21 research outputs found

    Physical recrearie in the system of resorts and sanatoriums

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    In the sanatorium-resort system at making healthy of man four basic methods of prophylaxis and treatment a climate are used: stay outdoors, sun-baths, bathing in the opened reservoirs, changing of climatic terms. At the same time those methods are utillized in a climototherapy, but with other dosage of setting. One of important criteria of efficiency of making healthy in sanatorium-resort terms it is necessary to count the level of motive activity of patient basis of which is his recrearie activity. It engulfs the different types of employments


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    Aim – to evaluate in the experimental study in vitro the duration of antimicrobial activity of fosfomycin-impregnated bone cement and to study the dynamics of radiological and morphological changes depending on the local antibiotic therapy in two-stage treatment of chronic osteomyelitis in rabbits.Materials and methods. Duration of antimicrobial activity of bone cement (depuy cmw1 gentamicin) with fosfomycin in vitro was studied in comparison to cements with vancomycin and controls without additional antibiotics. Presence of the lysis zone of bacterial cultures was evaluated (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC6538 and ATCC33591, Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC33495 and Escherichia coli ATCC25922) after application of 10 μl of the solution, collected from the cement samples after incubation for 24 hours. For the in vivo experiment, Chinchilla rabbits (n = 20) with local osteomyelitis of the tibia underwent two-stage treatment where substitution of the bone defect at stage I was performed with PMMA and stage II – with the bioresorbable material based on hydroxyapatite and triclacium phosphate (ReproBone). In an experience group (n = 10) before setting osteoreplacement materials with fosfomycin (group FOSFO), and by control (n = 10) – vancomycin (group VANCO). X-ray imaging was performed on the 1st and 21st day after installation of the cement spacer, and 45th day after substitution of the spacer with the bioresorbable material. Microbiological analysis of the samples was performed intraoperatively and on the 7th, 14th day after each stage. Histological study was conducted in both groups on the 14th, 21th day after stage I and 45th day after stage II of the treatment.Results. Maximal duration of antimicrobial activity in vitro was observed in samples of PMMA with fosfomycin whereas minimal – in control samples of gentamicin-based bone cement. Relief of the infection was attained in all animals while application of fosfomycin resulted in a more rapid elimination of the bacteria. Reaction of the adjacent tissue to the implanted material and results of X-ray imaging in both groups did not differ significantly. Long duration of the broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity of the bone cement with fosfomycin with the comparable perifocal reaction in vivo necessitates further study of the use of this antibiotic in bioresorbable materials for the treatment of osteomyelitis in clinical practice.Цель – оценить в эксперименте in vitro длительность антимикробной активности образцов импрегнированного фосфомицином костного цемента и изучить динамику рентгенологической и морфологической картины в зависимости от локальной антибактериальной терапии при двухэтапном лечении хронического остеомиелита у кроликов.Материал и методы. Изучали in vitro длительность антимикробной активности образцов импрегнированного фосфомицином костного цемента (depuy cmw1 gentamicin) в сравнении с импрегнацией ванкомицином и контрольными образцами без внесения дополнительного антибиотика. Оценивали наличие зоны лизиса бактериальной культуры (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC6538 и ATCC33591, Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC33495 и Escherichia coli ATCC25922) в области нанесения 10 мкл инкубационного раствора после инкубации образца в течение 24 час. В эксперименте in vivo 20 кроликам породы Шиншилла c локальным очагом остеомиелита большеберцовой кости проводили двухэтапное лечение. На первом этапе костный дефект замещали костным цементом на основе полиметилметакрилата (ПММА), на втором этапе – биорезорбируемым материалом на основе гидроксиапатита и трикальцийфосфата (ReproBone). В опытной группе (n = 10) перед установкой остеозамещающие материалы импрегнировали фосфомицином (группа ФОСФО), а в контрольной группе (n = 10) – ванкомицином (группа ВАНКО). Рентгенологические исследования выполняли в первые и 21-е сутки после установки цементного спейсера, на 45-е сутки после удаления цементного спейсера и укладки биорезорбируемого материала. Бактериологические исследования выполняли интраоперационно, на 7-е и 14-е сутки после каждого этапа. Морфологические исследования выполняли в обеих группах на 14-е и 21-е сутки после первого этапа и на 45-е сутки после второго этапа лечения.Результаты. Максимальная продолжительность антимикробной активности in vitro установлена при использовании ПММА с фосфомицином, минимальная – для контрольных образцов из официнального гентамицин-содержащего цемента. В эксперименте in vivo у всех животных было достигнуто купирование инфекционного процесса, однако применение фосфомицина приводило к более быстрой эрадикации возбудителя. Реакции тканей, окружающих имплантированный материал, в обеих группах экспериментальных животных различались незначительно, рентгенологическая картина была схожей. Большая длительность антимикробного действия образцов костного цемента с фосфомицином в отношении широкого спектра возбудителей при сопоставимых перифокальных реакциях в эксперименте in vivo делает перспективным дальнейшее изучение данного антибиотика в составе остеозамещающих материалов при лечении остеомиелита в клинической практике


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    The article provides a linguistic analysis of the category of politeness as a condition for successful written business communication. In this connection, it’s important to understand that communicative intentions and their perception by an addressee are determined by a set of social, national and cultural norms adopted by the business community. The paper aims to compare linguistic means serving to express the category of politeness in written business communication in the German and French languages. The research material includes different types of business letters. The analysis indicates that the representatives of the two European cultures equally use more polite generalized forms in written business communication, even if in private communication, the communicants use informal ways of address.Настоящая статья посвящена лингвистическому исследованию категории вежливости как залогу успешной письменной деловой коммуникации. В связи с этим важным является понимание того, что коммуникативные намерения и их восприятие адресатом определяются набором социальных, национально-культурных норм, принятых в бизнес-сообществе. Целью данной работы является сравнение языковых средств, служащих для выражения категории вежливости в письменной деловой коммуникации в немецком и французском языках. Материалом для анализа послужили образцы различных видов деловых писем. Изучение показало, что представители двух европейских культур в письменной деловой коммуникации в одинаковой степени используют более вежливые дистанцированные формы, даже если в приватном общении собеседники употребляют неформальные средства обращения

    The Use of Video Materials for the Development of Inner Motivation in Learning Foreign Languages of University Students

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    Our research aims to distinguish the types of motivation that are especially significant for undergraduate students and how authentic video materials foster the development of these types of motivation. Sample for the research was 67 undergraduate students from two Moscow universities – from MRSU (31 students) and from RUDN (36 students). The experiment was carried out in the autumn term of the 2019-2020 academic year. In the course of the research, a survey of students was conducted to identify the most significant factors contributing to an increase in the motivation of learning activities. According to the results of the survey, for senior undergraduate students, the opportunity to plan their learning activities independently acquires the greatest value. The creation of a favourable emotional environment in the classroom and adequate assessment of students are important but not determining factors in the development of motivation. The implementation of innovative pedagogical technologies and psychological and pedagogical support of the learning process are equally important for the formation of motivation. As part of the study, authentic professional video materials were selected and techniques for working with them were developed. The developed materials can be used for teaching language for specific purposes in the areas of Pedagogy, Economics, and Management. Students note that the use of the foreign language being studied in real situations of professional communication is the leading motivational factor. The participation of students in the film making process encourages the development of social and communicative competencies, prepares them for future professional activity

    Influence of the nature and amount of the second component of binary-palladium alloys on their catalytic activity with respect to the dehydrogenation of cyclohexane

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    1. The catalytic activity of palladium and binary alloys of it with nickel, silver, platinum, and boron with respect to the dehydrogenation of cyclohexane was studied. 2. Increasing the platinum content in the alloys to 1.5% increases their catalytic activity, while increasing the silver content in the range from 20 to 50% reduces their catalytic activity. The alloy of palladium with 5% nickel is more active, while the alloy with 10% nickel is less active than palladium. The apparent activation energy of the dehydrogenation of cyclohexane on all the indicated alloys, with the exception of alloys of palladium with platinum, are close to the value for palladium. 3. The catalytic activity of the alloys of palladium with boron studied is low and unstable. © 1971 Consultants Bureau

    Hydrogen permeability and catalytic activity of membranes made from palladium-copper alloys in the dehydrogenation of 1,2-cyclohexanediol

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    Palladium-copper alloys, which contain from 37 to 42% Cu, have both a high hydrogen permeability and a substantial catalytic activity in the de hydrogenation of 1,2-cyclohexanediol, which makes it possible to use them as membrane catalysts for this reaction. © 1978 Plenum Publishing CorporationPlenum Publishing Corporation

    Hydrogen permeability and catalytic activity of membranes made from palladium-copper alloys in the dehydrogenation of 1,2-cyclohexanediol

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    Palladium-copper alloys, which contain from 37 to 42% Cu, have both a high hydrogen permeability and a substantial catalytic activity in the de hydrogenation of 1,2-cyclohexanediol, which makes it possible to use them as membrane catalysts for this reaction. © 1978 Plenum Publishing CorporationPlenum Publishing Corporation

    Influence of the nature and amount of the second component of binary-palladium alloys on their catalytic activity with respect to the dehydrogenation of cyclohexane

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    1. The catalytic activity of palladium and binary alloys of it with nickel, silver, platinum, and boron with respect to the dehydrogenation of cyclohexane was studied. 2. Increasing the platinum content in the alloys to 1.5% increases their catalytic activity, while increasing the silver content in the range from 20 to 50% reduces their catalytic activity. The alloy of palladium with 5% nickel is more active, while the alloy with 10% nickel is less active than palladium. The apparent activation energy of the dehydrogenation of cyclohexane on all the indicated alloys, with the exception of alloys of palladium with platinum, are close to the value for palladium. 3. The catalytic activity of the alloys of palladium with boron studied is low and unstable. © 1971 Consultants Bureau