1 research outputs found

    Tuberculosis and hard-to-reach group – migrant population

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    Department of Pneumophtysiology, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova, Department of Phthysiology and Pulmonology, Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, UkraineBackground: The Republic of Moldova reports the biggest incidence of tuberculosis and the biggest rate of migrants among European Region countries. For the most of migrants the risk for TB development is correlated with social risk factors (low life conditions, overcrowding, disruption from the health care services), epidemiological risk factors (infectious contact) and biological features (young age, male sex, some physiological conditions, associated diseases). Risk factors association is more evident than the severity of one risk factor. The review study was conducted using relevant scientific resourses. Conclusions: TB is a big challenge worldwide. Despite high trends of migration noted in the 20th century the phemonen of migration as a risk factor for TB development is studied insufficienly. Immigrants are the majority of TB patients in high-income countries. The irregular emigrants are the most of TB patients from high-burden countries. Radiological and immunological screening in pre-departure phase is the most important procedure for decreasing of TB rates by providing latent TB infection treatment. Raising awareness among migrants about TB, emphasizing that diagnosis and treatment are free of charge and independent regarding migration status are important TB control actions performed in this hard-to-reach population