71 research outputs found

    Mass transfer investigation in a falling film microreactor

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    Zastosowanie mikrostruktur na większą skalę opiera się na koncepcji numbering-up, czyli zwiększaniu liczby mikrokanałów. Aparatem tego typu jest aparat wielokanałowy ze spływającą warstewką cieczy. Jest to aparat zaliczany to urządzeń z kanałami otwartymi. W pracy przedstawiono pomiary szybkości absorpcji CO2 z mieszaniny CO2/N2 w wodnych roztworach monoetanoloaminy (MEA) w tego typu aparacie. Wyznaczono współczynniki wnikania masy z reakcją chemiczną.The concept of numbering-up allows one to use microstructures in a bigger scale. The Falling Film u-Reactor is a multichannel micro-structure apparatus with open channels. A rate of absorption of C02 from the CO2/N2 mixture into monoethanolamine water solutions was measured. The mass transfer coefficients with chemical reaction were determined

    Investigations into the kinetics of reaction between CO2 and N-methyldiethanolamine

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    Wykonano badania szybkości absorpcji CO2 w wodnych roztworach N-metylodietanoloaminy w reaktorze barbotażowym z mieszadłem. Na podstawie tych badań określono wartości stałej szybkości reakcji CO2 z N-mctylodictanoloaminą. Wodne roztwory tej aminy mogą być stosowane jako rozpuszczalnik w procesie oczyszczania gazów syntezowych i odlotowych od ditlenku węgla.The measurements of CO2 absorption rate in aqueous solutions of N-methyldiethanolamine were carried out in a stirred reactor. On the basis of these measurements the reaction rate constant values between C02 and N-methyldiethanolamine were determined. It was concluded that aqueous solutions of these amines might be promising solvents in the waste processing and synthesis gases purification from carbon dioxide

    Liquid-side mass transfer coefficients in a falling film microreactor

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    Przedstawiono badania wymiany masy w mikroreaktorze ze spływającą warstewką cieczy. Wyznaczono doświadczalne i teoretyczne (model Higbiego) wartości fizycznego współczynnika wnikania masy po stronie cieczy. Stwierdzono, iż wartości uzyskanych współczynników zależą od założonego stopnia wypełnienia mikrokanału przez ciecz. Stopień wypełnienia mikrokanału zależy od kąta zwilżania i natężenia przepływu cieczy. W pracy przedstawiono wpływ wartości kąta zwilżania.Mass transfer in a falling film microreactor was investigated. The experimental and theoretical (Higbie model) mass transfer liquid-side coefficients were determined. A relation between mass transfer coefficient values and a degree of microchannels filling was observed. The degree of microchan-nels filling depends on liquid wettability (contact angle) and liquid flow. In this paper the influence of contact angle was presented

    Carbon dioxide absorption into aqueous blends of N-methyldiethanolamine and 2-ethylaminoethanol

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    Measurements of the absorption rate of carbon dioxide into aqueous solutions of N-methyldiethanoloamine (MDEA) and 2-ethylaminoethanol (EAE) have been carried out. On this basis a mathematical model of the performance of an absorption column operated with aqueous solution of a blend of the above amines at elevated temperatures and pressures have been proposed. The results of simulations obtained by means of this model are described. The work is a part of a wider program, aimed at the development of a new process

    Contribution of liquid-and gas-side mass transfer coefficients to overall mass transfer coefficient in Taylor flow in a microreactor

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    Gas-liquid microreactors find an increasing range of applications both in production, and for chemical analysis. The most often employed flow regime in these microreactors is Taylor flow. The rate of absorption of gases in liquids depends on gas-side and liquid-side resistances. There are several publications about liquid-side mass transfer coefficients in Taylor flow, but the data about gas-side mass transfer coefficients are practically non existent. We analysed the problem of gas-side mass transfer resistance in Taylor flow and determined conditions, in which it may influence the overall mass transfer rate. Investigations were performed using numerical simulations. The influence of the gas diffusivity, gas viscosity, channel diameter, bubble length and gas bubble velocity has been determined. It was found that in some case the mass transfer resistances in both phases are comparable and the gas-side resistance may be significant. In such cases, neglecting the gas-side coefficient may lead to errors in the experimental data interpretation

    Pressure drop in two-phase gas-liquid (Taylor) flow in microreactors

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    The pressure drop in microreactors for the gas - liquid Taylor flow was measured for 4 different microreactor geometries and 3 different gas - liquid systems. The results have been compared with the existing literature correlations. A selection of the best correlations has been made