sont jonchés de points de passage qui assurent les relations trans-frontalières à différentes échelles et permettent un accès à la mer pour la Bolivie. Ces passages ou points de continuité territoriale sont strictement surveillés et font l’objet de contrôles minutieux de la part des trois pays. Zones de relations économiques et sociales, licites et illicites, ce sont des lieux de connexion territoriale fruit d’une histoire ancienne.The borders of the Tarapacà area (Chili). The linear course of the borders which separate Chili from Peru and Chili from Bolivia in the n°1 area or the Tarapacà area are strewn with crossing points that ensure cross-border relationships on various levels and allow access to the sea for Bolivia. These places, sometimes referred to as spots of territorial continuity, are kept under constant watch and are submitted to minute inspections by all three countries. They are areas of socio-economic relationships (lawful or unlawful), and have been places of territorial connection since a long time ago

    Caractérisations et performances des assemblages collés époxyde-amine/aluminium

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    La caractérisation et l’évaluation des propriétés physiques, chimiques, physico-chimiques et mécaniques sont un point important dans la compréhension du comportement des assemblages collés polymère/substrat. La spectroscopie diélectrique est une méthode de caractérisation efficace permettant d’étudier la dynamique moléculaire, et permettre aussi un suivi in situ de joints collés. La modélisation mathématique de résultats expérimentaux par la méthode de l’analyse par intervalle permet de s’affranchir de nombreux défauts de logiciels utilisés couramment (erreur expérimentale prise en compte dans les calculs du modèle, permet d’accepter ou de rejeter un modèle, …). Il a été démontré qu’en présence d’un substrat métallique, une compétition avait lieu entre la réaction de polymérisation et des réactions entre les monomères et les substrats métalliques, menant à une interphase (i.e. interface d’épaisseur non nulle) ayant des propriétés différentes des propriétés du même polymère en volume. Ces propriétés influent sur l’adhérence entre le polymère époxydeamine et le substrat d’aluminium. L’adhérence sera caractérisée par un test normé et reliée aux propriétés de l’interphase par diverses techniques. Des vieillissements de systèmes DGEBAanime/ aluminium ont été effectués. Durant ces vieillissements, des tests destructifs et non destructifs ont été effectués afin d’avoir un suivi sur les propriétés des interphases et interfaces de ces joints collés. Les résultats obtenus ont été mis en corrélation afin de pouvoir être capable par l’utilisation de tests non destructifs in situ, de pouvoir prévenir une rupture à l’interphase/interface entre l’adhésif et le substra

    Physico-chemical limitations during the electrokinetic treatment of a polluted soil

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    International audienceThe influence of the ion-exchange solid/liquid reaction on electrokinetic transport phenomena was studied and modelled for a non-permeable porous medium composed of kaolin. Kaolin was selected to model a low-permeable medium, even though it is usually considered to have low ion-exchange capacity and weak selectivity. The influence of this reaction on the characteristic time of the process was demonstrated by studying the lithium (Li +) electrokinetic transport on a sodium (Na +) pre-saturated kaolin. Experimental results were obtained using apparatus developed specifically for the study of the electrokinetic transport and which has been well characterized in previous works. The tests were performed by introducing a solution containing Li + at the anode, and measuring the Na + and Li + concentrations at the cathode outlet. Under operating conditions, local equilibrium is assumed in the medium. The equilibrium isotherm of Li + /Na + exchange was determined by independent experiments on a laboratory column. Ion-exchange equilibrium can be satisfactorily described by a linear isotherm. A theoretical model based on the tanks-in-series model was used for modeling the experimental results of the Li + electrokinetic transport. This model considers electro-migration and electro-osmosis as the only transport mechanisms, and takes into account the solid/liquid reaction by a retardation factor, as is usually the case for linear equilibrium models. The comparison between experimental and theoretical results shows that the chemical solid/liquid reaction at least doubles the characteristic time of the transport

    Informationssicherheit und Persönlichkeit : Konzept, Empirie und Handlungsempfehlungen

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    Persistent post-traumatic headache and migraine: Pre-clinical comparisons

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    Background: Oftentimes, persistent post traumatic headache (PPTH) and migraine are phenotypically similar and the only clinical feature that differentiate them is the presence of a mild or moderate traumatic brain injury (mTBI). The aim of this study is to describe the differences in brain area and in biochemical cascade after concussion and to define the efficacy and safety of treatments in use. Methods: Sources were chosen in according to the International Classification of Headache Disorder (ICHD) criteria. Results: The articles demonstrated a significant difference between PPTH and migraine regarding static functional connectivity (sFC) and dynamic functional connectivity (dFC) in brain structure that could be used for exploring the pathophysiological mechanisms in PPTH. Many studies described a cascade of neurometabolic changes that occur after traumatic brain injury. These variations are associated to the mechanism occurring when developing a PPTH. Conclusions: The state of art of this important topic show how although the mechanisms underlying the development of the two different diseases are different, the treatment of common migraine is efficacious in patients that have developed a post traumatic form

    Towards a Sustainable and Efficient Component-based Information Security Framework

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    Information security and information systems (IS) security both have top management priority in many companies and organizations. In various information security models researchers recommend several important components to sustainably and efficiently enforce information security. There is little research aiming at approaches that combine theoretically and empirically substantiated principles. To fill this research gap, the aim of this paper is to discuss the adequacy of “academic” information security components, to analyze practical relevance using an empirical study and to consolidate identified factors using a principle component analysis to enhance applicability. Findings suggest two main factors which are identified as short-term and long-term as well as 18 sub-components. The results can assist companies and organizations in sustainably and efficiently implementing information security
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