30 research outputs found

    Kajian Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Varietas Jagung Lokal dan Kacang Hijau dalam Sistem Tumpangsari

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    The objective of this research was to determine appropriate variety combinations maize and mungbeans in multiple cropping system and the effect on yield, and also to determine Land Equivalency Ratio in the multiple cropping system. The experiment was conducted in Paso Village, Ambon City. A Randomized Block Design was used with two factors The first factor was maize variety consisting of 3 varieties: BISI-2 hybrid (J1), local variety with purple seeds (J2) and local variety with white seeds (J3). The second factor was mungbean variety, consisting of 3 varieties: Murai variety (K1), local variety with red seeds (J2) and local variety with matt seeds (J3). Each treatment had three replicates and 6 monocultures were added as control. Results of the experiment showed that maize variety and mungbeans variety affected significantly on growth and crop yield. BISI-2 maize produced highest seed number per row, 100 seed weight and seed weight per plot, and pod number per plant. J1K1 treatment combination gave highest seed weight per hectare, i.e. 7,63 ton of maize and 0.73 ton/ha of mungbean seeds. There was a significant effect of the interaction on Land Equivalency Ratio, and the highest value (4.07) was found in the treatment combination of J1K


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    The purpose of this research was to characterize chemical and sensory properties (color, texture, taste and liking) of starch-based sago, cassava, sweet potato and cocoyam cookies. Analysis of cookies include moisture content, ash, fat, protein, crude fiber and sensory analysis including color, texture, taste and likeness). The proximate composition indicated that the water content of cookies varied between 1.48 to 2.05%, ash content of 0.65 to 0.72%, 19.23 to 21.76% of fat, crude fiber from 0.41 to 0.71% and 1.33 to 2.42% of total protein. Based on organoleptic tests, the color of cookies was yellow to brownish-yellow, with crispy texture, the taste was sweet and were mostly preferred

    Effect of Tapioca Concentration on Chemical and Organoleptic Characteristics of Mustard (Brassica chinensis var. Parachinensis) Crackers

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    This study aims to determine the best concentration of tapioca against the chemical and organoleptic characteristics of mustard crackers. The study design used a one-factor complete randomized design with four levels of treatment for adding tapioca flour concentrations. The levels of this treatment are tapioca concentrations 60, 80, 100, and 120%. The parameters analyzed are water content test, ash content test, fat content test, fiber content test, and organoleptic test of taste, color, aroma, crunchy, and overall). The results showed that mustard crackers had a water content of 5.14 to 6.79%, ash content of 1.48 to 1.76%, fat content of 11.90 to 15.10%, and fiber content of 7.55% to 9.50%. Panelists, on average, liked mustard crackers treated with 100% tapioca concentration for taste, color, aroma, and crispness. The hedonic quality of mustard crackers showed the value of mustard taste, green color, mustard aroma, and crunchiness. Overall, the panelists liked the mustard crackers with 100% tapioca concentration

    Pengaruh Penambahan Sodium Tripolyphosphate Terhadap Karakteristik Tepung Buru Hotong (Setaria italica L Beauv.) Fosfat

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    This study aimed to characterize phosphate-modified buru hotong flour modified used sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP). Buru hotong flour was phosphorylated at 45°C with STPP concentration of 10, 15.20, and 25% for 30 minutes. Observations were conducted on the physicochemical properties of native buru hotong flour and its derivatives, including phosphorus levels, degree of substitution (DS), moisture content, ash content, swelling power, solubility, and amylose content. The results showed that the phosphorus content of buru hotong phosphate flour increased (0.023-0.077%) with the DS ranged between 0.001-0.004. Phosphorus and DS levels indicated the substitution of phosphate groups. Substituted phosphate groups increased the moisture content (6.92-10.23%), ash content (0.37-0.84%), swelling power (10.16-15.63%), solubility (29.22-46.2%), and amylose content (26.29-29.37%) of buru hotong phosphate flour compared with native flour. The characteristics of phosphate hotong flour were different from their native. The higher the concentration of STPP, all of the variables were increases. Keywords: sodium tripolyphosphate, buru hotong phosphate flour, physicochemical properties   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi tepung buru hotong fosfat yang dimodifikasi dengan menggunakan sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP). Tepung buru hotong difosforilasi pada suhu 45oC dengan konsentrasi STPP 10, 15, 20 dan 25% selama 30 menit. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap sifat fisiko-kimia tepung buru hotong alami dan derivatnya, meliputi kadar fosfor, derajat substitusi (DS), kadar air, kadar abu, daya gelembung, daya larut, dan kadar amilosa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar fosfor tepung buru hotong fosfat meningkat (0,023-0,077%) dengan kisaran DS antara 0,001-0,004. Kadar fosfor dan DS menunjukkan terjadinya substitusi gugus fosfat. Tersubstitusinya gugus fosfat menyebabkan meningkatnya kadar air (6,92-10,23%), kadar abu (0,37-0,84%), daya gelembung (10,16-15,63%), daya larut (29,22-46,2%) dan kadar amilosa (26,29-29,37%) tepung buru hotong fosfat dibandingkan dengan tepung buru hotong alami. Karakteristik tepung buru hotong fosfat berbeda dengan tepung alaminya. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi STPP maka setiap peubah yang dialami mengalami peningkatan. Kata kunci: Sodium tripolyphosphate, tepung buru hotong fosfat, sifat-sifat fisiko-kimi

    Pengaruh Lama Pengeringan Cabinet Drying Terhadap Karakteristik Kimia dan Organoleptik Manisan Kering Pala Banda

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    The research aimed to determine the proper drying time to produce dried sweets banda nutmeg with the best chemical and organoleptic properties. This study used a completely randomized design with one factorial with four treatment levels: sun drying, drying cabinet dryer 18, 19, and 20 hours. The parameters analyzed were chemical tests (moisture content, ash content, and total sugar) and organoleptic tests (color, aroma, taste, texture, overall). The results showed that treatment with a drying time of 18 hours produced the best-sweets banda nutmeg with chemical characteristics of 11.44% water content, 0.84% ​​ash content, 45.89% total sugar, and based on the hedonic organoleptic test showed like color (3 .20), liking (3.04), liking texture (3.08). In contrast, for hedonic quality, it offers a brown-yellow color (2.48), nutmeg flavor (3.36), and slightly chewy texture (2.16 )

    The Demand of Organic Vegetables at Frismart Modern Market in Ambon City

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    Organic farming is an alternative technology to address environmental issues. Organic farming is cultivated would increase farmers' profits.Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the factors that influence consumer demand for organic vegetables.Design/methodology/approach: Research is located at modern of market Frismart of Ambon City takes place in May-June, 2015. Method of determining the location of the research is purposive sampling with consideration at Frismart of Ambon City is one of retail market of organic vegetables. Methods The samples are accidental sampling totaling 35 people who met by chance when they visit the frismart. Data were analyzed quantitatively against the factors that influence consumer demand for organic vegetables. Findings: The results of simultaneous analysis show that the factors that significantly affect demand for organic vegetables in Frismart Ambon is: The price of organic vegetables (X1), the price of vegetables non-organic (X2), the consumer's income (X3), the number of family members (X4), intensity of need (D1) and tastes of consumers (D2). Keywords: Demmand, organic vegetable, Frismart Ambon Cit

    Characteristics of Edible Film Made from Bitter Cassava Starch with Glycerol

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    The purpose of this study was to see how different glycerol concentrations affected the physical, mechanical, and barrier properties of an edible tapioca starch film. This study explored glycerol concentration using a completely randomized experimental design with four treatment levels, particularly regarding 10, 15, 20, and 25% (w/w). The tensile strength, elongation, solubility, and water vapor transmission rate of the films were all measured. Tensile strength has been 7.71 to 15.94 MPa, elongation was 13.33 to 20.00%, solubility was 15.81 to 24.81%, and water vapour transmission rate was 39.72 to 70.65 g/m2.h. Glycerol increased tensile strength whereas the decreasing elongation, solubility, and water vapour transmission rate

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Tepung Beras Ketan Terhadap Mutu Dodol Pepaya

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    The objective of this research was to determine the best level of concentration of waxy rice flour on the quality of “dodol†papaya. A completely randomized experimental design having of five levels of treatment, namely: control, waxy rice concentration of 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40% were applied in this research. Variables measured on the product including the chemical composition (moisture, ash, vitamin C, and reducing sugar content) and the products were also subjected to organoleptic test for springiness, taste, color, odor, and preference level. The results showed that the different waxy rice flour concentrations had significant effects over variables measured. The waxy rice flour with the concentrations of 10% produce the “dodol†papaya with the best quality


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    This study aims to determine the level of concentration of calcium chloride and vacuum air on the quality of tomatoes. Post-harvest handling of tomatoes was done by giving treatment concentration of calcium chloride solution different (0, 6, 9, 12%) and determined the best treatment then treated with vacuum air (430, 540, 650, and 760 mm Hg). Observations were made of the color, hardness and weight loss. The results showed that the use of calcium chloride with vacuum air significant effect on the value of color, hardness and changes in fruit weight. The use of calcium chloride with a concentration of 12% is the best, because it can maintain the color values of 6.02%, 7.76% hardness, and can press the fruit weight loss of 1.04%. The level of vacuum air 430 mm Hg can maintain the color values of 6.79 and can reduce fruit weight loss of 2.95%

    Karakteristik Sifat Fisiko-Kimia dan Fungsional Pati Sagu Ihur (Metroxylon Sylvestre) Dimodifikasi dengan Hidrolisis Asam

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    .The objective of this study was to characterize modified Ihur sago starch as affected by treatment of acid hydrolysis. A completely randomized experimental non-factorial design was used in this research with four levels of treatments, i.e. native ihur sago starch, HCl concentrations of 1.1 N, 2.2 N, or 3.3 N, subsequently. Physical properties such as color, swelling power, solubility, and paste clarity were measured in this research. Moisture, ash, and amylose content were determined as chemical properties, while the resistant starch (RS) content was determined for its functional properties. Results showed that starch treated with acid hydrolysis caused changes to physical properties in comparison with native starch. These included higher (80.93–81.89) degree of whiteness (L*) than native starch (80.29), lower redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) than native (8.26 and 18.24) having the value of 5.13–6.34, and 13.21–15.39, respectively. Acid hydrolysis not only caused a decrease in swelling power (43.88–50.56%), but also an increase in solubility (8.92–12.34%) and paste clarity (74.70–77.73% T) compared to native starch. Higher moisture and ash content having the value of 8.72–15.01% and 0.22–0.37%, correspondingly but lower amylose (18.29–27.22%) and RS content were obtained by acid hydrolysis starch in contrast to native starch. The modified starch has improved heat stability with smaller breakdown viscosity, and setback viscosity less than native starch, and is easily to gelatinize. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakteristik pati sagu ihur alami (PSIA) yang dimodifikasi dengan perlakuan hidrolisis asam. Rancangan yang digunakan yaitu rancangan acak lengkap non-faktorial dengan empat taraf perlakuan yaitu PSIA, hidrolisis asam (PSIHA) menggunakan HCl 1,1 N, 2,2 N, atau 3,3 N. Parameter yang diukur meliputi karakteristik fisik antara lain warna, kemampuan menggelembung, daya larut, kejernihan pasta, dan sifat amilografi. Karakteristik kimia meliputi kadar air, kadar abu, dan amilosa sedangkan karakteristik fungsional yaitu kadar pati resistan (RS). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perlakuan hidrolisis asam menyebabkan perubahan terhadap sifat fisik warna pati dimana nilai kecerahan (L*) pati hidrolisis asam (80,93–81,89) lebih tinggi dibandingkan PSIA (80,29). Sebaliknya nilai kemerahan (a*) dan kekuningan (b*) PSIHA (5,13–6,34 dan 13,21–15,39) lebih rendah dibandingkan PSIA (8,62 dan 18,24). Perlakuan asam juga menyebabkan kemampuan menggelembung PSIHA (43,88–50,65%) mengalami penurunan dibandingkan PSIA, tetapi meningkatkan daya larut (8,92–12,34%) dan kejernihan pasta (74,70–77,73% T). Untuk sifat kimia, kadar air pati sagu hidrolisis asam (8,72–15,01%) dan kadar abu (0,22–0,37%) relatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan pati alaminya, namun perlakuan asam menurunkan kadar amilosa (18,29–27,22%) dan kadar RS (0,06–0,37%). PSIHA memiliki kestabilan yang lebih baik selama pemanasan dengan breakdown viscosity yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan PSIA, serta kecenderungan teretrogradasi lebih rendah, yaitu ditunjukkan nilai setback viscosity yang rendah, dan lebih mudah mengalami gelatinisasi