259 research outputs found

    Semantic Ambiguity and Perceived Ambiguity

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    I explore some of the issues that arise when trying to establish a connection between the underspecification hypothesis pursued in the NLP literature and work on ambiguity in semantics and in the psychological literature. A theory of underspecification is developed `from the first principles', i.e., starting from a definition of what it means for a sentence to be semantically ambiguous and from what we know about the way humans deal with ambiguity. An underspecified language is specified as the translation language of a grammar covering sentences that display three classes of semantic ambiguity: lexical ambiguity, scopal ambiguity, and referential ambiguity. The expressions of this language denote sets of senses. A formalization of defeasible reasoning with underspecified representations is presented, based on Default Logic. Some issues to be confronted by such a formalization are discussed.Comment: Latex, 47 pages. Uses tree-dvips.sty, lingmacros.sty, fullname.st

    A Corpus-Based Investigation of Definite Description Use

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    We present the results of a study of definite descriptions use in written texts aimed at assessing the feasibility of annotating corpora with information about definite description interpretation. We ran two experiments, in which subjects were asked to classify the uses of definite descriptions in a corpus of 33 newspaper articles, containing a total of 1412 definite descriptions. We measured the agreement among annotators about the classes assigned to definite descriptions, as well as the agreement about the antecedent assigned to those definites that the annotators classified as being related to an antecedent in the text. The most interesting result of this study from a corpus annotation perspective was the rather low agreement (K=0.63) that we obtained using versions of Hawkins' and Prince's classification schemes; better results (K=0.76) were obtained using the simplified scheme proposed by Fraurud that includes only two classes, first-mention and subsequent-mention. The agreement about antecedents was also not complete. These findings raise questions concerning the strategy of evaluating systems for definite description interpretation by comparing their results with a standardized annotation. From a linguistic point of view, the most interesting observations were the great number of discourse-new definites in our corpus (in one of our experiments, about 50% of the definites in the collection were classified as discourse-new, 30% as anaphoric, and 18% as associative/bridging) and the presence of definites which did not seem to require a complete disambiguation.Comment: 47 pages, uses fullname.sty and palatino.st

    Weak Definites

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    Identifying fake Amazon reviews as learning from crowds

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    Customers who buy products such as books online often rely on other customers reviews more than on reviews found on specialist magazines. Unfortunately the confidence in such reviews is often misplaced due to the explosion of so-called sock puppetry-Authors writing glowing reviews of their own books. Identifying such deceptive reviews is not easy. The first contribution of our work is the creation of a collection including a number of genuinely deceptive Amazon book reviews in collaboration with crime writer Jeremy Duns, who has devoted a great deal of effort in unmasking sock puppeting among his colleagues. But there can be no certainty concerning the other reviews in the collection: All we have is a number of cues, also developed in collaboration with Duns, suggesting that a review may be genuine or deceptive. Thus this corpus is an example of a collection where it is not possible to acquire the actual label for all instances, and where clues of deception were treated as annotators who assign them heuristic labels. A number of approaches have been proposed for such cases; we adopt here the 'learning from crowds' approach proposed by Raykar et al. (2010). Thanks to Duns' certainly fake reviews, the second contribution of this work consists in the evaluation of the effectiveness of different methods of annotation, according to the performance of models trained to detect deceptive reviews. © 2014 Association for Computational Linguistics

    Completions, Coordination, and Alignment in Dialogue

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    Collaborative completions are among the strongest evidence that dialogue requires coordination even at the sub-sentential level; the study of sentence completions may thus shed light on a number of central issues both at the `macro’ level of dialogue management and at the `micro’ level of the semantic interpretation of utterances. We propose a treatment of collaborative completions in PTT, a theory of interpretation in dialogue that provides some of the necessary ingredients for a formal account of completions at the ‘micro’ level, such a theory of incremental utterance interpretation and an account of grounding. We argue that an account of semantic interpretation in completions can be provided through relatively straightforward generalizations of existing theories of syntax such as Lexical Tree Adjoining Grammar (LTAG) and of semantics such as (Compositional) DRT and SituationSemantics. At the macro level, we provide an intentional account of completions, as well as a preliminary account within Pickering and Garrod’s alignment theory

    An Incremental Model of Anaphora and Reference Resolution Based on Resource Situations

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    Notwithstanding conclusive psychological and corpus evidence that at least some aspects of anaphoric and referential interpretation take place incrementally, and the existence of some computational models of incremental reference resolution, many aspects of the linguistics of incremental reference interpretation still have to be better understood. We propose a model of incremental reference interpretation based on Loebner’s theory of definiteness and on the theory of anaphoric accessibility via resource situations developed in Situation Semantics, and show how this model can account for a variety of psychological results about incremental reference interpretation

    Weak Definites

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