28 research outputs found

    Agriinovation system formation in northern regions of Russia: food security and rural development implications

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    The article examines development of food security for the population of northern regions in Russia. To reach the goal of regional food security and to change the declining trends in production, it is necessary to develop in-novative agrifood system model to ensure the priority of social goals over economic development, because providing higher standards of rural liveli-hood will inevitably lead to sustainable development of agricultural pro-duction. The agriinnovation system model should be viewed as a model for the provision of public goods or services. Public goods or services have no value, they are consumed for free; but they do have a cost, since the terri-torial government spends a certain amount of its resources on creating public goods. The article describes a conceptual model of the agri-innovation system developed for Russian northern regions, which would stimulate quality food production. To reach the goal of maintaining re-gional food security and to address the issue of the downward trend in food production it is necessary to ensure the priority of social goals over economic development. Providing higher standards of rural livelihood will inevitably lead to the sustainable development of agricultural production. Our study determined the conceptual foundations of sustainable develop-ment of rural localities of the Russian Arctic regions, to be accomplished through the creation of decent living conditions and the participation of the rural population in quality food production.Статья подготовлена при финансовой поддержке программы УрО РАН №14 «Фундаментальные проблемы региональной экономики», проект №15-14-7-13 «Сценарные подходы к реализации уральского вектора освоения и развития российской Арктики в условиях мировой нестабильности

    Students intention towards entrepreneurship to participate in development of regional economy hot to be burden on economy

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    Entrepreneurship alarming researchers and policy makers, to involve jobs seekers students in entrepreneurship after graduation to handle the youth unemployment. This paper tried to explain the involvement of students in regional entrepreneurship and some factors which were studied by most of the researchers, and were found to have significant effect on students to be entrepreneur in the near future, which include university environment and social support

    The multifunctional development of rural localities

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    The suggested model of multifunctional development can be considered suitable for rural localities of a northern region, since the principles which this model is based on are fundamental for any industrial region. The expected outcome, after the realization of the model, is an increase in food security and an improvement of living standards for the rural population. To achieve this, the following principles of local administration should be realized: The first principle is that the multifunctional development must consider the interests of all social groups of the given industrial region, and it must be aimed at increasing the public welfare of all groups. Secondly, the model must be targeted at the development of the specific advantageous features of the agricultural producers of region, but not at the expense of competition with external producers. The third principle is that, rather than focusing on changes in benchmarks for the development of rural localities, the local administration should strengthen the economic growth by improving food quality for the population. The fourth principle is that the model develops not only the economic potential of the rural localities but, primarily, social growth. The model points out the importance of the multifunctional development of rural localities, which, in turn, is bound to affect the standards of living in the rural localities. This model of a regional model of multifunctional development was introduced to the local governments, and it was found to be promising as a mandatory part of the regional innovative development program

    Involvement of State in The Rural Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

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    Based on a moderated survey of rural entrepreneurs and previous studies, the concept of an entrepreneurial ecosystem of rural territories is proposed, based on the recognition of the regulatory role of the state in the transformation of the agro-food system, the foundation of which, unlike existing concepts, is an open information environment. The scientific significance of the concept lies in the development of scientific ideas about the systemic socio-economic development of rural territories.The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 20-010-00480 “The role of entrepreneurial ecosystems in the socio-economic development of rural territories of Russia”

    Investment Potential in The Energy Sector of Bangladesh

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    This paper investigates the business potentials of Bangladesh’s energy sectors using the third-order polynomial regression model. Our results find the significant energy demands and lucrative business margins from using electricity. Therefore, Bangladesh’s energy sector is critical for investors to make profits in the upcoming days

    Entrepreneurship in Russian Regions: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    This research provides the first attempt at providing a scientific mapping and performance analysis of academic research on entrepreneurship in Russian regions. We focussed on only publications in the Scopus scientific database, and analysed our data through a thorough manual process and the VOSviewer machine learning software. Our performance assessment investigated the number of publications and the leading authors/institutions on the topic. Our article provides useful insights for researchers on the topic

    The Electrification Program of Bangladesh and the Impact of It on Socio-Economic Differentiation

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    Bangladesh has been improved its economic condition dramatically in the last decade. Currently, it’s considered as a middle-income country and there is an aspiration that Bangladesh will be a high-income country in 2041. The secret behind this is the development of the energy sector which boost up other sectors to achieve the sustainable development. Currently 99% area of Bangladesh is under the coverage of the electricity and the government is committed to bring 100% area under the national grid system within 2021. But there are several challenges which may arise in future such as quality electricity supply, regular maintenance, future development etc. All of these are related to the funding and technological advancement. So, the goal of this paper is analysis the electronification process of Bangladesh and the challenges which may face in future. Also try to analysis the social-economic impacts of it on Bangladeshi citizens

    Формирование интенций студентов российского университета в сфере социального предпринимательства

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    Social entrepreneurship is nowadays an appealing topic for researchers to investigate. It is considered to be an agent for social and economic development. To involve youth in social entrepreneurship and provide them with the opportunity to use their knowledge, skills and abilities to solve real world problems is a task to be addressed by modern society. This paper explains Russian university students’ intention towards social entrepreneurship which is considered to be the predictor of actual behavior. We developed hypothesizes based on factors which have an impact on the social entrepreneurial intention. The tested hypothesizes confirm that attitude as well as subjective norm and perceived behavioral control all have a positive impact on the social entrepreneurial intention. The entrepreneurial environment and education as a contextual element were found to be significant predictors of the social entrepreneurial intention. The study uses the quantitative method where data of 107 Russian students were collected and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS, version 20). In order to detect the impact of variables on each other, correlation and multiple regression tests were run. The results show positive intentions of Russian university students towards entrepreneurship. The study also found that contextual variables-entrepreneurial environment and education have an impact on social entrepreneurship intention. The entrepreneurial environment was found to be the most significant amongst other variables of attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control.В настоящее время социальное предпринимательство является актуальной и перспективной темой исследований. Социальное предпринимательство требует развития особых форм знания, умений и навыков. Вовлечь молодежь в социальное предпринимательство и предоставить им возможность использовать свои знания, навыки и способности для решения проблем реального мира – это задача современного общества. В предлагаемой статье изучаются интенции студентов в области социального предпринимательства. Исследование направление на анализ интенций как важного предиктора поведенческой модели социального предпринимательства. В статье выдвигается гипотеза значимости факторов, оказывающих влияние на предпринимательские интенции студентов. Авторы утверждают, что намерение стать социальным предпринимателем определяется в большей степени субъективными, а не объективными факторами, поэтому деятельность университетов по формированию предпринимательских интенций должна быть направлена на развитие особой поведенческой модели. В статье объясняются факторы, обусловливающие стремление студентов к социальному предпринимательству. Доказательство гипотезы строится на основе данных полученных в результате опроса студентов. Была использована случайная выборка из 107 студентов. Интерпретация и анализ корреляции и множественной регрессии в статье основывались на использовании «Статистического пакета для социальных наук» (SPSS, версия 20). В качестве теоретико-методологической основы исследования была использована теория спланированного поведения. Наряду с такими переменными отношения к предпринимательству как субъективная норма и воспринимаемый поведенческий контроль, было показано значимое влияние предпринимательской среды и образования: последние оказывают сильное влияние на интенции и инициативу студентов в социальном предпринимательстве. Выводы свидетельствуют о том, что государству необходимо уделять больше внимания предпринимательскому образованию, вовлечению молодежи в социальное предпринимательство

    Reflection of Russian and Chinese University Students on Entrepreneurial Intention

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    Entrepreneurship is nowadays an appealing topic for researchers to investigate. It is considered to be an agent for social and economic development. Most of the countries has included entrepreneurship as core subject in curricula of schools, colleges and universities. To involve youth in entrepreneurship and pr ovide them opportunity to use their knowledge, skills and abilities to solve real world p roblems is the need of current era. This paper explains Chinese and Russian universities students’ intention towards entrepr eneurship. Theory of Planned behavior (TPB) were used for theoretical frame work of the study. Along 118 XII Международная конференция «Российские регионы в фокусе перемен» with variables attitude towards entrepreneurship, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control from (TPB) entrepreneurial environment and education as contextual predictor were found significant in i mpact on students’ entrepreneurial intention. Findings suggest that more attention is needed from policy makers to involve youth in entrepreneurship

    Russia’s rural entrepreneurial ecosystems

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    Rural entrepreneurship is considered one of the key driving forces for the development of rural and regional socio-economic systems. I propose to analyse the development of rural entrepreneurship in Russia within the framework of the entrepreneurial ecosystem theory. The article presents the results of studying economic and institutional factors constraining entrepreneurial activity in rural areas. The research, based on a survey of rural entrepreneurs in the Ural region, aimed to identify factors that have the greatest negative impact on the development of rural entrepreneurship. The survey questionnaire was compiled using the Likert scale. The survey was conducted over 10 years; each year a simple random sample of 30 respondents was chosen. Then the data was processed with the help of special software “Strata 11”. The obtained results have demonstrated that the main factors hampering the development of rural entrepreneurship were the lack of qualified workers able to perform innovative types of work (value 4.6), high cost (value 4.6) and high risk of innovative activity (value 4). The most interesting is the dynamic of the “enterprise immunity to innovation” aspect. While in 2007 it was named as one of the main negative factors (value 4.5), in 2017 its value decreased significantly (to 3). I claim, a lot of entrepreneurs incorrectly percept a business development model that is adequate to entrepreneurial ecosystem’s conditions. That misunderstanding leads to efficiency reduction of both certain enterprises and rural entrepreneurial ecosystem in general. The study’s results have both scientific and practical importance for defining a model of rural entrepreneurship development and determining the most effective mechanisms of its support. © 2019 Institute of Economics Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All Rights Reserved