318 research outputs found

    Throughput Increase in Multi-Fiber Networks using Partial Lane-Change Capabilities

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    Effective application of lane change in multi-fiber (MF) networks is hindered by limitations in WSS-size in ROADMs. We show that introducing lane-change only at degree-2 nodes leads to significant throughput increase, for a commensurate additional equipment cost

    ML-Assisted Restoration Planning and Upgrade with Low Design Margins

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    Analytical QoT models require safety margins to account for uncertain knowledge of input parameters. We propose a new design procedure for restoration planning and upgrade and show up to 19% savings in transponders from lower margins estimated via ML

    Puentes y barreras en la formación en interpretación en los servicios públicos: la docencia a intérpretes con experiencia no profesional

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    This paper reports on an action-research study with a dual purpose: (1) to design a PSI training programme adapted to the needs of the City of Québec’s public healthcare institutions, and (2) to assess its contribution to the development of trainees’ PSI competences. The course was designed adapting ÉSIT’s special regime methodology to PSI training, and delivered to a group of non-professional interpreters (N=23). The evaluation was undertaken qualitatively, through two focus groups (n=11). The data collected was submitted to content analysis and contrasted with the trainer’s action-research report. Findings reveal (1) that the special regime methodology can be applied to PSI training programmes, if combined with pedagogical approaches adjusting it to the group’s needs, and (2) that trainees’ preconceptions about PSI add up to the list of challenges of training non-professional longserving interpreters. Our concluding remarks present several recommendations on how to overcome the detected difficulties.Este artículo da cuenta de un estudio de investigación-acción con doble objetivo: (1) diseñar un programa de formación en ISP adaptado a las necesidades de las instituciones sanitariaspúblicas de la ciudad de Quebec y (2) evaluar su contribución al desarrollo de las competencias necesarias para la ISP. El curso, que adapta la metodología del régimen especial de la ÉSIT a la formación en ISP, se impartió a un grupo de intérpretes no profesionales (N=23) y se evaluócualitativamente mediante dos grupos focales (n=11). Los datos recopilados se sometieron a un análisis de contenido y se contrastaron con el informe de investigación-acción de la formadora. Los resultados revelan que (1) la metodología de régimen especial puede aplicarse a la formación en ISP, si se combina con enfoques pedagógicos que la ajusten a las necesidades del grupo, y (2) las ideas preconcebidas sobre la ISP se suman a la lista de retos que supone instruir a intérpretes con experiencia no profesional. A modo de conclusión, presentamos una serie de sugerencias para superar las dificultades detectadas

    Probabilistic low-margin optical-network design with multiple physical-layer parameter uncertainties

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    Analytical models for quality of transmission (QoT) estimation require safety design margins to account for uncertain knowledge of input parameters. We propose and evaluate a design procedure that gradually decreases these margins in the presence of multiple physical-layer uncertainties (namely, connector loss, erbium-doped fiber amplifier gain ripple, and fiber type) by leveraging monitoring data to build a probabilistic machine-learning-based QoT regressor. We evaluate the savings from margin reduction in terms of occupied spectrum and number of installed transponders in the C and C C L bands and demonstrate that 4%-12% transponder/spectrum savings can be achieved in realistic network instances by simply leveraging the SNR monitored at receivers and paying off a low increment in the lightpath disruption probability (at most 1%-4%). (c) 2023 Optica Publishing Grou

    Low-Margin Optical-Network Design with Multiple Physical-Layer Parameter Uncertainties

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    Analytical QoT models require safety margins to account for uncertain knowledge of input parameters. We propose and evaluate a design procedure that gradually decreases these margins in presence of multiple physical-layer uncertainties, by leveraging monitoring data to build a ML-based QoT regressor

    Semiconductor Optical Amplifier for Next Generation of High Data Rate Optical Packet-Switched Networks

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    This chapter provides an overview of considerations for the development of semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA) for the next generations of packet-switched optical networks. SOA devices are suitable candidates in order to realize high-performance optical gates due to their high extinction ratio and fast switching time. However such devices also introduce linear and nonlinear noise. The impact of SOA devices on several modulation formats via theoretical model, numerical simulation, and experimental validation is studied. Impairments introduced by SOAs are considered in order to derive some general network design rules

    Electronic architectures of optical slot switching nodes

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    International audienceAn optical slot switching node network called POADM (packet optical add-drop multiplexers) has formerly been proposed as a flexible solution for metropolitan ring networks to carry data traffic with a sub-wavelength switching granularity and with a good energy efficiency, which is enabled by optical transparency. In this paper, we propose several architectures for the electronic side of optical slot switching nodes. Those architectures increase the flexibility with which a client, attached to a node, can access the transport medium, through the addition of electronic switches, working either at client frame granularity or at slot granularity (a slot encapsulates several client frames); such electronic switches can be located at either transmitter, receiver, or both sides of a node, thereby decreasing traffic latency, at the expense of increased node cost and/or energy consumption. This paper focuses on the latency aspect only. We assess and compare the latency of these node architectures with simulations; some results are also backed analytically. The utilization of an (electronic) slot switch enables load balancing across the transport channels, while the node architecture with an (electronic) client frame switch additionally permits flow aggregation, resulting in lower queuing delay. The lowest queuing delay is achieved by the architecture embedding client frame switches at both transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) sides, while the absence of electrical switches leads to the worst performance, but presents the advantage of lower cost and consumption with respect to the other architectures. The utilization of client frame switches at Tx or Rx presents intermediate performances

    On the offline physical layer impairment aware RWA algorithms in transparent optical networks: state-of-the-art and beyond

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    In transparent optical networks with no regeneration, the problem of capacity allocation to traffic demands is called "Roting and Wavelength Assignment". Much work on this topic recently has focused on the dynamic case, whereby demands arrive and must be served in real-time. In addition, due to lack of regeneration, physical impairments accumulate as light propagates and QoT may become inappropiate (e.g., too high Bit Error Rate). Considering the physical layer impairments in the network planning phase gives rise to a class of RWA algorithms: offline Physical Layer Impairment Aware- (PLIA-)RWA. This paper makes a survey of such algorithms, proposes a taxonomy, and a comparison between these algorithms for common metrics. We also propose a novel offline PLIA-RWA algorithm, called POLIO-RWA, and show through simulations that it decreases blocking rate compared with other PLIA-RWA algorithms.Postprint (published version
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