
On the degrees of divisors of T^n-1


Fix a field FF. In this paper, we study the sets \D_F(n) \subset [0,n] defined by [\D_F(n):= {0 \leq m \leq n: T^n-1\text{has a divisor of degree mm in} F[T]}.] When \D_F(n) consists of all integers mm with 0≀m≀n0 \leq m \leq n, so that Tnβˆ’1T^n-1 has a divisor of every degree, we call nn an FF-practical number. The terminology here is suggested by an analogy with the practical numbers of Srinivasan, which are numbers nn for which every integer 0≀m≀σ(n)0 \leq m \leq \sigma(n) can be written as a sum of distinct divisors of nn. Our first theorem states that, for any number field FF and any xβ‰₯2x \geq 2, [#{\text{FF-practical n≀xn\leq x}} \asymp_{F} \frac{x}{\log{x}};] this extends work of the second author, who obtained this estimate when F=\Q. Suppose now that xβ‰₯3x \geq 3, and let mm be a natural number in [3,x][3,x]. We ask: For how many n≀xn \leq x does mm belong to \D_F(n)? We prove upper bounds in this problem for both F=\Q and F=\F_p (with pp prime), the latter conditional on the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis. In both cases, we find that the number of such n≀xn \leq x is β‰ͺFx/(log⁑m)2/35\ll_{F} x/(\log{m})^{2/35}, uniformly in mm

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