56 research outputs found

    A Method for Plasma Electron Temperature Evaluation for GOL-NB facility

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    A new method for measuring the electron temperature of the plasma in GOL-NB facility is proposed. The proposed method is based on measuring the ratio of intensities of spectral lines emitted by fast atoms injected into the plasma. The beams of fast hydrogen atoms used for plasma heating or diagnostics contain atoms with full energy as well as atoms with fractional energies (E/2, E/3, E/18), which arise from the dissociation of molecular ions H+2, H+3, H2O+. Spectral lines of atoms with different energies (especially Ha) can be resolved due to Doppler shift caused by differences in atom velocities. For low-energy atoms, excitation occurs due to collisions with thermal electrons, while for high-energy atoms, collision processes with plasma ions are essential. Therefore, the intensity ratio of line fractions with different energies depends on the electronic temperature of the plasma and can be used for its measurement. At a beam energy of 24 keV, the method can be used to measure electronic temperatures up to 40 eV, which is of interest for experiments on the GOL-NB facility. To measure the temperature with an accuracy of 20 eV, it is necessary to measure the intensity ratio of lines with percentage precision and also measure the same precision of attenuation of the neutral beam passing through the plasma

    Measurement of the ionization yield of nuclear recoils in liquid argon at 80 and 233 keV

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    The energy calibration of nuclear recoil detectors is of primary importance to rare-event experiments such as those of direct dark matter search and coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering. In particular, such a calibration is performed by measuring the ionization yield of nuclear recoils in liquid Ar and Xe detection media, using neutron elastic scattering off nuclei. In the present work, the ionization yield for nuclear recoils in liquid Ar has for the first time been measured in the higher energy range, at 80 and 233 keV, using a two-phase Cryogenic Avalanche Detector (CRAD) and DD neutron generator. The ionization yield in liquid Ar at an electric field of 2.3 kV/cm amounted to 7.8+/-1.1 and 9.7+/-1.3 e-/keV at 80 and 233 keV respectively. The Jaffe model for nuclear recoil-induced ionization, in contrast to that Thomas-Imel, can probably consistently describe the energy dependence of the ionization yield.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Fig. 6 changed. Submitted to EP

    Plasma-surface interaction during iter transient events: simulation with QSPA Kh-50 AND GOL-3 facilities

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    The paper presents experimental investigations of plasma-surface interaction (PSI) and materials behavior under plasma loads relevant to giant ELMs in ITER. The experiments were performed with QSPA Kh-50 and GOL-3 devices located in Kharkov, (Ukraine) and Novosibirsk (Russia) respectively. QSPA provided repetitive plasma pulses of the duration of 0.25 ms and the energy density up to 2.5 MJ/m². In GOL-3 multimirror trap the impacting plasma was heated up to 2…4 keV temperature by a high power relativistic electron beam (0.8 MeV, ~30 kA, ~12 µs, ~120 kJ). Surface morphology of the targets exposed to QSPA and GOL-3 plasma is analyzed. Development of cracking on the tungsten surface and droplets splashing are discussed.Представлені результати досліджень взаємодії плазми з поверхнею й поведінки матеріалів при плазмових навантаженнях, відповідних граничним локалізованим модам в ІТЕРі. Експерименти проводились на установках КСПП Х-50 (Харків) й ГОЛ-3 (Новосибірськ). Опромінення на КСПП проводилось повторюваними імпульсами тривалістю 0,25 мс та густиною енергії до 2,5 МДж/м². У гофрованій багатопробочній пастці ГОЛ-3 плазма, яка взаємодіє з матеріалами, нагрівалась до температури 2…4 кеВ потужним релятивістським електронним пучком (0.8 MеВ, ~30 кA, ~12 мкс, ~120 кДж). Аналізується морфологія поверхні мішеней, що опромінені на КСПП та ГОЛ-3. Обговорюється розвиток тріщин й крапельна ерозія вольфраму.Представлены результаты исследований взаимодействия плазмы с поверхностью и поведения материалов при плазменных нагрузках, соответствующих граничным локализованным модам в ИТЭРе. Эксперименты проводились на установках КСПУ Х-50 (Харьков) и ГОЛ-3 (Новосибирск). Облучение на КСПУ проводилось повторяющимися импульсами длительностью 0,25 мс и плотностью энергии до 2,5 МДж/м². В гофрированной многопробочной ловушке ГОЛ-3 взаимодействующая с материалами плазма нагревалась до температуры 2…4 кэВ мощным релятивистским электронным пучком (0.8 MэВ, ~30 кA, ~12 мкс, ~120 кДж). Анализируется морфология поверхности мишеней, облученных на КСПУ и ГОЛ-3. Обсуждается развитие трещин и капельная эрозия вольфрама