17 research outputs found

    Le traitement de l'erreur à l'oral entre pairs sous l'approche communicative dans une classe de français langue seconde

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    Ce mémoire aborde le traitement de l'erreur à l'oral entre apprenants dans une classe de français langue seconde de l'Université de Sherbrooke (Québec). Dans les classes de français langue seconde de cette institution, les étudiants travaillent la plupart du temps en équipes du fait que l'approche communicative est utilisée comme modèle pédagogique. L'objectif général de cette recherche a été d'explorer, à partir du moment où une erreur est produite, les relations entre les types de rétroactions utilisées par les apprenants dans le but de corriger leurs collègues et les réponses suivant ces rétroactions. Principalement, cette étude sur le traitement de l'erreur à l'oral dans un contexte de travail en équipe a révélé que la correction faite par un pair ne passe pas inaperçue et qu'elle est fréquemment suivie par une réparation immédiate de l'énoncé fautif initial ou encore, d'une tentative de correction

    Metabolic and inflammatory profile in obese patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Background: Overweight and obesity have been associated with better survival in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). On the other hand, excess body weight is associated with abnormal metabolic and inflammatory profiles that define the metabolic syndrome and predispose to cardiovascular diseases. This study was undertaken to evaluate the impact of overweight and obesity on the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and on the metabolic and inflammatory profiles in patients with COPD. Methods: Twenty-eight male patients with COPD were divided into an overweight/obese group [n 16, body mass index (BMI) 33.5 4.2 kg/m2] and normal weight group (n 12, BMI 21.1 2.6 kg/m2). Anthropometry, pulmonary function and body composition were assessed. The metabolic syndrome was diagnosed according to waist circumference, circulating levels of triglyceride and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, fasting glycemia and blood pressure. C-reactive protein, tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-), interleukin-6 (IL-6), leptin and adiponectin plasma levels were measured. Results: Airflow obstruction was less severe in overweight/obese compared with normal weight patients (forced expiratory volume1: 51 19% versus 31 12% predicted, respectively, P 0.01). The metabolic syndrome was diagnosed in 50% of overweight/obese patients and in none of the normal weight patients. TNF-, IL-6 and leptin were significantly higher in overweight/obese patients whereas the adiponectin levels were reduced in the presence of excess weight. Conclusions: The metabolic syndrome was frequent in overweight/obese patients with COPD. Obesity in COPD was associated with a spectrum of metabolic and inflammatory abnormalities

    Mental work stimulates cardiovascular responses through a reduction in cardiac parasympathetic modulation in men and women

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    Mental Work (MW) stimulates Cardiovascular (CV) functions in healthy adults and a reduction in cardiac parasympathetic modulation could be one mechanism involved in such a response. The influence of sex on these CV responses remains ambiguous. The aim of the study was to evaluate CV impacts of MW in healthy individuals and whether sex influences CV responses induced by MW. The impact of a 45-min reading and writing session vs. a control condition, on Blood Pressure (BP), Heart Rate (HR), and Heart Rate Variability (HRV), was evaluated in 44 healthy adults with the use of a randomized crossover design. The influence of sex on those variables was then evaluated. Diastolic BP (74 ± 1 vs. 69 ± 1 mmHg; p < 0.05) and mean arterial pressure (MAP; 87 ± 7 vs. 83 ± 8 mmHg; p < 0.005), HR (68 ± 1 vs. 62 ± 1 bpm; p < 0.0001) and low frequency/high frequency ratio (2.8 ± 0.1 vs. 2.0 ± 0.1; p < 0.0001) were higher, while global HRV (SDNN: 84 ± 3 vs.104 ± 3 ms; p < 0.0001) and cardiac parasympathetic activity were lower during MW (p < 0.0001) vs. the control condition in the whole sample. During both experimental conditions, HR was higher (p < 0.0001), while BP, rMSSD, pNN50 and low frequency component of HRV were lower in women compared to men (all p < 0.05). The intensity of the cognitive demand and its influence on CV variables were comparable between men and women. These results support that MW increases BP and HR through decrement in cardiac parasympathetic modulation in healthy subjects and suggest that sex does not influence CV responses induced by cognitive demand of similar intensity

    Mental work stimulates cardiovascular responses through a reduction in cardiac parasympathetic modulation in men and women

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    Mental Work (MW) stimulates Cardiovascular (CV) functions in healthy adults and a reduction in cardiac parasympathetic modulation could be one mechanism involved in such a response. The influence of sex on these CV responses remains ambiguous. The aim of the study was to evaluate CV impacts of MW in healthy individuals and whether sex influences CV responses induced by MW. The impact of a 45-min reading and writing session vs. a control condition, on Blood Pressure (BP), Heart Rate (HR), and Heart Rate Variability (HRV), was evaluated in 44 healthy adults with the use of a randomized crossover design. The influence of sex on those variables was then evaluated. Diastolic BP (74 ± 1 vs. 69 ± 1 mmHg; p < 0.05) and mean arterial pressure (MAP; 87 ± 7 vs. 83 ± 8 mmHg; p < 0.005), HR (68 ± 1 vs. 62 ± 1 bpm; p < 0.0001) and low frequency/high frequency ratio (2.8 ± 0.1 vs. 2.0 ± 0.1; p < 0.0001) were higher, while global HRV (SDNN: 84 ± 3 vs.104 ± 3 ms; p < 0.0001) and cardiac parasympathetic activity were lower during MW (p < 0.0001) vs. the control condition in the whole sample. During both experimental conditions, HR was higher (p < 0.0001), while BP, rMSSD, pNN50 and low frequency component of HRV were lower in women compared to men (all p < 0.05). The intensity of the cognitive demand and its influence on CV variables were comparable between men and women. These results support that MW increases BP and HR through decrement in cardiac parasympathetic modulation in healthy subjects and suggest that sex does not influence CV responses induced by cognitive demand of similar intensity

    Le traitement de l'erreur à l'oral entre pairs sous l'approche communicative dans une classe de français langue seconde

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    Ce mémoire aborde le traitement de l'erreur à l'oral entre apprenants dans une classe de français langue seconde de l'Université de Sherbrooke (Québec). Dans les classes de français langue seconde de cette institution, les étudiants travaillent la plupart du temps en équipes du fait que l'approche communicative est utilisée comme modèle pédagogique. L'objectif général de cette recherche a été d'explorer, à partir du moment où une erreur est produite, les relations entre les types de rétroactions utilisées par les apprenants dans le but de corriger leurs collègues et les réponses suivant ces rétroactions. Principalement, cette étude sur le traitement de l'erreur à l'oral dans un contexte de travail en équipe a révélé que la correction faite par un pair ne passe pas inaperçue et qu'elle est fréquemment suivie par une réparation immédiate de l'énoncé fautif initial ou encore, d'une tentative de correction

    Défis liés à la mise en place des recommandations de la Commission Charbonneau

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    Huit mois après le dépôt du rapport de la Commission Charbonneau, nous avons souhaité explorer les défis liés à la mise en place des recommandations. Avec un regard constructif, nous nous questionnons sur le fait de savoir à qui incombe le suivi d’un rapport de cette envergure ainsi que les obligations légales liées à cette question et nous nous permettons d’émettre certaines idées liées à une vision globale en matière de reddition de comptes. Tout en partageant nos réflexions inspirées des bonnes pratiques en matière de gestion du risque de fraude, nous présentons la complexité de la mise en place d’une recommandation tels le soutien et la protection des lanceurs d’alerte.Eight months after the tabling of the Charbonneau Commission’s report, we wanted to explore the challenges associated with the implementation of the recommendations. With a constructive look, we question who is responsible for monitoring a report of this size as well as the legal obligations related to this issue and we venture to issue certain ideas in connection with a global vision in terms of accountability. While sharing our thoughts based on best practices in managing fraud risk, we present the complexity of the implementation of a recommendation such as the support and protection of whistleblowers

    NOUVELLES TECHNOLOGIES, NOUVELLES PRATIQUES D’ECRITURE ? Le point de vue d’étudiants universitaires en FLE(S)

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    peer reviewedThe digital revolution and the development of new technologies of communication are dramatically changing language learning practices but also writing practices, whether in one’s mother tongue, in a second language or in a foreign language. In the framework of international research based on the development of writing ability among students of a second language or a foreign language in the university context, we have sought to better understand the way in which the relationship to writing (Barré de Miniac, 1997; Blaser and Chartrand, 2010) is constructed by these students in this new era. This article is intended to share the results of a survey conducted among some 200 students of French as a second language or a foreign language in four contrasting geographical and linguistic contexts. After a description of the ways in which students claim to use these new technologies at the university, we will analyze their use of ICTS when writing longer texts in an academic setting. Next, we will look into the functions served by the Internet at every step of the writing process, i.e. the different stages of planning, drafting and revising (Hayes et Flower, 1980). Finally, we will consider the kinds of tools used for the drafting of these various pieces of writing

    Glycemic instability and spontaneous energy intake : association with knowledge-based work

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    Objective: To further document the impact of knowledge-based work (KBW) on spontaneous energy intake and glucose homeostasis. Methods: We used a within-subjects experimental design, in which each participant was engaged in each of the three 45-minute conditions followed by an ad libitum buffet, 1) resting in a sitting position; 2) reading a document and writing a summary; or 3) performing a battery of computerized tests. Fourteen female students (mean age: 22.8 2.3 years, mean body mass index: 22.4 2.5 kg/m2 ) were recruited to participate. Plasma glucose, insulin, and cortisol levels at seven time-points, and appetite sensation markers were measured at each experimental condition. Results: The mean ad libitum energy intake after the reading-writing and the automated test-battery conditions exceeded that measured after rest by 848 kJ and 1057 kJ, respectively (p .05). No specific dietary preference was detected, as reflected by the comparable percent of energy from each macronutrient in the three conditions. No significant difference in appetite sensation markers was observed among the three conditions. Mean cortisol level over 45 minutes in the two KBW conditions was significantly higher (p .05) compared with the control condition. Finally, a significant increase in variations in plasma glucose and insulin levels was observed as compared with the control condition (p .01). Conclusions: This study showed that KBW acutely induces an increase in spontaneous energy intake, and promotes an increased fluctuation in plasma glucose and insulin levels. This study contributes to the documentation of a new risk factor for a positive energy balance, with the potential to lead to overweight in the long-term. Key words: mental work, cognitive tasks, energy balance, appetite, stress, sedentarity