67 research outputs found

    Translation and Validation of Chronic Otitis Media Benefit Inventory (COMBI) in Turkish Language

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to translate the Chronic Otitis Media Benefit Inventory (COMBI) into Turkish and evaluate the questionnaire’s reliability in assessing benefit outcomes in patients after ear surgery.Methods: A total of 30 patients with chronic otitis media who underwent ear surgery were asked to fill out the translated Turkish version of the COMBI questionnaire six months after their surgery twice, 10 days apart. The patients were divided into two groups in two different ways based on surgical and audiological outcomes. These were surgical success (SS), surgical failure (SF), audiological success (AS), audiological failure (AF) groups. Student's -t test was performed to show the differences in the COMBI scores of the groups. Cronbach’s alpha value was calculated to test internal consistency, Pearson’s correlation coefficient was measured to demonstrate test-retest reliability and factor analysis was run.Results: The average score of the SS group was 51.08 and significantly higher than the score of the SF group (42.40) (p=0.012). There was, however, no statistically significant difference between the average scores of the AS and the AF groups (p=0.330). A Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.862 was found. Pearson’s r value was calculated 0.810. Factor analysis showed that a three-factor solution explained the 70.2% of the variance.Conclusion: The Turkish version of the COMBI is a valid test with high test-retest reliability. It should be used with objective assessment tools for better understanding how patients benefit from the surgery

    Cholesteatoma and Ear Surgery

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    Yüz Felci Reanimasyonu

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    Fasiyal sinir paralizilerinde tedavi edici yöntemlerden birisi de fasiyal sinir dekompresyonudur. Fasial sinirin karmaşık anatomik yapısı, uzun bir kemik kanal içerisinde yer alması ve önemli anatomik yapıların komşuluğunda yer alması nedeni ile bu cerrahi yöntem oldukça güçtür ve deneyim gerektirir. Fasiyal sinir paralizisinin sebebine göre farklı cerrahi yaklaşımlar uygulanabilir. Aynı seansta hasarlanmış fasiyal sinir gerekiyorsa tamir de edilebilir. Bu cerrahide total işitme kaybı, ciddi vertigo, kalıcı kulak çınlaması, menenjit ve beyin omurilik sıvısı fistülü gibi morbiditesi yüksek komplikasyonlar oluşabilir. Bu cerrahi başarılı bir şekilde gerçekleştirilse bile iyileşme aylar alabilir.Anahtar kelimeler:fasiyal sinir; fasiyalsinir hasar


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    Gastroesophageal reflux disease is an extremely common disorder and has seen an explosion in interest from both scientific communities and the general public, resulting in an abundance of misleading and even conflicting information. Previously published reports suggested that gastroesophageal reflux disease is associated with laryngeal cancer, but today there are many publications which do not support this argument. However, gastroesophageal reflux disease may lead to esophageal and upper respiratory epithelial destruction causing Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma, laryngitis, pharyngitis, eustachian tube abnormalities, chronic sinusitis, pneumonia and asthma. In this review, the link between the gastroesophageal reflux disease and laryngeal cancer is investigated

    Naczyniakowłókniakomięsak skóry błędnie rozpoznany jako guz ślinianki przyusznej – opis przypadku

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    Introduction: Angiomyolipoma is a benign tumor consisting of vascular structures, smooth muscle and adipose tissue. It is most commonly found in the kidneys and more rarely in the liver, lung, heart, intestines, nasal cavity, oral cavity and ear. Cutaneous angiomyolipomas are very rare and show some differences with non-cutaneous angiomyolipomas; these are mostly located in the distal extremities and are a result of traumas and HMB-45 antibody negativity and appear more frequently in men. Neither of the cases, except for one presented until today, had cellular atypia; thus, cutaneous angiomyolipomas are considered not to lead to malignant transformation. It is thought that total excision of the mass is indicated in the treatment of cutaneous angiomyolipoma. Case report: Our case presented to our clinic with a left preauricular mass which was thought to be a parotid mass after an initial physical examination. The MRI revealed that the mass did not originate from the parotid gland. The fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) was non-diagnostic and the mass was excised. The pathological examination revealed „angiomyolipoma”.Wprowadzenie: Naczyniakomięśniakotłuszczak jest łagodnym nowotworem, składającym się ze struktur naczyniowych, mięśni gładkich i tkanki tłuszczowej. Najczęściej pojawia się w nerkach, rzadziej w: wątrobie, płucach, sercu, jelitach, jamie nosowej, jamie ustnej i uchu. Naczyniakomięśniakotłuszczak skóry występuje bardzo rzadko i wykazuje pewne różnice w stosunku do postaci pozaskórnych, w tym: zazwyczaj lokalizuje się w dystalnych częściach kończyn w miejscu urazu, daje ujemny wynik w badaniu immunohistochemicznym z przeciwciałami HMB-45 i dotyczy częściej mężczyzn niż kobiet. We wszystkich przypadkach opisanych do tej pory, z jednym wyjątkiem, nie stwierdzano atypii komórkowej. W związku z tym uważa się, że naczyniakomięśniakotłuszczak skóry nie ulega transformacji złośliwej. Uważa się, że całkowite wycięcie masy jest właściwym leczeniem w postaci skórnej. Opis przypadku: W opisywanym przez nas przypadku pacjentka zgłosiła się do naszej kliniki ze zmianą guzowatą lewej okolicy przedusznej, którą po badaniu przedmiotowym uznano za wywodzącą się ze śliniaki przyusznej. Po przeprowadzeniu badania MRI stwierdzono, że masa nie pochodzi ze ślinianki przyusznej. Po niediagnostycznym wyniku FNAB zdecydowano o resekcji zmiany. Badanie histopatologiczne wskazało rozpoznanie „angiomyolipoma”

    Hydatid cyst in unusual location: Pterygopalatine fossa-infratemporal fossa

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    Introduction: Hydatid Cyst is a zoonotic infection most commonly caused by larvae of the Echinococcus granulosus. Humans are an accidental intermediate host following ingestion of the larvae