30 research outputs found

    Effect of NaCl on Asparagus Quality, Production and Mineral Leaching

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    Previous research has shown that the incidence of Fusarium oxysporum and F. redolens on asparagus roots was reduced by field applications of NaCl. F. oxysporum and F. redolens are important diseases in asparagus crops causing physiological rust (brown discoloration on the harvested spears), reduced yields, smaller spears, plant losses and may be implicated in asparagus decline. Since 2001 research has been carried out in Lelystad with asparagus plants grown in large wooden containers filled with a typical asparagus replant soil to study the effect of applications of Asparagus Salt (NaCl with addition of Mg) on asparagus quality, production and mineral leaching. In 2003 and 2004 the trial was harvested for a period of 35 days each year. In 2004 spears were graded into standard sizes to identify differences between treatments and to start with an economic evaluation. In both years Asparagus Salt had a positive effect on total yield, marketable yield and number of spears. Field applications of NaCl stimulated earliness in production. The higher loss of Mg due to leaching is compensated by adding Mg to the salt. In this experiment leaching of Mn was also studied in combination with adding Mn to Asparagus Salt

    Effect of NaCl on Asparagus Quality, Production and Mineral Leaching

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    Previous research has shown that the incidence of Fusarium oxysporum and F. redolens on asparagus roots was reduced by field applications of NaCl. F. oxysporum and F. redolens are important diseases in asparagus crops causing physiological rust (brown discoloration on the harvested spears), reduced yields, smaller spears, plant losses and may be implicated in asparagus decline. Since 2001 research has been carried out in Lelystad with asparagus plants grown in large wooden containers filled with a typical asparagus replant soil to study the effect of applications of Asparagus Salt (NaCl with addition of Mg) on asparagus quality, production and mineral leaching. In 2003 and 2004 the trial was harvested for a period of 35 days each year. In 2004 spears were graded into standard sizes to identify differences between treatments and to start with an economic evaluation. In both years Asparagus Salt had a positive effect on total yield, marketable yield and number of spears. Field applications of NaCl stimulated earliness in production. The higher loss of Mg due to leaching is compensated by adding Mg to the salt. In this experiment leaching of Mn was also studied in combination with adding Mn to Asparagus Salt

    Groene asperges

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    Deze teelthandleiding heeft hoofdzakelijk betrekking op de normale teelt van groene asperges en de vervroegde teelt onder tunnels. Vanwege de toenemende belangstelling voor de biologische teeltwijze van (groene) asperges zijn in deze handleiding mogelijkheden genoemd die in een biologische teelt van toepassing zijn

    Effecten van bodembedekking op de opbrengst en kwaliteit van groentegewassen = Effect of soilcover on the yield and quality of vegetables

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    Between 1991 and 1994 trials were carried out with several mulch materials in iceberg lettuce, leeks, radicchio rosso, Chinese cabbage and paksoy. The results generally indicated that savings of more than 75% in herbicide application can be obtaine

    Vervroeging witte asperge in rijenteelt : foliebedekking met verwarming alleen rendabel bij hoge prijsvorming vroeg in het seizoen

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    Gegevens in bijgaande tabellen: 1) Vervroeging in dagen van de folie en verwarmingsobjecten t.a.v. onbedekte grond zonder verwarming in 1998 en 1999 voor de rassen Baclim en Thielim; 2) Totale opbrengst in t/ha van de rassen Baclim en Thielim met of zonder folie en bij opstookdata van 10 maart, 22 maart en 4 april, 1998-1999; 3) Percentage rozeverkleurde en holle stengels, percentage stengels met losse koppen en gescheurde stengels (klasse II totaal exclusief stengels kleiner <10g van de folie objecten bij Backlim en Thielim, 1998-1999; 4) Samenvatting totale kosten per ha bij vervroeging asperges op basis van een teeltcyclus van 10 jaar en een teeltoppervlakte van 1,0 ha. Gegevens in bijgaande figuren: 1) Kg-opbrengst per week van de diverse opjecten en de gemiddelde opnbrengstprijs per week volgens veilingaanvoer over de jaren 1994-1999; 2) Bruto-geldopbrengst en kosten van verwarmen en/of bedekken met folie per objec

    Rassenonderzoek witte asperge seizoen 2001-2002

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    In 2000 zijn twee nieuwe rassenproeven witte asperge aangelegd in Meterik, Nederland (PPO) en in Geel, België (PDLT). Er zijn 10 dezelfde rassen aangeplant op beide plaatsen. De rassen zijn gezaaid bij plantenkwekerij de Kemp in Meterik in 1999. Het sortiment bestaat uit de Hollandse rassen Backlim, Gijnlim, Thielim, Grolim afkomstig van Asparagus BV te Horst en de Duitse rassen Eposs, Ramada, Ramos, Ravel , Rally (96013) en Rapsody (96071) afkomstig van SWD Saatsucht. De Nederlandse rassen worden verkocht door Nunhem en de Duitse door Royal Sluis