670 research outputs found

    On the analysis of Rayleigh-B\'enard convection using Latent Dirichlet Allocation

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    We apply a probabilistic clustering method, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), to characterize the largescale dynamics of Rayleigh-B\'enard convection. The method, introduced in Frihat et al. 2021, is applied to a collection of snapshots in the vertical mid-planes of a cubic cell for Rayleigh numbers in the range [106, 108]. For the convective heat flux, temperature and kinetic energy, the decomposition identifies latent factors, called motifs, which consist of connex regions of fluid. Each snapshot is modelled with a sparse combination of motifs, the coefficients of which are called the weights. The spatial extent of the motifs varies across the cell and with the Rayleigh number. We show that the method is able to provide a compact representation of the heat flux and displays good generative properties. At all Rayleigh numbers the dominant heat flux motifs consist of elongated structures located mostly within the vertical boundary layer, at a quarter of the cavity height. Their weights depend on the orientation of the large-scale circulation (LSC). A simple model relating the conditionally averaged weight of the motifs to the relative strength of the corner rolls and of the large-scale circulation, is found to predict well the average LSC reorientation rate. Application of LDA to the temperature fluctuations shows that temperature motifs are well correlated with heat flux motifs in space as well as in time, and to some lesser extent with kinetic energy motifs. The abrupt decrease of the reorientation rate observed at 108 is associated with a strong concentration of plumes impinging layers onto the corners of the cell, which decrease the temperature difference within the corner structures. It is also associated with a reinforcement of the longitudinal wind through formation and entrainment of new plumes.Comment: 42 page

    Determining the Spectral Signature of Spatial Coherent Structures

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    We applied to an open flow a proper orthogonal decomposition (pod) technique, on 2D snapshots of the instantaneous velocity field, to reveal the spatial coherent structures responsible of the self-sustained oscillations observed in the spectral distribution of time series. We applied the technique to 2D planes out of 3D direct numerical simulations on an open cavity flow. The process can easily be implemented on usual personal computers, and might bring deep insights on the relation between spatial events and temporal signature in (both numerical or experimental) open flows.Comment: 4 page

    Estudio de caso: aplicación de terapia humanista y danza primal en una paciente con trastorno de depresión mayor, duelo y cleptomanía

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    The present case study describes the therapeutic intervention applied to a 40 year old woman with major depressive disorder, kleptomania and complicated gief. The treatment consisted of 20 sessions of humanistic therapy (with special interest in Emotion-Focused Therapy) and Primal Dance, a branch of the Fundamental Interactions Model. The process was focused on the transformation of maladaptive emotions, the resolution of unfinished businesses, the discovery of internal strengths and the in-session bodily experience of positive behaviors. In order to value the effectiveness of the treatment, measures of the symptom´s test SCL-90 and the Beck Depression Inventory were taken before and after the process.El presente estudio de caso describe la intervención psicoterapéutica realizada en una mujer de 40 años de edad con trastorno depresivo mayor, cleptomanía y una experiencia de duelo complicado. El tratamiento consistió en 20 sesiones de terapia humanista (con especial énfasis en la Terapia Centrada en las Emociones) y la práctica de Danza Primal proveniente del Modelo de Interacciones Primordiales. El proceso se enfocó en la transformación de las emociones mal-adaptativas, la resolución de asuntos inconclusos, el descubrimiento de las fortalezas internas y la práctica vivencial-corporal de comportamientos positivos

    Ability of the e-TellTale sensor to detect flow features over wind turbine blades: flow separation/reattachment dynamics

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    Monitoring the flow features over wind turbine blades is a challenging task that has become more and more crucial. This paper is devoted to demonstrate the ability of the e-TellTale sensor to detect the flow separation/reattachment dynamics over wind turbine blades. This sensor is made of a strip with a strain gauge sensor at its base. The velocity field was acquired using TR- PIV measurements over an oscillating thick blade section equipped with an e-TellTale sensor. PIV images were post-processed to detect movements of the strip, which was compared to movements of flow. Results show good agreement between the measured velocity field and movements of the strip regarding the separation/reattachment dynamics

    Jody May-Chang

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    Activist and Journalist Jody May-Chang grew up as a secular Jew in southern California. She was born in 1960 and personally experienced anti-Semitism as a child. In college, she had her own radio show called, “Gay and Lesbian Perspectives.” The murder of Harvey Milk became the impetus for becoming an activist for many issues. Her activism has led to a career of journalism and social justice. May-Chang worked on the Idaho Human Rights Act legislation. Outside of the LGBT community, May-Chang is a supporter of the Occupy movement, and the fight for a living wage.https://scholarworks.boisestate.edu/idlgbtq_oral_histories/1014/thumbnail.jp

    Sur la présence d’Harpocrate à Pétra et en Jordanie

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    L’étude part d’une figurine en bronze d’Harpocrate inédite, conservée au Musée archéologique de Pétra. Elle recense les autres témoignages en faveur du petit dieu, à Pétra et en Jordanie, que ce soit sous la forme de statuettes (bronze, terre cuite) ou de plaquettes en terre cuite. Ils attestent un certain intérêt envers une divinité souvent oubliée, dans l’ombre de la forte personnalité d’Isis.The paper starts with the study of an unpublished bronze figurine of Harpocrates, kept in the Petra archaeological museum. It makes the inventory of the other testimonies concerning the god in Petra and in Jordan, as bronze as terracotta statuettes or plaques. They show a certain interest for this deity, who is often neglected in the shadow of the great goddess Isis.تنطلق المقالة من دراسة لتمثالٍ من البرونز لحربوقراط (Harpocrates) لم يسبق نشره، محفوظ في متحف آثار البتراء. تُحصي المكتشفات الأخرى المراعية للإله الصغير، في البتراء والأردن، التي تكون إمّا بشكل تماثيل) من البرونز، الطين المشوي (أو صفائح من الطين المشوي والتي تشهد على الاهتمام بإلهة منسية، في ظّل الشخصية القّوية للإلهة إيزيس (Isis

    Louis Carton (1861-1924) et les religions d’Afrique

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    As a medical officer, Louis Carton discovered Tunisia in 1886 and devoted himself with passion to archaeology. He discovered numerous sites and became a reference in this field, even if he quickly encountered difficulties with the official archaeological authorities. Even though he was more specialized in Roman colonisation and irrigation works, he often touched on religious matters.Médecin militaire, Louis Carton découvre la Tunisie en 1886 et s’adonne avec passion à l’archéologie. Il y découvre de nombreux sites, et devient une référence dans ce domaine, même s’il entre rapidement en lutte avec les autorités archéologiques officielles. Plus spécialisé dans les domaines de la colonisation romaine et des travaux d’irrigation, il aborde cependant à de multiples reprises le champ religieux