324 research outputs found

    Hybrid Feedback for Autonomous Navigation in Environments with Arbitrary Non-Convex Obstacles

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    We develop an autonomous navigation algorithm for a robot operating in two-dimensional environments containing obstacles, with arbitrary non-convex shapes, which can be in close proximity with each other, as long as there exists at least one safe path connecting the initial and the target location. The proposed navigation approach relies on a hybrid feedback to guarantee global asymptotic stabilization of the robot towards a predefined target location while ensuring the forward invariance of the obstacle-free workspace. The proposed hybrid feedback controller guarantees Zeno-free switching between the move-to-target mode and the obstacle-avoidance mode based on the proximity of the robot with respect to the obstacle-occupied workspace. An instrumental transformation that reshapes (virtually) the non-convex obstacles, in a non-conservative manner, is introduced to facilitate the design of the obstacle-avoidance strategy. Finally, we provide an algorithmic procedure for the sensor-based implementation of the proposed hybrid controller and validate its effectiveness through simulation results.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2111.0938

    Use of logical predistortion for the purpose of decreasing digital signal intersymbol interference

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    Method of decreasing of negative influence of intersymbol interference in digital signals is described. Method consists of carrying in transmitted signal logical predistortion. Copy of received signal after channel with intersymbol interference is nearer to initial informational signal that transmitted signal without predistortion

    Hybrid Systems of Soft Computing Technologies in Designing Team Decision for Supply Chain Management Systems of Organizations

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    Abstract—The main objective is development of hybrid systems for adaptive designing and supply chain management / strategizing of team decision “packages” for design work based on the use of soft computing technologies and system-creative thinking (SCT). An algorithm is proposed, and the results of case studies on predicting the effectiveness and optimal organization of team thinking, as well as designing team solutions using the technical package of social technologies are presented. They are exemplified by developing a system of products and marketing channels (points of contact) of an employer brand (EB) of an organization for individual stakeholder groups. An algorithm has been developed for using a system of hybrid “soft computing” technologies and system-creative thinking in supply chain process of project teamwork; practical calculations have been carried out using this algorithm. The algorithm and systems of models for using “soft computing” for supply chain developed allow us to obtain a synergistic effect from controlling a system of hybrid technologies at various stages of teamwork. The package includes a “basic” technology comprising “training teams”, and also the formation of a KPI system that characterize team work (units 1 and 2), “product” technologies comprising analysis of team organization thinking, forecasting team performance, team productivity management, as well as supply chain management of project (units 4, 5, 6), and also “closing” technology being a strategizing (adaptive management) of team work (dynamic control of the algorithm as a whole)

    Design of Telerobotic Drilling Control System with Haptic Feedback

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    The paper deals with the design of control algorithms for virtual reality based telerobotic system with haptic feedback that allows for the remote control of the vertical drilling operation. The human operator controls the vertical penetration velocity using a haptic device while simultaneously receiving the haptic feedback from the locally implemented virtual environment. The virtual environment is rendered as a virtual spring with stiffness updated based on the estimate of the stiffness of the rock currently being cut. Based on the existing mathematical models of drill string/drive systems and rock cutting/penetration process, a robust servo controller is designed which guarantees the tracking of the reference vertical penetration velocity of the drill bit. A scheme for on-line estimation of the rock intrinsic specific energy is implemented. Simulations of the proposed control and parameter estimation algorithms have been conducted; consequently, the overall telerobotic drilling system with a human operator controlling the process using PHANTOM Omni haptic device is tested experimentally, where the drilling process is simulated in real time in virtual environment


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    Looking back at the 60-year period of anesthesiology and critical care development in this country, the author paid special attention to some considerations that largely reflect the ideology and psychology of specialists working in this field, who, from his point of view, interfered with further development of this specialty as an independent medical field in Russia. Special emphasis was put on some problematic issues of interdisciplinary interaction, training, and organization of care. It was noted that the experience of predecessors was to be taken into account since the essence of many current problems was in many ways the same as it had been before. The author suggested that moving forward was possible only if the efforts of the entire professional community were consolidated.Оглядываясь на 60-летний период развития анестезиологии и реаниматологии в стране, автор останавливается на некоторых соображениях, в большей степени отражающих идеологию и психологию работающих в этой сфере специалистов, которые, с его точки зрения, затрудняют дальнейшее развитие специальности в качестве самостоятельного направления в отечественной медицине. Обращено внимание на некоторые проблемные вопросы междисциплинарного взаимодействия, подготовки кадров, организации помощи. Отмечена необходимость учитывать опыт предшественников, поскольку многие сегодняшние проблемы во многом по своей сути такие же, как были и ранее. Высказано мнение, что движение вперед возможно только при консолидации усилий всего профессионального сообщества

    Взрывные поражения (лекция)

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    The lecture discusses some aspects of anesthetic and intesive care for patients with blast injuries based on the experience of local conflicts and man-made disasters of recent decades generalized by national and foreign experts.Such casualties are difficult to treat due to potential significant anatomical damage and development of severe functional disorders. Understanding the role of damaging factors facilitates the choice of diagnostic and therapeutic tactics.В лекции рассмотрены некоторые аспекты анестезиологической и реаниматологической помощи пациентам с взрывными поражениями, основанные на опыте локальных конфликтов и техногенных катастроф последних десятилетий, обобщенном отечественными и зарубежными специалистами. Таких пострадавших сложно лечить не только из-за огромного числа потенциально возможных анатомических повреждений, но и из-за вызванных ими различных функциональных нарушений. Понимание действия поражающих факторов взрыва облегчает проведение целенаправленной диагностики и выработку организационной и лечебной тактики


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    In no way questioning the achievements of the Russian anesthesiology and intensive care, the author pays special attention to certain topical issues. From his point of view, these issues point out at the fact that anesthesiology and intensive care system is falling behind healthcare reforming. The author expresses his concerns about the current situation, especially about the growing gap between high requirements to the quality of care provided by anesthesiologists and emergency physicians and constraints interfering with it due to various reasons. The author suggests striving for the division of anesthesiology and intensive care into the relevant levels, elaboration of clear requirements to primary (basic) training of graduates from medical residences and expresses some other opinions. Considering the novelty of his proposals, the author invites to discuss them in the publications of this journal and during the 2nd Congress on Topical Issues of Critical Care Medicine (May 11-14, 2019).Автор, не оспаривая достижений отечественной анестезиологии и реаниматологии, акцентирует внимание на некоторых проблемных вопросах, которые, с его точки зрения, свидетельствуют об отставании системы анестезиолого-реаниматологической помощи от реформирования здравоохранения. Проявляя тревогу в отношении складывающейся ситуации, особенно прогрессирующим разрывом между высокими требованиями к качеству работы анестезиолога-реаниматолога и сложностью его обеспечения в силу различных причин, предлагает добиваться градации анестезиолого-реаниматологической помощи на уровни, четкого определения требований к первичной (базовой) подготовке выпускников клинической ординатуры и высказывает также некоторые другие соображения. Учитывая своеобразие предложений, призывает к обсуждению их как на страницах журнала, так и в рамках 2-го Конгресса «Актуальные вопросы медицины критических состояний» (11‒14 мая 2019 г.)

    Отечественная анестезиология-реаниматология в 2019–2020 гг.

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    The editorial considers the results and development trends of anesthesiology and resuscitation in this country after the 2nd Congress On Topical Issues of Critical Care Medicine which was held last year. Special attention is paid to the practical implementation of the concepts of enhanced recovery of the patient and perioperative medicine as well as acute kidney injury. It is noted that a change in the conceptual understanding of renal dysfunction results in re-consideration of principles of management of critically ill patients with special emphasis on factors that can cause (aggravate) kidney injury. The article focuses on the fact that the mechanistic implementation of any new techniques without regard to the consequences can bring not only benefits but also harm. It emphasizes that the prevention of the cohort of patients with chronic kidney disease from growing and adequate timely use of modern dialysis technologies can result in reduction of public spending on hemodialysis after discharge from the hospital. The effectiveness of interdisciplinary interaction of various professional communities jointly searching for solutions is illustrated by the example of the management of the antibiotic resistance problem.Редакционная статья рассматривает итоги и тенденции развития анестезиолого-реаниматологического направления в стране после прошедшего в прошлом году 2-го Конгресса «Актуальные вопросы медицины критических состояний». Особое внимание уделено практической реализации концепций ускоренного выздоровления пациента и периоперационной медицины, а также острого повреждения почек. Отмечено, что изменение концептуальных представлений о дисфункции почек заставляет переосмыслить принципы ведения больных в критическом состоянии, обращая внимание на факторы, способные вызывать (усугублять) повреждение почек. Акцентировано внимание на том, что механистическое внедрение в практику любых новых методик без оглядки на последствия может приносить не только пользу, но и вред. Подчеркнуто, что лишь предупреждение роста когорты больных с хронической болезнью почек и грамотное своевременное применение современных диализных технологий способны обеспечить снижение государственных затрат на гемодиализ после выписки больных из стационара. Показана эффективность междисциплинарного взаимодействия различных профессиональных сообществ в случае совместного поиска решений на примере разработки проблемы антибиотикорезистентности