4 research outputs found

    Грамофонске плоче певача Мијата Мијатовића: од (ре)конструкције дискографије ка студијама снимљене музике

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    The study of gramophone records is important when acquainting oneself with Mijat Mijatović (1887–1937), who strongly impacted so-called folk music in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes / Yugoslavia, considering the importance of the records he released during his career. His opus of commercial recordings is the largest of the interwar period in the area and, therefore, it is highly indicative when considering the correlation between the early music industry and ‘local’ culture as a glocal topic. In this study we present numerous sources and a complex critical analysis that resulted in Mijatović’s discography. Special attention has been paid to record companies, the chronology of recordings, the repertoire and collaborating musicians, thus mapping the potential of discography for the study of recorded music and cultural history.Проучавање плочa српског певача Мијата Мијатовића (1887–1937) од значаја је за упознавање личности која је снажно обележила тзв. народну музику у Краљевини Срба, Хрвата и Словенаца / Југославији. Његова продукција плоча највећа је у периоду између двају светских ратова на овом подручју, те је врло индикативна за сагледавање корелације ране музичке индустрије и овдашње културе, као глокалне теме. У студији се представљају бројни извори и сложена критичка анализа која је водила ка Мијатовићевој дискографији. Посебна пажња посвећена је издавачима, хронологији снимања, репертоару и музичким сарадницима у извођењима, као мапирању потенцијала дискографије у правцу студија снимљене музике и културне историје


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    Introduction:The diagnosis of acute kidney injury (AKI) in preterm newborns with perinatal asphyxia based on increased serum creatinine (sCr) value and oliguria/anuria is usually delayed. The Aim of this paper is to evaluate serum cystatin C as an early predictor of AKI. Materials and methods:The study included 42 preterm newborns (24-37 weeks) with perinatal asphyxia (Apgar score (AS) ≤ 3 at 5 minutes of life or blood pH on admission ≤ 7.00). The sCr and sCys-C levels were measured on the 1st, 3rd, and 7th day of life. According to KDIGO criteria, the newborns were classified into groups, and sCr and sCys-C values were compared. Results:The mean gestational age was 29.9 ± 3.0 weeks. AKI was diagnosed in 62.8 % of patients. Of these patients, 81.5% belonged to AKI 1 group, and 18.5 % to AKI 2 group.No newborns had the criteria for AKI 3. On day 7 the mean sCr values were significantly higher in AKI (65.4± 21.8) compared with the non-AKI group (168.4±38.2) (p<0.001), but not on day 1 and 3 (p = 0.322, 0.012, respectively). The sCys-C values were significantly higher in the AKI group on day 3 ( AKI vs. non-AKI group, 0.69 ±0.22 vs. 1.22 ±0.20; p <0.001) and day 7 (AKI vs. non-AKI group, 0.62 ±0.41 vs. 1.68 ±0.20; p <0.001). The sCys-C was also an earlier marker of a more severe stage of AKI than sCr. Conclusion:The sCys-C was elevated earlier than sCr, making it a valuable diagnostic tool for AKI in preterm newborns

    Outcomes of acute kidney injury in critically ill children who need renal replacement therapy

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    Aim To determine an outcome of acute kidney injury (AKI) in critically ill children (CIC) who needed renal replacement therapy (RRT) and were admitted to the Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (PICU and NICU) at the Paediatric Clinic, University Clinical Centre Sarajevo (UCCS). Methods The research included 81 children with AKI. The Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria to define AKI was used. Other laboratory findings and imaging tests were made depending on children’s primary disease that led to the AKI. Results Among 81 children with AKI, 38 were girls and 43 boys. A total of 39 (48.1%) patients died; the death was due to the nature of the primary disease and multiple organ failure syndromes. Out of the total of 81 patients the highest mortality rate was found in children in the first year of life, 22 (56.4%), while 17 (43.6%) patients died after the first year of life. Conclusion Without an accurate diagnosis at the right time, due to the lack of adequate biomarkers for AKI screening, the heterogeneity of AKI, comorbidities often lead to unfavourable outcomes of the disease, among CIC, especially in infants with low birth weight and extreme immaturity. Some causes of AKI are preventable and can be reduced by a better organization of primary and secondary health care


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    Introduction: Brain MRI scans can predict neurodevelopmental outcomes in neonates treated with therapeutic hypothermia. It is a common clinical practice to perform brain MRI before discharge, but brain MRI scans performed at around four months of age have a better prognostic value for a long-term neurological outcome in asphyxiated neonates. Aim: To identify which of three selected clinical parameters (oral feeding ability, muscle tone, history of seizure) evaluated 10 days after therapeutic hypothermia could predict the primary outcome of an abnormal brain MRI. Methods: We reviewed the medical records of neonates ≥ 36 completed weeks of gestation consecutively treated with therapeutic hypothermia who underwent brain MRI. Clinical parameters on day 10 after therapeutic hypothermia were correlated with brain MRI findings in the first 7-14 days of life. Logic regression analysis was performed using all three covariates of the clinical status, with an abnormal MRI as the primary outcome. Results: Brain MRI was abnormal in 42 (51.85 %) neonates with the following distribution of brain injury patterns: abnormal signal in the basal nuclei in 6, an abnormal signal in the cortex in 16, an abnormal signal both in the cortex and basal nuclei in 20 neonates. Out of three analyzed clinical parameters, feeding difficulty (P < 0.001, OR 8.3, 95% CI 2.9 - 28.9) and a history of seizures (P < 0.001, OR 11.95, 95% CI 3 - 44.5) were significantly associated with an abnormal MRI. Conclusion: Neonates who were capable of full oral feeding by day 10 after therapeutic hypothermia and had no history of seizures were unlikely to have an abnormal MRI. This may be used in selective planning of pre-discharge MRI in asphyxiated neonates