19 research outputs found

    Peran Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga dalam Meningkatkan Sarana Prasarana Pengembangan Atlit di Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud

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    ABSTRAC: In accordance with the results of research in the field shows that the coaching of athletes inthe District Talaud islands are less sustainable. Athletes only get awards and a variety of services in the lastevent of the championship, after the completion of the event and there is no longer a championship, then ingeneral the athlete is no longer considered and will be sought at the time held more championships. It is animportant task for local governments in general and the Department of Education Youth and Sports inparticular that would be an assurance for athletes who have the name of the area.This type of research is qualitative, focusing on the field of research in the form of case studies (casestudy) directly to the Department of Education Youth and Sports Talaud Islands. Informants were taken asmany as 13 people, which is 5 employees Department of Education Youth and Sports, 4 athletes and 4 membersof the public. The focus of research is more emphasis on the availability of infrastructure as the primary meansof supporting the success in the development of athletic performance.Not optimal role of the Ministry of Youth and Sports in guidance increase athletic performance as wellas the lack of attention in the provision of facilities and infrastructure development of athletes. development ofnational sport is still first, just as a routine oriented instant achievement based on past experience poorinnovation. That is what causes athletes Talaud Islands minimal achievements both at the provincial andnational level. Therefore it needs financial support in supporting the activities of athletic performance, localgovernment more organized and held sporting-iven championship-scale regional and national, furtherenhanced the development of advice infrastructure supporting sport in this case is a gymnasium complete withthe football stadium and other facilities necessary reward for athletes who excel through appointedAdministrative State Civil or provide housing facilities that simple

    Peranan Hukum Tua dalam Mewujudkan Transparansi dan Akuntanbilitas Pembangunan Desa Seretan Kecamatan Lembean Timur Kabupaten Minahasa

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    ABSTARCT: The authority of leadership village leader as Hukum Tua in Minahasa Regency, is head the legal community unity which has borders authorized to regulate and manage the affairs of government, the interests of the local community by community initiatives, the right of origin, and / or traditional rights are recognized and respected in the system of government of the Republic of Indonesia. Good Governance be a good idea in order to improve the quality of public services that the village government organized jointly between the Hukum Tua, BPD, community organizations and the public with the principles of transparency and accountability. Therefore, this study aims to determine the role of the Hukum Tua in realizing the transparency and accountability of development in the village of East Lembean drag troughs District of Minahasa.The research proves that the role of the Hukum Tua in realizing the principle of transparency in village drag troughs are good, because the ability to convey information and financial development programs are often delivered village itself directly to the community and village, in meetings or in the event of joy and sorrow. Communication patterns often hold a general meeting every three (3) months and provide information boards so people can determine the extent of the activities that have and have not done. The principle of accountability also good because the Hukum Tua in delivering accountability of the duties and obligations is delivered directly to the public through a loudspeaker as well as the accountability report (LPJ) be submitted in writing to the BPD, Head and forwarded to the Regent Minahasa, in determining the commitment to the process of delivering LPJ BPD and there is conformity with the vision and mission of the village government.The method used in this study is a qualitative study with 32 informants. It can be concluded that the role of Hukum Tua villages Seretan troughs in accountable is the transparency to stakeholders received good appreciation by almost all members of the Rural Colusion Organization receives accountability report Hukum Tua. Considered appropriate for a person of honor calls Ukung Tu'a is Tu'a in walak. Hukum Tua (Rural Head) can be interpreted as a protector

    Peranan Satuan Lalu Lintas Polisi Resort dalam Pelayanan Administrasi Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan (Studi di Kantor Bersama Sistem Administrasi Manunggal Satu Atap Sangihe)

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    ABSTRACK : Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the role of Satlantas Polres in the administrative service of STNK in Samsat Sangihe Joint Office in general can be done well, but it is not fully demonstrating the principles of Prime Regident Ranmor service yet as stipulated in the Regulation of Chief of Police Number 5 Year 2012, which are simple, fast, accurate, accountable, informative, and convenient. Based on the conclusion of the research result, it is suggested that the principles of simple, fast, accurate, accountable, informative, and convenient services can be improved in the administrative service of STNK by Satlantas Polres in Samsat Sangihe Joint Office. Therefore, some actions that is needed to be done, among other things is to add the number of personnel officers, to improve the infrastructures and facilities and to add facilities in serving

    Kualitas Pelayanan Transportasi Damri di Sulawesi Utara

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    This study aims to describe the quality of service of transport, especially transport Damri pioneers in North Sulawesi in the development of the science of public administration. The Ministry is exercised by the public company Damri based on Government Regulation No. 31 of 2002 on the establishment of the public company damri, was founded to help problems in terms of transportation. However, in practice as well as the fact that there is a phenomenon of issues management and service, like many vehicles that are not worthy of wearing, not precise time in his Ministry, operational system procedures are unclear and the fare price. The research methods used in this research is a descriptive study of qualitative methods, with the techniques of primary and secondary data collection is done with the interview, observation and documentation study. As for the informant, among others: 1head of the station, 2 drivers, 2 conductor, and 7 people pioneering service user community. In the discussion of the quality of service of transport damri in North Sulawesi is related to aspects of the Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, assurance and empathy can be said to have not been fullest. It is proven by the provision of the facilities, such as a waiting room, and the toilet is not yet available. In addition the complaint room service complaints also have not provided by damri public company said. Based on the discussion and conclusions on the above then suggest Damri Public Company manado station must provide to the passenger waiting room, and make a toilet in each existing fleet. In addition the need for improvements on the seat because it was not appropriate. The Damri Public Company will also have to provide media services complaints such as hot-line service

    Pengembangan Objek Wisata Religius dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Masyarakat dan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) (suatu Studi pada Objek Wisata Bukit Kasih Toar Lumimu\u27ut Kanonang Kabupaten Minahasa).

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    Tourism is one of the things that are important to a country. With the then existing community tourism attractions in the region would memdapatkan positive impact, the public get a chance to open a small business attractions in the region so that a family needs can be met. The local government of tourism objects get revenue from the tourist attraction. The potential of the attraction Hill Love Lumimu\u27ut district Kanonang minahasa not managed optimally so that the existence of a tourism asset rating not get a positive response in the form of tourist visits. Tourism development is very influential in tourist attraction Hill Love, the following are the factors that inhibit the development of attraction Hill Love Toar Lumimu\u27ut Kanonang Minahasa .Factors that hamperthe development ofattraction Hill LoveToarLumimu\u27ut: The quality of human resources is not adequate, System management is not optimal tourism. Manage less society preserve and attractions in Hill Love. Shortage of funds in the development of attraction Hill Love. Tourism marketing and promotion system is not optimal . Inadequate facilities and infrastructure. North Sulawesi provincial government is expected to develop a Tourism attraction Hill Love Toar Lumimu\u27ut Kanonang Minahasa in increasing people\u27s incomes and the contribution of attraction Hill Love for Local Revenue. This study is qualitative with the observation and interview .for bluntinig techniques of is done directly to people who knowing attraction Hill Love development Kanonang

    Implementasi Kebijakan E-government dalam Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Publik di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Mamuju Provinsi Sulawesi Barat

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    ABSTRACK: The Iimplementation policy of e-government in management public service is one of the government programs by making use of information and technology in management public services more effective and efficient. But in reality the service performed has not gone up, therefore, the research is intended to answer questions about How The Implementation policy of e-government in management of public service in the Department of Population and Civil Registration Regency of Mamuju, West Sulawesi province. In this study, researchers used a model of implementation of the George C. Edward III, where the implementation level visits from four aspects which have great impact in policy implementation. Communication is an aspect for the government to inform policy to the public as target group. Adequate resources both human resources and financial resources will be influence the success rate policy. Disposition is the attitude held by implementing policies such as ethics, and commitment to make this policy succeed. The bureaucratic structure is mechanism service operations and the structure of society together implementing agency policies. In this research using descriptive method qualitative research is conducted to 9 informant interviews, direct observations, and search any documents that relate to the policy, even in research aided by interview, a tape recorder, and stationery. The results of research in general explained that the implementation of e-government policies in public service in the Department of Population and Civil Registration Mamuju, West Sulawesi province has not gone up

    Evaluasi Dampak Kebijakan Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) Mandiri Perkotaan terhadap Kondisi Ekonomi Masyarakat (suatu Studi di Kecamatan Sario Kota Manado)

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    ABSTRACK : The most prominent problems experienced by countries that are developing ispoverty. Starting in 2007, the Indonesian government launched a national program ofcommunity empowerment independent (PNPM). Manado city, especially in Sub Sario as thelocation of this research has been carried PNPM Urban, but according to the results ofpreliminary observations, indicated not optimal, where the community of beneficiaries have not /less feel the direct benefits of the program. Thus, this research, in addition to answering some ofthe problems also aims to: Analyze the impact / influence policy implementation of the NationalProgram for Community Empowerment autonomy Urban to improved economic conditions,particularly in Sub Sario Manado City, and knowing the differences in socio-economicconditions of the District Sario between conditions early (before the implementation of policiesPNPM) and the condition now (after the implementation of policies PNPM) Urban. This studyused a survey method explanation (explanatory survey method), the purpose of this study willexplain the impact of policy implementation of the National Program for CommunityEmpowerment (PNPM) independent Urban to economic conditions.The results showed that the average economic conditions after the application of PNPMUrban obtained 29.4 or in the ideal measurement scale of 0:59, or 59%, while the economicconditions prior to the implementation of PNPM Urban, an average of only 28.7 or of 0.574 or57.4%, so that there is a difference, which is about 1.6%. This means that an increase in theeconomic conditions of village communities in the District Sario Manado City after theimplementation of the PNPM Urban of 1.6%. It indicates that programs are implemented, bothurban and Infrastructure development programs empowering community programs, especiallycapacity building, strengthening business management and venture capital as well as the creationof the business climate can give a positive impact on the economic conditions of societyenhancement village itself