16 research outputs found

    Agriculture as a Source of Accumulation

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    Poljoprivreda, to je sve manje sporno, jest izvor akumulacije, posebno u nedovoljno razvijenim zemljama. Međutim, sporenja se javljaju pri investiranju poljoprivredne akumulacije: treba li je investirati u poljoprivredi ili u neku nepoljoprivrednu delatnost. Jugoslavija, agrarna i seljačka zemlja, morala je na početku svoga posleratnoga socijalističkog razvoja okrenuti se industriji, dakle, poljoprivrednu akumulaciju trebalo je usmeriti ka industrijskom razvoju. Izvlačenje akumulacije iz privatnog sektora poljoprivrede (dominantnog) vršeno je neekonomskim načinima. Bez obzira na obeležja »ekonomskog makijavelizma«, autor ovo usmerenje ocenjuje pozitivno, no pita se o opravdanosti trajanja ovakve strategije i politike razvoja. Izbor konkretnih mehanizama zahvatanja i usmeravanja poljoprivredne akumulacije drugi je metodološki problem. Ovo nije samo ekonomsko, već i političko pitanje. Autor se pita i o ekonomskom statusu poljoprivredne akumulacije. Danas je poljoprivreda izgubila značaj glavnog izvora akumulacije. Ipak, da li još uvek ona napušta poljoprivredu ili je možda na delu »vraćanje duga« poljoprivredi, odnosno prelevanje neke druge akumulacije u poljoprivredu?It is increasingly obvious that agriculture is a source of accumulation, especially iin less developed countries. However, disagreements arise when agricultural accumulation is invested: should it be invested back into agriculture or into some non-agricultural activity. At the begining of her postwar socialist development Yugoslavia, an agricultural and peasant country, had to turn to industry which means that agricultural accumulation had to be turned towards industrial development. Noneconomic ways were used to draw accumulation out of the private agricultural sector (the dominant one). Regardless of its characteristics of »economic Machiavellism«, the author considers this process a positive one but asks himself whether this kind of strategy and political development should have lasted so long. The selection of the specific mechanisms of appropriating and directing agricultural accumulation is a different methodological problem and is not only a matter of economics, but of politics, as well. The author also questions the economic status of agricultural accumulation. Today agriculture has lost its position of the main source of accumulation. But, is accumulation still leaving agriculture or has the »return of the debt« to agriculture begun, which means that some other accumulation is now being directed towards agriculture

    Allocative efficiency and QM factors covariate in Serbian industry

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    Trendovi alokativne efikasnosti i kovarijati veličine preduzeća i efikasnosti faktora menadžmenta kvalitetom u srpskoj industriji su testirani na nebalansiranom panel uzorku od 48 industrijskih preduzeća iz 12 industrijskih sektora u periodu 2004-2009. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da 10 od 12 sektora ima pozitivan kovarijat učešća u outputu tržišta i multi-faktorskoj produktivnosti. Kovarijat veličine preduzeća i efikasnosti svih faktora menadžmenta kvalitetom pokazuju isti smer u hemijskom sektoru (pozitivno) i sektoru motornih vozila (negativno), što znači da u ta dva sektora veće kompanije imaju natprosečnu i/ili ispodprosečnu efikasnost menadžmenta kvalitetom. Isti (pozitivan) trend alokativne efikasnosti i kovarijata svih faktora menadžmenta kvalitetom je zabeležen u hemijskoj industriji.Trends of allocative efficiency and covariate of firm size and efficiency of quality management(QM) factors in the Serbian industry were tested on the unbalanced panel sample of 48 industrial firms from 12 industrial sectors in the period 2004-2009. The obtained results show that 10 of 12 sectors have a positive covariate of participation in the output market and multi-factor productivity. Covariates of firm size and efficiency of all QM factors record the same direction in the chemicals sector (positive) and motor vehicles (negative), which means that in those two sectors larger companies had above-average and/or below-average efficient TQM. The same (positive) trend of allocative efficiency and covariates of all QM factors was recorded in manufacture of chemical industry

    Decomposition of productivity and allocative efficiency in Serbian industry

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    Na uzorku od 567 preduzeća koristeći poluparametrijski LP pristup određivanja multifaktorske produktivnosti (MFP) u radu je OP dekompozicijom kvantifikovana alokativna efikasnost na nivou Srbije, izabranih regiona i industrijskih sektora. U posmatranom periodu 2005 - 2007 privatizovana i nova privatna preduzeća pokazala su pozitivnu alokativnu efikasnost odnosno pozitivnu kovarijaciju učešća na tržištu i faktorske produktivnosti. Preduzeća sa većom produktivnošću su imala i veća učešća na tržištu autputa. Najveća alokativna efikasnost je zabeležena na području Vojvodine, a od industrijskih sektora u industriji duvana, drvnoj industriji i industriji prerade metala. Negativna alokativna efikasnost odnosno veće učešće na tržištu autputa firmi sa niskom faktorskom produktivnošću utvrđena je u industriji motornih vozila i proizvodnji električnih mašina.In this paper on the sample of 567 enterprises, using the semi-parametric LP approach for estimation of multifactor productivity (MFP), the allocative efficiency was quantified by OP decomposition at the level of Serbia, of the selected regions and industrial sectors. In the observed period from 2005 to 2007, the privatised and new private-owned enterprises showed positive allocative efficiency or positive covariance between the participation in the market and factor productivity. Companies with higher productivity also had larger participation in the output market. The highest degree of allocative efficiency was recorded on the territory of Vojvodina and in terms of industrial sectors, in the tobacco industry, wood industry and metal-processing industry. Negative allocative efficiency, i.e. larger participation of the firms with low factor productivity in the output market was seen in the motor vehicle industry and electrical machinery production

    Decomposition of productivity and allocative efficiency in Serbian industry

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    Na uzorku od 567 preduzeća koristeći poluparametrijski LP pristup određivanja multifaktorske produktivnosti (MFP) u radu je OP dekompozicijom kvantifikovana alokativna efikasnost na nivou Srbije, izabranih regiona i industrijskih sektora. U posmatranom periodu 2005 - 2007 privatizovana i nova privatna preduzeća pokazala su pozitivnu alokativnu efikasnost odnosno pozitivnu kovarijaciju učešća na tržištu i faktorske produktivnosti. Preduzeća sa većom produktivnošću su imala i veća učešća na tržištu autputa. Najveća alokativna efikasnost je zabeležena na području Vojvodine, a od industrijskih sektora u industriji duvana, drvnoj industriji i industriji prerade metala. Negativna alokativna efikasnost odnosno veće učešće na tržištu autputa firmi sa niskom faktorskom produktivnošću utvrđena je u industriji motornih vozila i proizvodnji električnih mašina.In this paper on the sample of 567 enterprises, using the semi-parametric LP approach for estimation of multifactor productivity (MFP), the allocative efficiency was quantified by OP decomposition at the level of Serbia, of the selected regions and industrial sectors. In the observed period from 2005 to 2007, the privatised and new private-owned enterprises showed positive allocative efficiency or positive covariance between the participation in the market and factor productivity. Companies with higher productivity also had larger participation in the output market. The highest degree of allocative efficiency was recorded on the territory of Vojvodina and in terms of industrial sectors, in the tobacco industry, wood industry and metal-processing industry. Negative allocative efficiency, i.e. larger participation of the firms with low factor productivity in the output market was seen in the motor vehicle industry and electrical machinery production

    Economic evaluation of GPS technology in Serbian agriculture

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    U ovom radu ispitan je stepen ušteda pri primeni najsavremenijih tehničkih sistema za satelitsko navođenje i automatsko upravljanje pri obavljanju poljoprivrednih operacija tokom cele sezone. Uzorno imanje bila je Poljoprivredna korporacija Beograd koja se prostire na oko 21.000 hektara obradive površine. Analiziran je uticaj oblika parcele i pravca kretanja agregata traktor - priključna mašina pri kalkulisanju ušteda usled smanjenja preklopa susednih prohoda. Izvršena je analiza ušteda po kulturama (kukuruz, pšenica, soja, šećerna repa i detelina) i po operacijama za svaku kulturu pojedinačno, prema tehnologiji proizvodnje primenjenoj na uzornom imanju. Detaljno su prikazani podaci samo za pšenicu i ječam. Poređenjem ostvarenih stepena uštede zaključeno je pri kojim operacijama je primena navođenja ekonomski najopravdanija i koliki nivo opremljenosti uređajima za navođenje i upravljanje je potreban. Posebno je analizirana funkcionalna zavisnost ekonomskih ušteda u gorivu i inputima za operacije distribucije mineralnog hraniva i hemijske zaštite biljaka. Tabelarno je data procena stepena svih očekivanih ušteda za operacije koje se odnose na pet analiziranih kultura.This paper examined the level of savings in the application of the most modern technical systems for satellite guidance and control over performing agricultural operations throughout the season. The exemplary property was Agricultural Corporation Belgrade (PKB), which covers about 21.000 hectares of arable land. The effects of plot shape and direction of movement of tractor-attachment units in calculating the savings from reduced overlapping of adjacent passes were studied. The analysis was carried out of savings per crop (maize, wheat, soybean, sugar beet and alfalfa) and the operations for each crop separately, based on the manufacturing technology applied to an exemplary property. Detailed data are shown only for wheat and barley. Comparing the achieved level of savings, the application of guidance for the type of the most economically viable operations was found as well as the needed equipment level of guidance devices and management. In particular, the analysis involved the functional dependence of the economic savings in fuel and inputs for the operations such as mineral fertilizers distribution and chemical plant protection. Tabulated are the data estimates for the degree of anticipated savings for operations related to the five analyzed crops


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    Small and medium-sized enterprises are the “driving force” of modern economies because of the contribution which is reflected in employment, increased exports, dynamics of competition, etc. New and existing innovative SMEs increase overall productivity and competitiveness of the economy, squeezing out less efficient enterprises with lower productivity. By constructing an appropriate econometric model, this paper shows that the income of SMEs significantly depends only on the number of employees in a particular enterprise, not on innovation and the number of employees in research and development areas. The results obtained prove that innovative SMEs do not create more jobs and do not generate higher income compared to non-innovative SMEs in the Republic of Serbia.Mala i srednja preduzeća su "pokretačka snaga" savremenih privreda zbog doprinosa koji se ogleda u zapošljavanju, povećanju izvoza, dinamiziranju konkurencije, itd. Nova i postojeća inovativna MSP doprinose povećanju ukupne produktivnosti i konkurentnosti privrede, istiskujući manje efikasna preduzeća sa nižom produktivnošću. U radu je putem konstruiranja odgovarajućeg ekonometrijskog modela dokazano da prihod MSP statistički značajno zavisi samo od broja zaposlenih u konkretnom preduzeću, ne i od inovativnosti i broja zaposlenih u istraživanju i razvoju. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata dokzano je da inovativna MSP ne kreiraju više novih radnih mesta i ne stvaraju veći prihod u odnosu na neinovativna mala i srednja preduzeća u Republici Srbiji

    Application of multigraph sampling method in network traffic design of simulation model of integrated telecommunication and computer network

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    Designing an integrated telecommunications and computer network using a simulation model requires defining all the network and communication elements that make up the network and network communication. The accuracy, quality, and usability of the simulation results depend on the accuracy and the way of defining the network traffic as a timed event between the source and the destination in the network. In this paper, the method for a more accurate definition of network traffic required for the development of a simulation model using the software tool OPNET is proposed. Network traffic can be represented using a multigraph associated with an appropriate matrix of network traffic over time. Time definition of network traffic is enabled by applying the method of sampling multigraphs with the mathematical derivation of the corresponding statistical distribution function. Predicted or existing communication in the network describes using the derived function of network traffic distribution and precisely defines the OPNET simulation model

    Integral sustainability as a basic (fundamental) requirement for (urban) innovation

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    The authors are of the opinion that there is no alternative to sustainable development, and discuss on thesis that sustainability is now a key driver of innovation, but also its essential requirement. This paper discusses the sustainability as a concept that has, above all, the environmental, economic, social and cultural dimension. The aim of the study was to understand sustainability as a fundamental development principle and key benchmark in organisation and development of cities in the future. This paper explores the meaning of innovation processes, sustainability and innovation in urban planning, innovative approaches to sustainable urban development, initiatives in urban sustainability, the key elements of the implementation, modalities of providing financial resources for sustainable projects of public interest, as well as identification of areas suitable for innovation in urban planning, relying on the good practices implemented through multi-sector sustainable projects. In a broader sense, the objective of this paper is to emphasize the need: to promote concept of human dimension in urban development, to direct continual urban development towards 'green' orientation, to implement innovative and smart technologies in the management of modern cities; to promote public participation and multi-sectoral policies in urban development, and to encourage and stimulate sustainable (urban) innovation

    Detection of Underrepresented Biological Sequences Using Class-Conditional Distribution Models

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    A labeled sequence data set related to a certain biological property is often biased and, therefore, does not completely capture its diversity in nature. To reduce this sampling bias problem a data mining procedure is proposed for detecting underrepresented relevant sequences. The procedure is aimed at helping domain experts achieve a cost-e#ective qualitative enlargement of knowledge through an in-depth study of a small number of statistically underrepresented and functionally interesting sequences. Our procedure consists of: (i) learning a class-conditional distribution model on each class of labeled data; (ii) applying the models to select statistically underrepresented unlabeled sequences; and (iii) automatically evaluating their interestingness. An application of the proposed approach is illustrated on an important problem of increasing the data set of confirmed disordered proteins. The obtained results demonstrate the promise of the proposed approach for an e#cient reduction of sampling bias in biological databases