14 research outputs found

    Juvenile Offenders: Reasons and Characteristics of Criminal Behavior

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    The article examines the phenomenon of “juvenile delinquency”, assesses its actual state and establishes the tendencies of its manifestations. Juvenile delinquency in Ukraine as a part of crime in a broad sense arises and develops under the influence of certain determinants. The study of the causes and conditions of juvenile delinquency remains relevant today, which indicates the special danger of this kind of crime for the development of society. The purpose of the article is to study the state of the problem in Ukraine and the experience of other countries in minimising the criminal behaviour of minors in the process of property and non-property relations. The leading approach that was used when writing the article is the comparison and analysis of modern materials on the problems of criminal behaviour of criminals who have not reached the age of majority. As a result, it was possible to identify the social characteristics of juvenile criminals and the reasons for their criminal behaviour. Considerable attention is paid to the factors influencing the commission of crimes: a dysfunctional family, shortcomings of the educational process, the problem of alcohol and drug use by minors. In addition, some directions for the prevention of juvenile delinquency were developed. The applied value is the ability to change legislation in terms of work and correction of minor criminals’ behaviour

    Економіка сьогодні: проблеми моделювання та управління : матеріали Х Міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції (м. Полтава, 19–20 листопада 2020 року)

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    У матеріалах конференції розглядаються проблеми та особливості моделювання й управління сучасними економічними процесами та системами, теоретичні основи формування механізмів і систем стратегічного розвитку підприємств, сучасна проблематика підготовки фахівців з економічної кібернетики та компʼ ютерних інформаційних технологій. Матеріали розраховано на науковопедагогічних працівників, аспірантів і студентів закладів вищої освіти. Організатори конференції можуть не поділяти думки учасників.Організаційний комітет: Голова: О. О. Нестуля, д. і. н., професор, ректор Вищого навчального закладу Укоопспілки «Полтавський університет економіки і торгівлі» (ПУЕТ) (м. Полтава), лауреат Державної премії України в галузі науки і техніки, заслужений працівник освіти України. Заступники голови організаційного комітету: М. Є. Рогоза, д. е. н., професор, академік Академії економічних наук України, академік Міжнародної академії біоенерготехнологій, завідувач економічної кібернетики, бізнес-економіки та інформаційних систем ПУЕТ (м. Полтава), заслужений діяч науки і техніки України; О. В. Манжура, д. е. н., доцент, проректор з науково-педагогічної роботи ПУЕТ (м. Полтава). Члени організаційного комітету: К. Ю. Вергал, к. е. н., доцент, директор Інституту економіки, управління та інформаційних технологій ПУЕТ (м. Полтава); Є. М. Ємець, к. ф.-м. н., професор, професор кафедри економічної кібернетики, бізнес-економіки та інформаційних систем ПУЕТ (м. Полтава); Г. В. Карнаухова, ст. викладач кафедри економічної кібернетики, бізнес-економіки та інформаційних систем ПУЕТ (м. Полтава); О. К. Кузьменко, к. е. н., доцент, заст. завідувача кафедри економічної кібернетики, бізнес-економіки та інформаційних систем ПУЕТ (м. Полтава); В. І. Перебийніс, д. е. н., професор, професор кафедри економічної кібернетики, бізнес-економіки та інформаційних систем ПУЕТ (м. Полтава); А. С. Ткаченко, к. т. н., доцент, директор Навчально-наукового інституту бізнесу та сучасних технологій ПУЕТ (м. Полтава); М. М. Іващенко, директор навчально-наукового інформаційного центру ПУЕТ (м. Полтава); Л. М. Діденко, директор Центру інформаційного забезпечення освітнього процесу ПУЕТ (м. Полтава)

    Competitiveness in the Context of the Reproductive Structure Contradictions of the World Countries’ Economies

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    Abstract: The specificity of interdependence and contradiction of macroeconomic competitiveness formation determined by the condition and dynamics of the reproductive structure of GDP are defined. Current trends in reproductive structure of GDP of leading countries, countries with transitional economy and developing countries are investigated. It is proved that sustainable economic growth under the global competition is only possible with an innovation-oriented economic model. It is determined that the ability of a society to produce and implement innovations is directly related to the accumulation of capital and the proportions of the GDP reproductive structures. The necessity of providing an optimal balance between capital consumption and accumulation in the reproductive structure of GDP as the prerequisites of the country’s competitiveness formation through innovation is substantiate

    Agrarian cooperation: experience of the European Union for Uk

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    Abstract: The advanced experience in development of cooperation in the agrarian sector of the European Union has been summarized, prospects for its implementation in Ukraine has been outlined. The principles of chaining together in a single line logistics, production, processing and marketing of agricultural products, as well as the corresponding financial and credit support, are identified. Recommendations for development of cooperatives that produce and supply the means of production for agriculture as well as cooperatives for general use of agricultural machinery have been elaborated. A critical estimation of the state of agrarian cooperation in Ukraine has been made, the causes hindering its development are identified, and proposals concerning the prospects of the domestic agricultural cooperation under conditions of the European integration has been substantiated


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    Abstract: The results of investigation are described as to the influence of the informational revolution on the formation of post-industrial megatrends in the post-socialistic economy and conclusions are drawn about the transformation of the industrial economy in post-socialistic countries into the science-intensive post-industrial economy. Especial attention is paid to the justification of the following megatrends: "Spiritual and Creative Activity" (as a most important prerequisite and a consequence of the informational revolution), "Innovation and Information Development" (as the main direction of the economy) and "Socialization of Economic Relations" (as a way to the formation of value characteristics of the post-industrial development stage). The influence of the informational revolution on the formation of the megatrends in the post-socialistic economy is proved to depend on the chosen model of transformational changes, the involvement of the country's economy into the global one, the level of scientific and technological development of the economy during the pretransformational period and the rate of socialization of economic relations


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    Abstract: The factors of competitiveness of a national economy, which are crucial in terms of innovation and intellectual development, which is followed by the leading countries of the world have been examined. Countries' competitiveness has been studied by identifying the relationship between the process capital on the one hand, and the market, human, financial, renewal capital on the other hand. The existence of the named relationship has been confirmed analytically, its measurement has been carried out, and the principles of state regulation to ensure the competitiveness of Ukraine have been defined

    Issues of improving the system for administration of the solid waste treatment sphere: the regional a

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    Abstract: The article considers the current state and issues of the solid waste treatment. The analysis of existing levels of environmental contamination allowed to formulate an opinion of the threat extent related to the indicated problem for the economy at both the national and regional levels. The state of solving these issues at the present has been critically analyzed and the main aspects of the waste treatment have been selected. In the list of the outstanding public tasks has been entered the formation of a proper regulatory framework, which can be possible thanks to a system of standards and regulations. The role of solving the problem not only at the public but also at the local levels is emphasized, because without proper monitoring and surveillance at the local level achieving of the systemic multi-tiered goals will not be possible. As a means to solve the above issues, a set of measures has been proposed, aimed at identification of reserves to reduce waste through the refocusing of production towards the utilization of raw materials suitable for recycling, development of outsourcing in the field of waste management, which will provide a large reducing the ecological-economic losses of the societ