5 research outputs found

    In a cohort of breast cancer screened patients the proportion of HER2 positive cases is lower than that earlier reported and pathological characteristics differ between HER2 3+ and HER2 2+/Her2 amplified cases

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    Human epithelial growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) overexpression and/or amplification is of predictive and prognostic value in infiltrating breast carcinoma (IBC). We evaluated the proportion of HER2-positive cases (score 3 overexpression/score 2 plus fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) amplification) in a consecutive series of 2163 patients. According to immunohistochemical analysis of HER2 expression, using Herceptest and FDA criteria, 839 cases had score 0, 476 score 1+, 699 score 2+, and 149 score 3+. Of the 699 scoring 2+ cases, 160 (22.88 %) showed Her2 gene amplification by FISH analysis, making a total of 309 (14.28 %) HER2-positive cases. Grade 1 ductal and special type IBC were never HER2 positive, while only three infiltrating lobular carcinomas but a relevant percentage of small IBC were HER2 positive. Of HER2-positive cases, 52.1 % was pT1 and of these, 38.5 % was pT1b or smaller. Logistic regression analysis revealed that estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PgR), grade, and pT were significantly associated with HER2 positivity and that HER2 3+ cases were more frequently of higher grade and pT than HER2 2+/Her2 amplified cases. In addition, HER2 3+ cases were more frequently in ER and PgR negative than HER2 2+/Her2 amplified cases. We conclude that the proportion of HER2 positive cases is lower than that reported in older literature and that pathological characteristics differ between HER2 3+ and HER2 2+/Her2 amplified cases

    HPV triage for low grade (L-SIL) cytology is appropriate for women over 35 in mass cervical cancer screening using liquid based cytology

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    In the experimental arm of a randomised trial, women were tested both for liquid-based cytology and human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA and referred for colposcopy if cytology was ASCUS (atypical cells of undetermined significance) or more severe. We considered those with ASCUS (757) or LSIL (low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions) (485) and a valid HPV test who received colposcopy. We computed sensitivity, specificity and ROC curves with different values of relative light units (RLU, that are related to viral load) as cut off, using cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or more severe (CIN2+) at blind histology review as the endpoint. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was significantly less among women aged 25–34 years than in those older, both considering ASCUS/AGUS (atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance) (p = 0.0355) and LSIL (p = 0.0009). At age 35–60 the curves for ASCUS and LSIL were similar, while at age 25–34 the area under the curve for LSIL was significantly less than for ASCUS (p = 0.0084). With LSIL cytology, specificity of Hybrid Capture 2 with 2 RLU cut-off was 35.0% (95%CI 28.4–42.1) at age 25–34 and 64.5% (95%CI 58.3–70.3) at age 35–60. In conclusion, triaging by HPV testing performed better in women aged over 35 years than those younger. For older women, HPV triaging should also be considered for managing those with LSIL cytology

    Drug screening in human PSC-cardiac organoids identifies pro-proliferative compounds acting via the mevalonate pathway

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    We have previously developed a high-throughput bioengineered human cardiac organoid (hCO) platform, which provides functional contractile tissue with biological properties similar to native heart tissue, including mature, cell-cycle-arrested cardiomyocytes. In this study, we perform functional screening of 105 small molecules with pro-regenerative potential. Our findings reveal surprising discordance between our hCO system and traditional 2D assays. In addition, functional analyses uncovered detrimental effects of many hit compounds. Two pro-proliferative small molecules without detrimental impacts on cardiac function were identified. High-throughput proteomics in hCO revealed synergistic activation of the mevalonate pathway and a cell-cycle network by the pro-proliferative compounds. Cell-cycle reentry in hCO and in vivo required the mevalonate pathway as inhibition of the mevalonate pathway with a statin attenuated pro-proliferative effects. This study highlights the utility of human cardiac organoids for pro-regenerative drug development, including identification of underlying biological mechanisms and minimization of adverse side effects. Hudson, Porrello, et al. perform drug screening in human mini-hearts to identify compounds that promote human heart muscle cell proliferation. Drug screening also eliminated potential side effects on heart rhythm and function. Induction of heart muscle cell proliferation required activation of the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway

    In a cohort of breast cancer screened patients the proportion of HER2 positive cases is lower than that earlier reported and pathological characteristics differ between HER2 3+ and HER2 2+/Her2 amplified cases

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    Human epithelial growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) overexpression and/or amplification is of predictive and prognostic value in infiltrating breast carcinoma (IBC). We evaluated the proportion of HER2-positive cases (score 3 overexpression/score 2 plus fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) amplification) in a consecutive series of 2163 patients. According to immunohistochemical analysis of HER2 expression, using Herceptest and FDA criteria, 839 cases had score 0, 476 score 1+, 699 score 2+, and 149 score 3+. Of the 699 scoring 2+ cases, 160 (22.88 %) showed Her2 gene amplification by FISH analysis, making a total of 309 (14.28 %) HER2-positive cases. Grade 1 ductal and special type IBC were never HER2 positive, while only three infiltrating lobular carcinomas but a relevant percentage of small IBC were HER2 positive. Of HER2-positive cases, 52.1 % was pT1 and of these, 38.5 % was pT1b or smaller. Logistic regression analysis revealed that estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PgR), grade, and pT were significantly associated with HER2 positivity and that HER2 3+ cases were more frequently of higher grade and pT than HER2 2+/Her2 amplified cases. In addition, HER2 3+ cases were more frequently in ER and PgR negative than HER2 2+/Her2 amplified cases. We conclude that the proportion of HER2 positive cases is lower than that reported in older literature and that pathological characteristics differ between HER2 3+ and HER2 2+/Her2 amplified cases

    Interobserver reproducibility of cytologic p16INK4a/Ki-67 dual immunostaining in human papillomavirus-positive women

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    BACKGROUND: The accumulation of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A (p16(ink4a)) protein in a cell is associated with neoplastic progression in precancerous cervical lesions. Dual staining for p16(ink4a) and Ki-67 has been proposed as a triage test in cervical cancer screening for women who test positive for human papillomavirus DNA. In this study, interobserver reproducibility of the interpretation of this test was assessed. METHODS: Forty-two immunostained, liquid-based cytology slides were divided into 2 sets and were interpreted by 17 to 21 readers from 9 different laboratories, yielding a total of 816 reports. Immunostaining results were classified as positive, negative, inconclusive, or inadequate. After evaluation of the first set of slides and before circulation of the second set, the results were discussed in a plenary meeting. The 10 slides with the most discordant results were evaluated again by selected expert cytopathologists. RESULTS: The overall kappa value was 0.612 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.523-0.701), it was higher for the positive and negative categories (kappa=0.692 and kappa=0.641, respectively), and it was almost null for the inconclusive category (kappa=0.058). Considering only readers from laboratories with documented experience, the kappa value was higher (kappa=0.747; 95% CI, 0.643-0.839) compared with nonexperienced centers (kappa=0.498; 95% CI, 0.388-0.616). The results were similar in both sets of slides (kappa=0.505 [95% CI, 0.358-0.642] and kappa=0.521 [95% CI, 0.240-0.698] for the first and second sets, respectively). Reinterpretation of the slides with the most discordant results did not provide any improvement (first evaluation, kappa=0.616 [95% CI, 0.384-0.866]; second evaluation, kappa=0.403 [95% CI, 0.182-0.643]). CONCLUSIONS: Dual staining for p16(ink4a) and Ki-67 demonstrated good reproducibility, confirming its robustness, which is a necessary prerequisite for its adoption as a triage test in cervical cancer screening programs that use human papillomavirus DNA as a primary test. Cancer Cytopathol 2017; 125:212-20. (C) 2016 American Cancer Society