1 research outputs found
Development of web application for computer equipment records
Diplomsko delo zajema opis razvoja spletne aplikacije za Zavarovalno skupino Sava, natančneje za družbo Zavarovalnica Sava, d. d. Aplikacija služi kot eden izmed pripomočkov pri beleženju računalniške opreme podjetja in nudi številne funkcionalnosti.Te vključujejo ustvarjanje datotek za izdajo opreme, iskanje po zgodovini opreme, samodejno izpolnjevanje vnosnih polj, samodejno pošiljanje e-pošte, preverjanje pristnosti preko tehnologije Azure Active Directory itd. Delo zajema tudi analizo, v kateri aplikacijo primerjamo s predhodno.This thesis describes the development of a web application for the insurance group Sava, more specifically for the group member Zavarovalnica Sava, d. d. The application serves as one of the tools for recording computer equipment within the company and has many functionalities. These include the generation of ledger files, an equipment history search engine, automatic completion of input fields, automatic sending of emails, authentication via Azure Active Directory and more. We also conduct an analysis, where we compare the application with its predecessor