21 research outputs found

    Method and apparatus for implementing a traceback maximum-likelihood decoder in a hypercube network

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    A method and a structure to implement maximum-likelihood decoding of convolutional codes on a network of microprocessors interconnected as an n-dimensional cube (hypercube). By proper reordering of states in the decoder, only communication between adjacent processors is required. Communication time is limited to that required for communication only of the accumulated metrics and not the survivor parameters of a Viterbi decoding algorithm. The survivor parameters are stored at a local processor's memory and a trace-back method is employed to ascertain the decoding result. Faster and more efficient operation is enabled, and decoding of large constraint length codes is feasible using standard VLSI technology

    Method and apparatus for implementing a maximum-likelihood decoder in a hypercube network

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    A method and a structure to implement maximum-likelihood decoding of convolutional codes on a network of microprocessors interconnected as an n-dimensional cube (hypercube). By proper reordering of states in the decoder, only communication between adjacent processors is required. Faster and more efficient operation is enabled, and decoding of large constraint length codes is feasible using standard VLSI technology

    Finite-state codes

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    A class of codes called finite-state (FS) codes is defined and investigated. The codes, which generalize both block and convolutional codes, are defined by their encoders, which are finite-state machines with parallel inputs and outputs. A family of upper bounds on the free distance of a given FS code is derived. A general construction for FS codes is given, and it is shown that in many cases the FS codes constructed in this way have a free distance that is the largest possible. Catastrophic error propagation (CEP) for FS codes is also discussed. It is found that to avoid CEP one must solve the graph-theoretic problem of finding a uniquely decodable edge labeling of the state diagram

    Hybrid concatenated codes and iterative decoding

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    Several improved turbo code apparatuses and methods. The invention encompasses several classes: (1) A data source is applied to two or more encoders with an interleaver between the source and each of the second and subsequent encoders. Each encoder outputs a code element which may be transmitted or stored. A parallel decoder provides the ability to decode the code elements to derive the original source information d without use of a received data signal corresponding to d. The output may be coupled to a multilevel trellis-coded modulator (TCM). (2) A data source d is applied to two or more encoders with an interleaver between the source and each of the second and subsequent encoders. Each of the encoders outputs a code element. In addition, the original data source d is output from the encoder. All of the output elements are coupled to a TCM. (3) At least two data sources are applied to two or more encoders with an interleaver between each source and each of the second and subsequent encoders. The output may be coupled to a TCM. (4) At least two data sources are applied to two or more encoders with at least two interleavers between each source and each of the second and subsequent encoders. (5) At least one data source is applied to one or more serially linked encoders through at least one interleaver. The output may be coupled to a TCM. The invention includes a novel way of terminating a turbo coder

    Serial turbo trellis coded modulation using a serially concatenated coder

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    A coding system uses a serially concatenated coder driving an interleaver, which drives a trellis coder. This combination, while similar to a turbo coder, produces certain different characteristics

    Serial turbo trellis coded modulation using a serially concatenated coder

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    Serial concatenated trellis coded modulation (SCTCM) includes an outer coder, an interleaver, a recursive inner coder and a mapping element. The outer coder receives data to be coded and produces outer coded data. The interleaver permutes the outer coded data to produce interleaved data. The recursive inner coder codes the interleaved data to produce inner coded data. The mapping element maps the inner coded data to a symbol. The recursive inner coder has a structure which facilitates iterative decoding of the symbols at a decoder system. The recursive inner coder and the mapping element are selected to maximize the effective free Euclidean distance of a trellis coded modulator formed from the recursive inner coder and the mapping element. The decoder system includes a demodulation unit, an inner SISO (soft-input soft-output) decoder, a deinterleaver, an outer SISO decoder, and an interleaver

    Serial-Turbo-Trellis-Coded Modulation with Rate-1 Inner Code

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    Serially concatenated turbo codes have been proposed to satisfy requirements for low bit- and word-error rates and for low (in comparison with related previous codes) complexity of coding and decoding algorithms and thus low complexity of coding and decoding circuitry. These codes are applicable to such high-level modulations as octonary phase-shift keying (8PSK) and 16-state quadrature amplitude modulation (16QAM); the signal product obtained by applying one of these codes to one of these modulations is denoted, generally, as serially concatenated trellis-coded modulation (SCTCM). These codes could be particularly beneficial for communication systems that must be designed and operated subject to limitations on bandwidth and power. Some background information is prerequisite to a meaningful summary of this development. Trellis-coded modulation (TCM) is now a well-established technique in digital communications. A turbo code combines binary component codes (which typically include trellis codes) with interleaving. A turbo code of the type that has been studied prior to this development is composed of parallel concatenated convolutional codes (PCCCs) implemented by two or more constituent systematic encoders joined through one or more interleavers. The input information bits feed the first encoder and, after having been scrambled by the interleaver, enter the second encoder. A code word of a parallel concatenated code consists of the input bits to the first encoder followed by the parity check bits of both encoders. The suboptimal iterative decoding structure for such a code is modular, and consists of a set of concatenated decoding modules one for each constituent code connected through an interleaver identical to the one in the encoder side. Each decoder performs weighted soft decoding of the input sequence. PCCCs yield very large coding gains at the cost of a reduction in the data rate and/or an increase in bandwidth

    Bounded-Angle Iterative Decoding of LDPC Codes

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    Bounded-angle iterative decoding is a modified version of conventional iterative decoding, conceived as a means of reducing undetected-error rates for short low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. For a given code, bounded-angle iterative decoding can be implemented by means of a simple modification of the decoder algorithm, without redesigning the code. Bounded-angle iterative decoding is based on a representation of received words and code words as vectors in an n-dimensional Euclidean space (where n is an integer)

    Locally Adaptive Vector Quantization For Image Compression

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    In this paper we study various improvements to a locally adaptive vector quantization (LAVQ) algorithm. The effects of including bit stripping, index compression, and filtering techniques will be discussed. Software implementation and comparisons with non-adaptive vector quantization algorithms will be studied

    Subband coding method for seismic data compression

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    ‘J’his paper presents a study of seismic data compression techniques and a compression algorithm based on subband coding. ‘1’hcalgorithrn includes threcstagcs: adccorrelation stage, a quantization stage that introduces a controlled amount of distortion to allow for high compression ratios, and a IOSSICSS entropy coding stage based on a simple but cfficicnt arithmetic coding method. Subband coding methods arc particularly suited to the decorrelation of non-station ary processes such as seismic events. Adaptivity to the non-stationary behavior of the waveform is achieved by dividing the data into separate blocks which arc cncodcd separately with an adaptive arithmetic encoder. ‘J’his is done with high efficiency duc to the low overhead introduced by the arithmetic encoder in specifying its parameters, “J’hc tcchniquc could be used as a progressive transmission system, where successive refinements of the data can bc requested by the user. ‘J’his allows seismologists to first examine a coarse version of waveforms with minimal usage of the channel and then decide where refinements arc required. Mm-distort ion performance results arc presented and comparisons arc made with two block transform methods.