704 research outputs found

    Effects of supersymmetric grand unification scale physics on Γ(b→sγ)\Gamma \left( b\to s\gamma\right)

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    Although calculations of the b→sÎłb\rightarrow s\gamma rate in supersymmetric grand unified models have always either ignored the gluino mediated contribution or found it to be negligible, we show that taking universal supersymmetry breaking masses at the Planck scale, rather than at the gauge unification scale as is customary, leads to the gluino contribution being more significant and in fact sometimes even larger than the chargino mediated contributions when ÎŒ>0\mu >0 and tan⁥ÎČ\tan{\beta} is of order 1. The impact is greatest felt when the gluinos are relatively light. Taking the universal boundary condition at the Planck scale also has an effect on the chargino contribution by increasing the effect of the wino and higgsino-wino mediated decays. The neutralino mediated contribution is found to be enhanced, but nevertheless it remains relatively insignificant.Comment: Title changed, final version as accepted for PRD, 12 pages, 6 Figures (Figs.2-6 included, uuencoded, epsf.tex

    The strong coupling, unification, and recent data

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    The prediction of the strong coupling assuming (supersymmetric) coupling constant unification is reexamined. We find, using the new electroweak data, αs(MZ)≈0.129±0.010\alpha_{s}(M_{Z}) \approx 0.129 \pm 0.010. The implications of the large αs\alpha_{s} value are discussed. The role played by the ZZ beauty width is stressed. It is also emphasized that high-energy (but not low-energy) corrections could significantly diminish the prediction. However, unless higher-dimension operators are assumed to be suppressed, at present one cannot place strong constraints on the super-heavy spectrum. Non-leading electroweak threshold corrections are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, LaTex + RevTex, uuencoded postscript file (including 13 figures) is attached. Also available at ftp://dept.physics.upenn.edu/pub/Ni

    A life cycle stakeholder management framework for enhanced collaboration between stakeholders with competing interests

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    This is a postprint version of the Book Chapter. Information regarding the official publication is available from the link below - Copyright @ 2011 SpringerImplementation of a Life Cycle Sustainability Management (LCSM) strategy can involve significant challenges because of competing or conflicting objectives between stakeholders. These differences may, if not identified and managed, hinder successful adoption of sustainability initiatives. This article proposes a conceptual framework for stakeholder management in a LCSM context. The framework identifies the key sustainability stakeholder groups and suggests strategic ambiguity as a management tool to harness dysfunctional conflict into constructive collaboration. The framework is of practical value as it can be used as a guideline by managers who wish to improve collaboration with stakeholders along the supply chain. The article also fills a gap in the academic literature where there is only limited research on sustainability stakeholder management through strategic ambiguity

    Single flux quantum circuits with damping based on dissipative transmission lines

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    We propose and demonstrate the functioning of a special Rapid Single Flux Quantum (RSFQ) circuit with frequency-dependent damping. This damping is achieved by shunting individual Josephson junctions by pieces of open-ended RC transmission lines. Our circuit includes a toggle flip-flop cell, Josephson transmission lines transferring single flux quantum pulses to and from this cell, as well as DC/SFQ and SFQ/DC converters. Due to the desired frequency-dispersion in the RC line shunts which ensures sufficiently low noise at low frequencies, such circuits are well-suited for integrating with the flux/phase Josephson qubit and enable its efficient control.Comment: 6 pages incl. 6 figure

    Optimizing postprandial glucose management in adults with insulin-requiring diabetes: Report and recommendations

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    Faster-acting insulins, new noninsulin drug classes, more flexible insulin-delivery systems, and improved continuous glucose monitoring devices offer unprecedented opportunities to improve postprandial glucose (PPG) management and overall care for adults with insulin-treated diabetes. These developments led the Endocrine Society to convene a working panel of diabetes experts in December 2018 to assess the current state of PPG management, identify innovative ways to improve self-management and quality of life, and align best practices to current and emerging treatment and monitoring options. Drawing on current research and collective clinical experience, we considered the following issues for the ∌200 million adults worldwide with type 1 and insulin-requiring type 2 diabetes: (i) the role of PPG management in reducing the risk of diabetes complications; (ii) barriers preventing effective PPG management; (iii) strategies to reduce PPG excursions and improve patient quality of life; and (iv) education and clinical tools to support endocrinologists in improving PPG management. We concluded that managing PPG to minimize or prevent diabetes-related complications will require elucidating fundamental questions about optimal ways to quantify and clinically assess the metabolic dysregulation and consequences of the abnormal postprandial state in diabetes and recommend research strategies to address these questions. We also identified practical strategies and tools that are already available to reduce barriers to effective PPG management, optimize use of new and emerging clinical tools, and improve patient self-management and quality of life

    Extra Families, Higgs Spectrum and Oblique Corrections

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    The standard model accommodates, but does not explain, three families of leptons and quarks, while various extensions suggest extra matter families. The oblique corrections from extra chiral families with relatively light (weak-scale) masses, Mf∌M_{f} \sim , are analyzed and used to constrain the number of extra families and their spectrum. The analysis is motivated, in part, by recent N = 2 supersymmetry constructions, but is performed in a model-independent way. It is shown that the correlations among the contributions to the three oblique parameters, rather than the contribution to a particular one, provide the most significant bound. Nevertheless, a single extra chiral family with a constrained spectrum is found to be consistent with precision data without requiring any other new physics source. Models with three additional families may also be accommodated but only by invoking additional new physics, most notably, a two-Higgs-doublet extension. The interplay between the spectra of the extra fermions and the Higgs boson(s) is analyzed in the case of either one or two Higgs doublets, and its implications are explored. In particular, the precision bound on the SM-like Higgs boson mass is shown to be significantly relaxed in the presence of an extra relatively light chiral family.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, version for PR

    Seesaw mechanism in the sneutrino sector and its consequences

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    The seesaw-extended MSSM provides a framework in which the observed light neutrino masses and mixing angles can be generated in the context of a natural theory for the TeV-scale. Sneutrino-mixing phenomena provide valuable tools for connecting the physics of neutrinos and supersymmetry. We examine the theoretical structure of the seesaw-extended MSSM, retaining the full complexity of three generations of neutrinos and sneutrinos. In this general framework, new flavor-changing and CP-violating sneutrino processes are allowed, and are parameterized in terms of two 3×33\times 3 matrices that respectively preserve and violate lepton number. The elements of these matrices can be bounded by analyzing the rate for rare flavor-changing decays of charged leptons and the one-loop contribution to neutrino masses. In the former case, new contributions arise in the seesaw extended model which are not present in the ordinary MSSM. In the latter case, sneutrino--antisneutrino mixing generates the leading correction at one-loop to neutrino masses, and could provide the origin of the observed texture of the light neutrino mass matrix. Finally, we derive general formulae for sneutrino--antisneutrino oscillations and sneutrino flavor-oscillations. Unfortunately, neither oscillation phenomena is likely to be observable at future colliders.Comment: 69 pages, 5 figures, uses axodraw.sty. Version accepted for publication in JHEP: some comments and one more Appendix with additional discussion added, references update
