181 research outputs found

    Non-equilibrium coherence dynamics of a soft boson lattice

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    We study the non-equilibrium evolution of the phase coherence of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in a one dimensional optical lattice, as the lattice is suddenly quenched from an insulating to a superfluid state. We observe slowly damped phase coherence oscillations in the regime of large filling factor (~100 bosons per site) at a frequency proportional to the generalized Josephson frequency. The truncated Wigner approximation (TWA) predicts the frequency of the observed oscillations.Comment: 10 pages. 4 figure

    Floquet-engineered quantum state manipulation in a noisy qubit

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    Adiabatic evolution is a common strategy for manipulating quantum states and has been employed in diverse fields such as quantum simulation, computation and annealing. However, adiabatic evolution is inherently slow and therefore susceptible to decoherence. Existing methods for speeding up adiabatic evolution require complex many-body operators or are difficult to construct for multi-level systems. Using the tools of Floquet engineering, we design a scheme for high-fidelity quantum state manipulation, utilizing only the interactions available in the original Hamiltonian. We apply this approach to a qubit and experimentally demonstrate its performance with the electronic spin of a Nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond. Our Floquet-engineered protocol achieves state preparation fidelity of 0.994±0.0040.994 \pm 0.004, on the same level as the conventional fast-forward protocol, but is more robust to external noise acting on the qubit. Floquet engineering provides a powerful platform for high-fidelity quantum state manipulation in complex and noisy quantum systems

    Oscillating fidelity susceptibility near a quantum multicritical point

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    We study scaling behavior of the geometric tensor χα,β(λ1,λ2)\chi_{\alpha,\beta}(\lambda_1,\lambda_2) and the fidelity susceptibility (χF)(\chi_{\rm F}) in the vicinity of a quantum multicritical point (MCP) using the example of a transverse XY model. We show that the behavior of the geometric tensor (and thus of χF\chi_{\rm F}) is drastically different from that seen near a critical point. In particular, we find that is highly non-monotonic function of λ\lambda along the generic direction λ1λ2=λ\lambda_1\sim\lambda_2 = \lambda when the system size LL is bounded between the shorter and longer correlation lengths characterizing the MCP: 1/λν1L1/λν21/|\lambda|^{\nu_1}\ll L\ll 1/|\lambda|^{\nu_2}, where ν1<ν2\nu_1<\nu_2 are the two correlation length exponents characterizing the system. We find that the scaling of the maxima of the components of χαβ\chi_{\alpha\beta} is associated with emergence of quasi-critical points at λ1/L1/ν1\lambda\sim 1/L^{1/\nu_1}, related to the proximity to the critical line of finite momentum anisotropic transition. This scaling is different from that in the thermodynamic limit L1/λν2L\gg 1/|\lambda|^{\nu_2}, which is determined by the conventional critical exponents. We use our results to calculate the defect density following a rapid quench starting from the MCP and show that it exerts a step-like behavior for small quench amplitudes. Study of heat density and diagonal entropy density also show signatures of quasi-critical points.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Putting competing orders in their place near the Mott transition

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    We describe the localization transition of superfluids on two-dimensional lattices into commensurate Mott insulators with average particle density p/q (p, q relatively prime integers) per lattice site. For bosons on the square lattice, we argue that the superfluid has at least q degenerate species of vortices which transform under a projective representation of the square lattice space group (a PSG). The formation of a single vortex condensate produces the Mott insulator, which is required by the PSG to have density wave order at wavelengths of q/n lattice sites (n integer) along the principle axes; such a second-order transition is forbidden in the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson framework. We also discuss the superfluid-insulator transition in the direct boson representation, and find that an interpretation of the quantum criticality in terms of deconfined fractionalized bosons is only permitted at special values of q for which a permutative representation of the PSG exists. We argue (and demonstrate in detail in a companion paper: L. Balents et al., cond-mat/0409470) that our results apply essentially unchanged to electronic systems with short-range pairing, with the PSG determined by the particle density of Cooper pairs. We also describe the effect of static impurities in the superfluid: the impurities locally break the degeneracy between the q vortex species, and this induces density wave order near each vortex. We suggest that such a theory offers an appealing rationale for the local density of states modulations observed by Hoffman et al. (cond-mat/0201348) in STM studies of the vortex lattice of BSCCO, and allows a unified description of the nucleation of density wave order in zero and finite magnetic fields. We note signatures of our theory that may be tested by future STM experiments.Comment: 35 pages, 16 figures; (v2) part II is cond-mat/0409470; (v3) added new appendix and clarifying remarks; (v4) corrected typo

    Quantum Quenches in Extended Systems

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    We study in general the time-evolution of correlation functions in a extended quantum system after the quench of a parameter in the hamiltonian. We show that correlation functions in d dimensions can be extracted using methods of boundary critical phenomena in d+1 dimensions. For d=1 this allows to use the powerful tools of conformal field theory in the case of critical evolution. Several results are obtained in generic dimension in the gaussian (mean-field) approximation. These predictions are checked against the real-time evolution of some solvable models that allows also to understand which features are valid beyond the critical evolution. All our findings may be explained in terms of a picture generally valid, whereby quasiparticles, entangled over regions of the order of the correlation length in the initial state, then propagate with a finite speed through the system. Furthermore we show that the long-time results can be interpreted in terms of a generalized Gibbs ensemble. We discuss some open questions and possible future developments.Comment: 24 Pages, 4 figure

    The Energy-dependent Checkerboard Patterns in Cuprate Superconductors

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    Motivated by the recent scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) experiments [J. E. Hoffman {\it et al.}, Science {\bf 297}, 1148 (2002); K. McElroy {\it et al.}, Nature (to be published)], we investigate the real space local density of states (LDOS) induced by weak disorder in a d-wave superconductor. We first present the energy dependent LDOS images around a single weak defect at several energies, and then point out that the experimentally observed checkerboard pattern in the LDOS could be understood as a result of quasiparticle interferences by randomly distributed defects. It is also shown that the checkerboard pattern oriented along 45045^0 to the Cu-O bonds at low energies would transform to that oriented parallel to the Cu-O bonds at higher energies. This result is consistent with the experiments.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Commuting Heisenberg operators as the quantum response problem: Time-normal averages in the truncated Wigner representation

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    The applicability of the so-called truncated Wigner approximation (-W) is extended to multitime averages of Heisenberg field operators. This task splits naturally in two. Firstly, what class of multitime averages the -W approximates, and, secondly, how to proceed if the average in question does not belong to this class. To answer the first question we develop an (in principle, exact) path-integral approach in phase-space based on the symmetric (Weyl) ordering of creation and annihilation operators. These techniques calculate a new class of averages which we call time-symmetric. The -W equations emerge as an approximation within this path-integral techniques. We then show that the answer to the second question is associated with response properties of the system. In fact, for two-time averages Kubo's renowned formula relating the linear response function to two-time commutators suffices. The -W is trivially generalised to the response properties of the system allowing one to calculate approximate time-normally ordered two-time correlation functions with surprising ease. The techniques we develop are demonstrated for the Bose-Hubbard model.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Unzipping Vortices in Type-II Superconductors

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    The unzipping of vortex lines using magnetic-force microscopy from extended defects is studied theoretically. We study both the unzipping isolated vortex from common defects, such as columnar pins and twin-planes, and the unzipping of a vortex from a plane in the presence of other vortices. We show, using analytic and numerical methods, that the universal properties of the unzipping transition of a single vortex depend only on the dimensionality of the defect in the presence and absence of disorder. For the unzipping of a vortex from a plane populated with many vortices is shown to be very sensitive to the properties of the vortices in the two-dimensional plane. In particular such unzipping experiments can be used to measure the ``Luttinger liquid parameter'' of the vortices in the plane. In addition we suggest a method for measuring the line tension of the vortex directly using the experiments.Comment: 19 pages 15 figure

    Adiabatic perturbation theory: from Landau-Zener problem to quenching through a quantum critical point

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    We discuss the application of the adiabatic perturbation theory to analyze the dynamics in various systems in the limit of slow parametric changes of the Hamiltonian. We first consider a two-level system and give an elementary derivation of the asymptotics of the transition probability when the tuning parameter slowly changes in the finite range. Then we apply this perturbation theory to many-particle systems with low energy spectrum characterized by quasiparticle excitations. Within this approach we derive the scaling of various quantities such as the density of generated defects, entropy and energy. We discuss the applications of this approach to a specific situation where the system crosses a quantum critical point. We also show the connection between adiabatic and sudden quenches near a quantum phase transitions and discuss the effects of quasiparticle statistics on slow and sudden quenches at finite temperatures.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, contribution to "Quantum Quenching, Annealing and Computation", Eds. A. Das, A. Chandra and B. K. Chakrabarti, Lect. Notes in Phys., Springer, Heidelberg (2009, to be published), reference correcte