370 research outputs found

    Sports Injury Prevention in Danbury, CT

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    Sports Injuries, especially overuse injuries, cause a significant amount of morbidity and public health cost, especially for young athletes. Importantly, many of these injuries can be prevented with proper training and some novel approaches to warm-up and training. To address this concern, I worked with Orthopedic Specialists of CT and the athletic trainers at Danbury High School to come up with some educational materials for patients on effective ways to prevent sports medicine injuries.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/fmclerk/1353/thumbnail.jp

    How can businesses measure social media influence to create value?

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    Only a carefully seeded stimulus can generate new demand for a product or service, argues Vyacheslav Polonsk

    Book review: smartphones as locative media

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    How do location-based services impact social life and reconfigure interpretations of physical spaces? In Smartphones as Locative Media, the author maintains that physical spaces are differentially experienced by people if digital information is accessed through locative media, such as the smartphone, writes Vyacheslav Polonski. This information acts not only as an exterior informational layer that augments the space, but also as a technology that mediates mobility, altering their environmental awareness and sense of place

    The next decade of data science: rethinking key challenges faced by big data researchers

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    The vast availability of digital traces of unprecedented form and scale has led many to believe that we are entering a new data revolution. Will these new data sources and tools allow us to improve business processes in transformative ways? Vyacheslav Polonski argues that the more data is available, the more theory is needed to know what to look for and how to interpret what we have found

    What heavy quanta bounds could be inferred from a Higgs discovery?

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    The Higgs couplings can receive non-decoupling corrections due to heavy quanta, and deviations from the SM can be used to test its presence. The possible Higgs signal recently reported at LEP, with mh=115 GeV, severely constrains the presence of heavy quanta, such as a heavy fourth family. At Tevatron, the Higgs production by gluon fusion, followed by the decay h -> WW*, can also be used to probe the existence of heavy colored particles, including additional families, chiral sextet and octet quarks. Within the MSSM, we also find that gluon fusion is a sensitive probe for the squark spectrum.Comment: 12 pages, 3 tables, 1 figure. Accepted in Mod. Phys. Lett. A (2001

    Феодосий «Грек», Климент Смолятич и безымянный патриарх

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    The article addresses the issue of dating a Church Slavonic translation from Greek of Pope Leo the Great’s Tome to Archbishop Flavian of Constantinople (449), confirmed by the Fourth Ecumenical Council as an essential document of dogma (451). So far the translation has been dated as widely as the 12th century. The existing interpretations were mainly concerned with the biography of the translator, a monk Theodosius, who lived in the Kievan Rus' in the 12th century and is thought to have been an abbot of the Kievan Caves monastery (A. Shakhmatov’s version) or a cleric under the metropolitan (E. Golubinski’s version). Dwelling on the second of these suggestions, and adding his own hypothesis that Theodosius was educated in Byzantium, at the Orphanotropheion of St. Paul, the author of the article goes on to elucidate an obscure passage in Theodosius’s introduction to the Slavic translation of the Tome with a mention of an unnamed patriarch and to further hypothesize about the date of the translation: supposedly the translation activities took place at the time when Kliment Smoliatich was the nominal head of the Kievan metropoly and thus can be dated between September 1149 and April 1151. The final part of the article addresses the issue from a different perspective, discussing Theodosius’s introduction in the context of Old Slavonic hymnography. It interprets the phrase about the unnamed ʽPatriarch’ in the view of the Slavonic text of a church service devoted to Pope Leo and held in monasteries, thus producing a more exact date for the translation, February 18, 1151. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2018.7.2.1В статье рассматривается проблема датировки выполненного в Киевской Руси XII в. монахом Феодосием перевода с греческого на славянский язык важнейшего документа христианского догматического богословия — утвержденного в этом качестве IV Вселенским собором (451) Томоса римского папы Льва Великого (449). Славянский перевод Томоса до сих пор не имел обоснованной датировки в пределах XII столетия. Гипотеза об образовании, полученном Феодосием в Византии в сиротской школе св. Павла, позволяет объяснить темное место в его предисловии к славянскому переводу Томоса, где упомянут некий безымянный патриарх. Дополняющая эту гипотезу версия о Феодосии как о клирике, состоявшем при киевском митрополите, принадлежащая Е. Е. Голубинскому, дает возможность связать деятельность переводчика с периодом, когда митрополию номинально возглавлял Климент Смолятич, и датировать создание славянского перевода Томоса временем между сентябрем 1149 и апрелем 1151 г. Однако более обоснованной в источниковедческом отношении оказывается иная интерпретация слов Феодосия о патриархе, опирающаяся на славянский текст посвященной папе Льву службы, исполнявшейся при монастырском богослужении. Эта интерпретация приводит к другой, точной датировке начала работы книжника над переводом Томоса — 18 февраля 1151 г. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2018.7.2.

    Willingness To Donate Blood During the Summer

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    Introduction. Each year donation rates fall in the summer months straining blood banks’ capacities to meet local demands. In hopes of identifying factors to increase summer donations, our study investigated donor reported barriers which influence summer donations habits.Methods. An anonymous 16 question survey investigating various donation factors was administered across multiple American Red Cross (ARC) donation centers in Vermont. Questions addressed donor demographics, frequency of blood donation, preference in appointment making modalities including smartphone app use, summer travel habits, willingness to donate during vacation, and factors that deter donors from donating on vacation.Results. A total of 292 surveys were received. Survey respondents across multiple demographic groups cited similar barriers to summer donation, namely “Too busy” (27.5 %) and “Traveling is a time for me to relax.” (30.6 %). Of the respondents who travel in the summer, very few reported donating while traveling (3.4 %). Summer donation rates between summertime travelers (36.5 %) and non-travelers (36.4 %) were essentially equivalent. The most preferred methods of scheduling appointments were via ARC website (45.6 %) and phone (28.4%). Willingness to use the ARC app was highest among respondents ages of 18 to 34 (45-55%) and lowest among ages 55 and older (13-15%). Of respondents with no prior knowledge of summer seasonal shortages (22 %), 2/3rds indicated newfound motivation to donate.Conclusion. Regardless of travel, increasing awareness of summer shortages may increase summer donations. Use of donor websites and smartphone apps may be instrumented as part of recruitment efforts.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1239/thumbnail.jp

    О рукописях собрания Радослава Груича в Музее Сербской православной церкви в Белграде

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    [Rev. of: Mošin V.A., Vasiljev Lj., Bogdanović D., Grozdanović-Pajić M., Manuscripts of the Museum of the Serbian Оrthodox Church: Collection of Radoslav M. Grujić, Book 1: Archeographic description, Vol. 1, Belgrade: Retro print, 2017, 270 pp., illustr. — (Description of South Slavic Cyrillic manuscripts, Vol. 7) — (in Serbian)] The article discusses the first issue of the catalogue titled “Manuscripts of the Museum of the Serbian Orthodox Church: Collection of Radoslav M. Grujić”. This manuscript collection, which serves as the basis of the manuscript corpus in the Belgrade museum, was gathered by Radoslav M. Grujić, an outstanding Serbian historian, whose name it now bears. A large project aimed at detailed analytical description of Grujić′s Collection was initiated more than half a century ago by Vladimir Mošin, the founder of the Serbian school in medieval palaeography and diplomatics. Most of the two hundred manuscripts from the 14th–19th centuries described in the catalogue are now presented for the first time in the edition under review. Many of these manuscripts are not only important as valuable sources for the study of Serbian culture but will also foster new research on the history of inter-Slavic and other European connections. The book is of great interest to historians, philologists, theologians, as well as to archivists. DOI: 10.31168/23056754.2020.9.1.18[Рец.: Мошин В. А., Васиљев Љ., Богдановић Д., Гроздановић-Пајић М., Рукописи Музеја Српске православне цркве: Збирка Радослава М. Грујића, Књ. 1: Археографски опис, Свеска 1, Београд: Retro print, 2017. 270 стр., илл. — (Опис jужнословенских ћирилских рукописа, том 7)] Рецензия посвящена изданию первой части каталога рукописного собрания, основу которого составила коллекция манускриптов, сохраненная выдающимся сербским историком Радославом М. Груичем. Это собрание, ныне носящее его имя, находится в Музее Сербской православной церкви в Белграде. Подробное описание собрания Р. Груича было начато более полувека назад группой археографов под руководством основателя сербской школы палеографии и дипломатики В. А. Мошина. Теперь благодаря рецензируемому изданию в научный оборот вводятся сведения о двух сотнях описанных в каталоге рукописных источниках XIV–XIX вв., большинство из которых ранее не имело подробных аналитических описаний. Многие из этих источников не только важны для истории сербской культуры, но также стимулируют новые исследования истории межславянских и иных европейских связей. Рецензируемая книга будет интересна историкам, филологам, богословам, архивистам. DOI: 10.31168/23056754.2020.9.1.1

    Theodosius “the Greek”, Kliment Smoliatich, and the Unnamed Patriarch

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    The article addresses the issue of dating a Church Slavonic translation from Greek of Pope Leo the Great’s Tome to Archbishop Flavian of Constantinople (449), confirmed by the Fourth Ecumenical Council as an essential document of dogma (451). So far the translation has been dated as widely as the 12th century. The existing interpretations were mainly concerned with the biography of the translator, a monk Theodosius, who lived in the Kievan Rus' in the 12th century and is thought to have been an abbot of the Kievan Caves monastery (A. Shakhmatov’s version) or a cleric under the metropolitan (E. Golubinski’s version). Dwelling on the second of these suggestions, and adding his own hypothesis that Theodosius was educated in Byzantium, at the Orphanotropheion of St. Paul, the author of the article goes on to elucidate an obscure passage in Theodosius’s introduction to the Slavic translation of the Tome with a mention of an unnamed patriarch and to further hypothesize about the date of the translation: supposedly the translation activities took place at the time when Kliment Smoliatich was the nominal head of the Kievan metropoly and thus can be dated between September 1149 and April 1151. The final part of the article addresses the issue from a different perspective, discussing Theodosius’s introduction in the context of Old Slavonic hymnography. It interprets the phrase about the unnamed ʽPatriarch’ in the view of the Slavonic text of a church service devoted to Pope Leo and held in monasteries, thus producing a more exact date for the translation, February 18, 1151.Church Slavonic written sources; translation from Greek into Church Slavonic; Pope Leo the Great; Theodosius “the Greek”; Nikola Sviatosha; Metropolitan Kliment Smoliatich; Byzantine education; the Orphanotropheion of St. Paul; Slavonic hymnograph

    Историческая эрудиция составителя “Слова о Халкидонском соборе”

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    The article focuses on a literary monument presenting Christological debates of the 5th century and the circumstances of the Fourth Ecumenical Council (the Council of Chalcedon), its sources, and the history of dissemination in the Slavic manuscript tradition. It introduces a list of forty-two East Slavic manuscripts of the 15‒17th centuries, including The Word on the Council of Chalcedon, a work on the history of Christianity and its dogmas. In thirty-nine of the manuscript copies, the literary monument serves as an introduction to the Slavic translation of Pope Leo the Great’s Tome to Archbishop Flavian of Constantinople (451), confirmed by the Fourth Ecumenical Council as an essential document of dogma. Judging by the provenance of the manuscript sources, in the 15‒17th centuries The Word on the Council of Chalcedon, along with the translation of Pope Leo’s Tome, were widely read and copied in the monasteries and churches of Moscow, Volok Lamsky, Pereyaslavl-Ryazansky, and Novgorod Veliky, as well as those of northern Russia. As its first researcher, O. M. Bodianskii, showed in 1848, the Slavic translation of the pope’s Tome was made from Greek by the monk Feodosii (“Theodosius the Greek”) in the 12th century. However, the attribution of The Word on the Council of Chalcedon to the same translator remains to be proved. The present work shows that the anonymous compiler of The Word on the Council of Chalcedon was well aware of the church history of the 5th century, remembering many historical details he would most probably have come across in Greek rather than in translated Slavic sources. On the other hand, several historical mistakes made by the compiler suggest that he lacked the texts necessary to verify the facts and had to rely on his memory, which occasionally failed him. Nevertheless, despite occasional factual errors and a compilative narrative structure, The Word on the Council of Chalcedon is in some ways more informative than many Byzantine chronicles.В статье рассматриваются обстоятельства создания и история бытования в славянской рукописной традиции памятника книжности, повествующего о христологических спорах V в. и событиях вокруг IV Вселенского (Халкидонского) собора. Приводится перечень 42 восточнославянских рукописей XV–XVII вв., содержащих историко-догматическое произведение под названием “Слово о Халкидонском соборе”. Оказывается, что в 39 списках этот памятник служит введением к полному тексту славянского перевода послания римского папы Льва I Великого константинопольскому архиепископу Флавиану, которое было принято IV Вселенским собором в качестве важнейшего вероучительного документа (451 г.). Как свидетельствует происхождение рукописей, в XV–XVII вв. “Слово о Халкидонском соборе” вместе с переводом послания папы Льва активно читалось и переписывалось в монастырях и храмах Москвы, Волока Ламского, Переславля Рязанского, Великого Новгорода, а также на русском Севере. Славянский перевод послания папы Льва Великого, как показал в 1848 г. его первый исследователь О. М. Бодянский, был осуществлен с греческого языка в XII в. монахом Феодосием. Однако атрибуция этому переводчику “Слова о Халкидонском соборе” остается недоказанной. В настоящей работе показано, что анонимный составитель “Слова о Халкидонском соборе” был хорошо осведомлен о событиях церковной истории V в. Он знал и помнил многие исторические подробности, которые скорее всего мог напрямую почерпнуть из греческих, но не переводных славянских источников. Вместе с тем, исторические неточности, которые допустил составитель, заставляют предполагать, что он наверняка не имел перед глазами текстов, на которые мог бы опереться для проверки сообщаемых им сведений, а полагался на свою память, которая иногда его подводила. Тем не менее, несмотря на отдельные фактические ошибки и компилятивный характер изложения, краткое “Слово о Халкидонском соборе” оказывается в некоторых аспектах информативнее сообщений ряда византийских хронистов