1,833 research outputs found

    Bounded gaps between primes with a given primitive root

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    Fix an integer g1g \neq -1 that is not a perfect square. In 1927, Artin conjectured that there are infinitely many primes for which gg is a primitive root. Forty years later, Hooley showed that Artin's conjecture follows from the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis (GRH). We inject Hooley's analysis into the Maynard--Tao work on bounded gaps between primes. This leads to the following GRH-conditional result: Fix an integer m2m \geq 2. If q1<q2<q3<q_1 < q_2 < q_3 < \dots is the sequence of primes possessing gg as a primitive root, then lim infn(qn+(m1)qn)Cm\liminf_{n\to\infty} (q_{n+(m-1)}-q_n) \leq C_m, where CmC_m is a finite constant that depends on mm but not on gg. We also show that the primes qn,qn+1,,qn+m1q_n, q_{n+1}, \dots, q_{n+m-1} in this result may be taken to be consecutive.Comment: small corrections to the treatment of \sum_1 on pp. 11--1

    On the degrees of divisors of T^n-1

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    Fix a field FF. In this paper, we study the sets \D_F(n) \subset [0,n] defined by [\D_F(n):= {0 \leq m \leq n: T^n-1\text{has a divisor of degree mm in} F[T]}.] When \D_F(n) consists of all integers mm with 0mn0 \leq m \leq n, so that Tn1T^n-1 has a divisor of every degree, we call nn an FF-practical number. The terminology here is suggested by an analogy with the practical numbers of Srinivasan, which are numbers nn for which every integer 0mσ(n)0 \leq m \leq \sigma(n) can be written as a sum of distinct divisors of nn. Our first theorem states that, for any number field FF and any x2x \geq 2, [#{\text{FF-practical nxn\leq x}} \asymp_{F} \frac{x}{\log{x}};] this extends work of the second author, who obtained this estimate when F=\Q. Suppose now that x3x \geq 3, and let mm be a natural number in [3,x][3,x]. We ask: For how many nxn \leq x does mm belong to \D_F(n)? We prove upper bounds in this problem for both F=\Q and F=\F_p (with pp prime), the latter conditional on the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis. In both cases, we find that the number of such nxn \leq x is Fx/(logm)2/35\ll_{F} x/(\log{m})^{2/35}, uniformly in mm

    Arithmetic functions at consecutive shifted primes

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    For each of the functions f{ϕ,σ,ω,τ}f \in \{\phi, \sigma, \omega, \tau\} and every natural number kk, we show that there are infinitely many solutions to the inequalities f(pn1)<f(pn+11)<<f(pn+k1)f(p_n-1) < f(p_{n+1}-1) < \dots < f(p_{n+k}-1), and similarly for f(pn1)>f(pn+11)>>f(pn+k1)f(p_n-1) > f(p_{n+1}-1) > \dots > f(p_{n+k}-1). We also answer some questions of Sierpi\'nski on the digit sums of consecutive primes. The arguments make essential use of Maynard and Tao's method for producing many primes in intervals of bounded length.Comment: Made some improvements in the organization and expositio

    Uncertainty principles connected with the M\"{o}bius inversion formula

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    We say that two arithmetic functions f and g form a Mobius pair if f(n) = \sum_{d \mid n} g(d) for all natural numbers n. In that case, g can be expressed in terms of f by the familiar Mobius inversion formula of elementary number theory. In a previous paper, the first-named author showed that if the members f and g of a Mobius pair are both finitely supported, then both functions vanish identically. Here we prove two significantly stronger versions of this uncertainty principle. A corollary is that in a nonzero Mobius pair, either \sum_{n \in supp(f)} 1/n or \sum_{n \in supp(g)} 1/n diverges.Comment: 10 page