20 research outputs found

    Multi-physics energy approach and demonstration facility

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    A methodology to investigate the generation, transport and storage of energy based on a multi-physics approach, tied to the end use application, is presented. Often little or no consideration is given to the end use or desired product of the energy used. Current energy generation, transport and storage are dominated heavily by a few large sectors, notably electricity and hydrocarbons. These are very effective and practical systems that facilitate the delivery of vast amounts of energy. It is then not surprising that most strategies for renewable energy generation and storage revolve around this centralized model in some way. In larger scale generation, power is usually fed onto the electrical grid with a current challenge being grid stabilization with increasing penetration of intermittent renewable resources. In small grid-independent system a mix of battery and hydrocarbon storage are often used to keep a micro- grid available for various end use applications. A paradigm shift in the thinking and design of energy systems based on the required end use or product is needed. The philosophy and motivation that lead to the consideration of this new approach are outlined in this article. Following this a summary of a methodical approach to developing the most energy and cost-effective solution to general processes by considering their end-use physics is presented. Examples of innovative energy generation, storage, and transport solutions based on the multi-physics approach are then outlined. Finally, a brief description of the Multi-physics Renewable Energy Lab (MPREL), a demonstration facility based on the approach and currently under construction at the Naval Postgraduate School, is given

    Modeling of a Building Scale Liquid Air Energy Storage and Expansion System with ASPEN HYSYS

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    Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES) is a potential solution to mitigate renewable energy intermittency on islanded microgrids. Renewable microgrid generation in excess of the immediate load runs a cryogenic cycle to create and store liquid air. LAES systems can be combined with an expansion turbine to recover the stored energy. Using analytic methods to design a LAES and expansion system is complex and time consuming, suggesting modeling and simulation as a more efficient approach. Aspen HYSYS, an industrial process modeling software package, was used to model a combined Linde- Hampson cryogenic cycle (for liquefaction of air) and an expansion cycle (to convert the energy from liquid air vaporization to mechanical energy). The model was validated against previous analytic work. The validated model will be used to implement a model-based systems engineering (MBSE) approach to design an LAES and expansion system to reduce intermittency on an experimental microgrid at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA, USA. Data from this facility will be used to further modify and validate the HYSYS model

    Hydrogen Fuel in Support of Unmanned Operations in an EABO Environment

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    NPS NRP Project PosterNavy and Marine Corps planners developed the Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations (EABO) concept of operations to provide maritime commanders with more options for future sea control operations. Additionally, Littoral Operations in a Contested Environment (LOCE) is the concept for logistical support to multiple EABO sites. Finally, NAVPLAN 2020 and the Tri-Service Maritime Strategy detail the importance of unmanned systems capabilities to future warfighting. Many unmanned undersea and aerial systems currently in development are looking to alternative energy sources, including hydrogen, to maximize operational reach and persistence. The picture is clear, the future combat environment demands risk-worthy platforms to perform sea denial as a low-signature "inside force' that is untethered from a large petroleum supply chain. This study will assess hydrogen requirements for use as a fuel in an EABO environment to inform development of a capability evolution plan. This work will apply a holistic, systems engineering approach to develop a finite set of scenarios for hydrogen use as a fuel in an EABO environment. One scenario will be modelled to determine short, mid, and long-term requirements for: hydrogen generation and storage, fuel-cell numbers and capabilities, facilities, and safety or other '-ilities' of relevance. The goal is to investigate benefits and system of systems trade-offs with the objective of delaying fuel resupply to the greatest extent possible. This will inform identification of DOTMLPF gaps to hydrogen adoption as an enabler of EABO in LOCE and support development of a capability evolution plan. This work directly supports technology assessment & transition in support of ONR S&T objectives, as well as the analysis & assessment needs of OPNAV N-94, MCWL, and NECC. An interdisciplinary team of students and faculty from Systems Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Operations Research will contribute. Systems Engineering will lead the study.N9 - Warfare SystemsThis research is supported by funding from the Naval Postgraduate School, Naval Research Program (PE 0605853N/2098). https://nps.edu/nrpChief of Naval OperationsĀ (CNO)Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

    Hydrogen Fuel in Support of Unmanned Operations in an EABO Environment

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    NPS NRP Technical ReportNavy and Marine Corps planners developed the Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations (EABO) concept of operations to provide maritime commanders with more options for future sea control operations. Additionally, Littoral Operations in a Contested Environment (LOCE) is the concept for logistical support to multiple EABO sites. Finally, NAVPLAN 2020 and the Tri-Service Maritime Strategy detail the importance of unmanned systems capabilities to future warfighting. Many unmanned undersea and aerial systems currently in development are looking to alternative energy sources, including hydrogen, to maximize operational reach and persistence. The picture is clear, the future combat environment demands risk-worthy platforms to perform sea denial as a low-signature "inside force' that is untethered from a large petroleum supply chain. This study will assess hydrogen requirements for use as a fuel in an EABO environment to inform development of a capability evolution plan. This work will apply a holistic, systems engineering approach to develop a finite set of scenarios for hydrogen use as a fuel in an EABO environment. One scenario will be modelled to determine short, mid, and long-term requirements for: hydrogen generation and storage, fuel-cell numbers and capabilities, facilities, and safety or other '-ilities' of relevance. The goal is to investigate benefits and system of systems trade-offs with the objective of delaying fuel resupply to the greatest extent possible. This will inform identification of DOTMLPF gaps to hydrogen adoption as an enabler of EABO in LOCE and support development of a capability evolution plan. This work directly supports technology assessment & transition in support of ONR S&T objectives, as well as the analysis & assessment needs of OPNAV N-94, MCWL, and NECC. An interdisciplinary team of students and faculty from Systems Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Operations Research will contribute. Systems Engineering will lead the study.N9 - Warfare SystemsThis research is supported by funding from the Naval Postgraduate School, Naval Research Program (PE 0605853N/2098). https://nps.edu/nrpChief of Naval OperationsĀ (CNO)Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

    Hydrogen Fuel in Support of Unmanned Operations in an EABO Environment

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    NPS NRP Executive SummaryNavy and Marine Corps planners developed the Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations (EABO) concept of operations to provide maritime commanders with more options for future sea control operations. Additionally, Littoral Operations in a Contested Environment (LOCE) is the concept for logistical support to multiple EABO sites. Finally, NAVPLAN 2020 and the Tri-Service Maritime Strategy detail the importance of unmanned systems capabilities to future warfighting. Many unmanned undersea and aerial systems currently in development are looking to alternative energy sources, including hydrogen, to maximize operational reach and persistence. The picture is clear, the future combat environment demands risk-worthy platforms to perform sea denial as a low-signature "inside force' that is untethered from a large petroleum supply chain. This study will assess hydrogen requirements for use as a fuel in an EABO environment to inform development of a capability evolution plan. This work will apply a holistic, systems engineering approach to develop a finite set of scenarios for hydrogen use as a fuel in an EABO environment. One scenario will be modelled to determine short, mid, and long-term requirements for: hydrogen generation and storage, fuel-cell numbers and capabilities, facilities, and safety or other '-ilities' of relevance. The goal is to investigate benefits and system of systems trade-offs with the objective of delaying fuel resupply to the greatest extent possible. This will inform identification of DOTMLPF gaps to hydrogen adoption as an enabler of EABO in LOCE and support development of a capability evolution plan. This work directly supports technology assessment & transition in support of ONR S&T objectives, as well as the analysis & assessment needs of OPNAV N-94, MCWL, and NECC. An interdisciplinary team of students and faculty from Systems Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Operations Research will contribute. Systems Engineering will lead the study.N9 - Warfare SystemsThis research is supported by funding from the Naval Postgraduate School, Naval Research Program (PE 0605853N/2098). https://nps.edu/nrpChief of Naval OperationsĀ (CNO)Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

    Operational Analysis and CONOPS Definition for Next Generation Mine Warfare

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    NPS NRP Project PosterThis project conducted operational effectiveness analysis to inform future operational concepts for mining. It defined candidate operational concepts for mining operations with a focus on capabilities and associated design requirements. It developed architectural representations of mining operations to highlight the operational activities and systems associated with mining operations and define the system design decisions (e.g., platforms, manning) that contribute to the operational effectiveness of minefield deployment. The project developed and analyzed an agent-based simulation model using the Modeling and Simulation Toolbox (MAST) feature of the Orchestrated Simulation through Modeling (OSM) framework developed by the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division. The OSM MAST model was used to compare airborne, surface, and subsurface deployment strategies as well as the key performance drivers (in terms of operational activities, hostile behavior, and system design decisions) that drive operational effectiveness. Analysis demonstrated that hostile posture (defined in terms of enemy detection capability and probability to change course upon mine detection) had a larger impact on minefield effectiveness than any characteristics of the minefield, individual mine characteristics, or deployment vessel. Additional analysis was conducted on operational and design characteristics of deployed minefields which found that the quantity of the mines in the minefield had a larger impact than individual mine characteristics or deployment vessel. An isolated analysis of alternative deployment strategies found that, in general, airborne deployment vessels outperformed both surface and subsurface deployment strategies.Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Division Panama CityASN(RDA) - Research, Development, and AcquisitionThis research is supported by funding from the Naval Postgraduate School, Naval Research Program (PE 0605853N/2098). https://nps.edu/nrpChief of Naval OperationsĀ (CNO)Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

    Analysis of Alternative Electrolyzer Technologies to Support Next Generation UAV

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    NPS NRP Executive SummaryBuilding on experience with the Ion Tiger Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), the Naval Research Lab (NRL) is developing prototypes for the next generation, fuel-cell, UAV. A key requirement is for the fuel cell (aka: electrolyzer) to already be qualified for use by the Navy. A sequential system engineering approach will be used to link the desired capability with a UAV solution, and then decompose the UAV system into its sub-systems (or components) with the goal of determining fuel cell performance metrics that address the capability in light of any stakeholder constraints. Key metrics will be compared to data from existing, qualified equipment. Subsequent analysis will determine which existing fuel cell system could be used to realize the desired capability for the next generation UAV. Both physical and operational parameters will be used in this analysis. A comprehensive final report will make expert fuel cell sub-system selection recommendations based on the desired capability and the state-of-the-art. A major technical risk to this approach is that a qualified system, designed for a different task but capable of repurpose for the new application, may not address the need. In this case, recommendations for a suitable fuel cell sub-system will be made.HQMC Aviation (HQMC AVN)This research is supported by funding from the Naval Postgraduate School, Naval Research Program (PE 0605853N/2098). https://nps.edu/nrpChief of Naval OperationsĀ (CNO)Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

    Analysis of Alternative Electrolyzer Technologies to Support Next Generation UAV

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    NPS NRP Project PosterBuilding on experience with the Ion Tiger Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), the Naval Research Lab (NRL) is developing prototypes for the next generation, fuel-cell, UAV. A key requirement is for the fuel cell (aka: electrolyzer) to already be qualified for use by the Navy. A sequential system engineering approach will be used to link the desired capability with a UAV solution, and then decompose the UAV system into its sub-systems (or components) with the goal of determining fuel cell performance metrics that address the capability in light of any stakeholder constraints. Key metrics will be compared to data from existing, qualified equipment. Subsequent analysis will determine which existing fuel cell system could be used to realize the desired capability for the next generation UAV. Both physical and operational parameters will be used in this analysis. A comprehensive final report will make expert fuel cell sub-system selection recommendations based on the desired capability and the state-of-the-art. A major technical risk to this approach is that a qualified system, designed for a different task but capable of repurpose for the new application, may not address the need. In this case, recommendations for a suitable fuel cell sub-system will be made.HQMC Aviation (HQMC AVN)This research is supported by funding from the Naval Postgraduate School, Naval Research Program (PE 0605853N/2098). https://nps.edu/nrpChief of Naval OperationsĀ (CNO)Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

    Operational Analysis and CONOPS Definition for Next Generation Mine Warfare

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    NPS NRP Executive SummaryThis project conducted operational effectiveness analysis to inform future operational concepts for mining. It defined candidate operational concepts for mining operations with a focus on capabilities and associated design requirements. It developed architectural representations of mining operations to highlight the operational activities and systems associated with mining operations and define the system design decisions (e.g., platforms, manning) that contribute to the operational effectiveness of minefield deployment. The project developed and analyzed an agent-based simulation model using the Modeling and Simulation Toolbox (MAST) feature of the Orchestrated Simulation through Modeling (OSM) framework developed by the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division. The OSM MAST model was used to compare airborne, surface, and subsurface deployment strategies as well as the key performance drivers (in terms of operational activities, hostile behavior, and system design decisions) that drive operational effectiveness. Analysis demonstrated that hostile posture (defined in terms of enemy detection capability and probability to change course upon mine detection) had a larger impact on minefield effectiveness than any characteristics of the minefield, individual mine characteristics, or deployment vessel. Additional analysis was conducted on operational and design characteristics of deployed minefields which found that the quantity of the mines in the minefield had a larger impact than individual mine characteristics or deployment vessel. An isolated analysis of alternative deployment strategies found that, in general, airborne deployment vessels outperformed both surface and subsurface deployment strategies.Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Division Panama CityASN(RDA) - Research, Development, and AcquisitionThis research is supported by funding from the Naval Postgraduate School, Naval Research Program (PE 0605853N/2098). https://nps.edu/nrpChief of Naval OperationsĀ (CNO)Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

    Operating Range for a Combined, Building-Scale Liquid Air Energy Storage and Expansion System: Energy and Exergy Analysis

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    The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/e20100770This paper presents the results of an ideal theoretical energy and exergy analysis for a combined, building scale Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES) and expansion turbine system. This work identifies the upper bounds of energy and exergy efficiency for the combined LAES-expansion system which has not been investigated. The system uses the simple Linde-Hampson and pre-cooled Linde-Hampson cycles for the liquefaction subsystem and direct expansion method, with and without heating above ambient temperature, for the energy production subsystem. In addition, the paper highlights the effectiveness of precooling air for liquefaction and heating air beyond ambient temperature for energy production. Finally, analysis of the system components is presented with an aim toward identifying components that have the greatest impact on energy and exergy efficiencies in an ideal environment. This work highlights the engineering trade-space and serves as a prescription for determining the merit or measures of effectiveness for an engineered LAES system in terms of energy and exergy. The analytical approach presented in this paper may be applied to other LAES configurations in order to identify optimal operating points in terms of energy and exergy efficienciesESTEP (Energy Systems Technology Evaluation Program)Office of Naval Researc