7 research outputs found

    TOD and Park-and-Ride: Which is Appropriate Where?

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    Despite the sharp drop in transit ridership throughout the USA that began in March 2020, two different uses of land near transit stations continue to be implemented in the United States to promote ridership. Since 2010, transit agencies have given priority to multi-family residential construction referred to as transit oriented development (TOD), with an emphasis on housing affordability. In second place for urban planners but popular with suburban commuters is free or inexpensive parking near rail or bus transit centers, known as park-and-ride (PnR). Sometimes, TOD and PnR are combined in the same development. Public policy seeks to gain high community value from both of these land uses, and there is public interest in understanding the circumstances and locations where one of these two uses should be emphasized over the other. Multiple justifications for each are offered in the professional literature and reviewed in this report. Fundamental to the strategic decision making necessary to allocate public resources toward one use or the other is a determination of the degree to which each approach generates transit ridership. In the research reported here, econometric analysis of GIS data for transit stops, PnR locations, and residential density was employed to measure their influence on transit boardings for samples of transit stops at the main transit agencies in Seattle, Los Angeles, and San José. Results from all three cities indicate that adding 100 parking spaces close to a transit stop has a larger marginal impact than adding 100 housing units. Previous academic research estimating the higher ridership generation per floor area of PnR compared to multi-family TOD housing makes this show of strength for parking an expected finding. At the same time, this report reviews several common public policy justifications for TOD as a preferred land development emphasis near transit stations, such as revenue generation for the transit agency and providing a location for below-market affordable housing where occupants do not need to have a car. If increasing ridership is important for a transit agency, then parking for customers who want to drive to a station is an important option. There may also be additional benefits for park-and-ride in responding to the ongoing pandemic

    The Effect of Housing Market Disequilibrium on the Supply of Labor: Evidence from Poland, 1989-1990

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    This paper examines the effect of housing market disequilibrium on the supply of labor. Earlier studies suggested that housing market disequilibria affected other markets through altered consumption patterns (Podkaminer 1982, 1988) or because housing shortages restricted labor mobility (Mayo and Stein 1988). This paper examines the disincentive to supply labor which arises from housing market disequilibrium. The disequilibrium is measured by four variables. One is a measure of density, while the others are based upon the number of persons in official housing queues. Each of the variables is negative and significant in the two-stage least squares estimates of labor supply. Estimates disaggregated by skill-class are also presented. Housing market disequilibrium has the greatest impact on the labor supply of the least skilled. Copyright American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association.

    On optimal zoning in a linear town with Cournot competitors

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    We consider a central zoning area within a linear town with two Cournot spatial competitors.When the firms do not discriminate across the city, a central zoning area always affects the firms\u2019 equilibrium location. Moreover, a positive zoning constraint decreases both the consumer surplus and the profits of firms

    Urban Land Development and its Prices: The Effects of Conversion Costs with Redevelopment

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    This paper analyzes urban land development when landowners anticipate a future large-scale redevelopment by a third party developer. Landowners' initial development activities can deter such redevelopment because they impose two conversion costs on the redeveloper: demolition costs and landowners' reservation prices. These costs are eventually borne by the landowners when the developers' market is competitive. For the landowners' initial development activities, we analyze both the efficient solution and the noncooperative solution under the Nash equilibrium. In both cases, the possibility of redevelopment results in a lower level of initial development due to the conversion costs, but increases land prices. However, the magnitude of their effects is smaller in the Nash solution due to an externality. The presence of such an externality provides a rationale for zoning and urban planning. Copyright American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association.