27 research outputs found

    rs67047829 genotypes of ERV3-1/ZNF117 are associated with lower body mass index in the Polish population

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    There is now substantial evidence that zinc-finger proteins are implicated in adiposity. Aims were to datamine for high-frequency (near-neutral selection) pretermination-codon (PTC) single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; n = 141) from a database with > 550,000 variants and analyze possible association with body mass index in a large Polish sample (n = 5757). BMI was regressed (males/females together or separately) against genetic models. Regression for rs67047829 uncovered an interaction-independent association with BMI with both sexes together: mean ± standard deviation, kg/m2: [G];[G], 25.4 ± 4.59 (n = 3650); [G](;)[A], 25.0 ± 4.28 (n = 731); [A];[A], 23.4 ± 3.60 (n = 44); additive model adjusted for age and sex: p = 4.08 × 10–5; beta: − 0.0458, 95% confidence interval (CI) − 0.0732 : − 0.0183; surviving Bonferroni correction; for males: [G];[G], 24.8 ± 4.94 (n = 1878); [G](;)[A], 24.2 ± 4.31 (n = 386); [A];[A], 22.4 ± 3.69 (n = 23); p = 4.20 × 10–4; beta: − 0.0573, CI − 0.0947 : − 0.0199. For average-height males the difference between [G];[G] and [A];[A] genotypes would correspond to ~ 6 kg, suggesting considerable protection against increased BMI. rs67047829 gives a pretermination codon in ERV3-1 which shares an exonic region and possibly promoter with ZNF117, previously associated with adiposity and type-2 diabetes. As this result occurs in a near-neutral Mendelian setting, a drug targetting ERV3-1/ZNF117 might potentially provide considerable benefits with minimal side-effects. This result needs to be replicated, followed by analyses of splice-variant mRNAs and protein expression.The POPULOUS database was the outcome of the project TESTOPLEK which was funded by the Innovative Economy Operational Programme provided by the European Regional Development Fund 2007–2013. This source had no involvement in the study other than funding for the database

    The impact of cultivation system, irrigation and mineral fertilization on biometrics of self-terminating and conventional horse bean morphotype

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    W latach 2004-2006 przeprowadzono na glebie lekkiej dwa trzyczynnikowe doświadczenia polowe. Celem przeprowadzonych badań, było określenie wpływu uzupełniającego deszczowania, systemów uprawy i nawożenia mineralnego na wybrane cechy biometryczne dwóch morfotypów bobiku. Stwierdzono wpływ zastosowanych czynników na niektóre cechy biometryczne bobiku.Two three-factor field experiments were carried out in years 2004-2006 on light soil. The purpose of completed research was to determine the impact of complementary sprinkling irrigation, cultivation systems and mineral fertilization on selected biometric properties of two horse bean morphotypes. The impact of applied factors on certain horse bean biometric properties has been confirmed

    Impact of magnetized water on germination energy of seeds and weight of garden savory (Satureja hortensis L.), buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum L.), yellow lupine (Lupinus luteus L.) and winter rape (Brassica napus L.) seedlings

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    The laboratory experiment was carried out in 2008-2009. It consisted of several series of measurements, which were designed to evaluate the effect of magnetized water on seeding value and growth of seedlings and the weight of selected plant species. The results confirmed a diverse reaction of assessed species seeds towards the type of water used. Mag¬netized water stimulated the seed germination of garden savory and rape, while had no effect on the seeds of yellow lupine. In case of the seeds of buckwheat, this parameter decreased under the influence of magnetized water in the first six days of the experiment. A beneficial effect of bio-stim¬ulation with magnetized water on the rate of growth of the aboveground parts of seedlings was recorded. The positive effect related to all species. The greatest stimulation was observed in buckwheat and garden savory. The use of magnetized water reduced the growth rate of roots at garden savory and buckwheat, while it increased the growth of winter rape roots. It had no effect in yellow lupine. The type of water exerted a significant influence on the fresh weight and roots of seedlings. Regardless of the assessed species, the use of magnetized water resulted in a significant increase in fresh weight and roots by 6% and 9%. No significant influence of the water type on dry matter of seedlings of analysed plant was assessed

    Effects of irrigation on fruit yield and leaves photosynthetic activity in early and late apple cultivars

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    The study was conducted in 2008-2009 at the Agricultural Experimental Station in Lipnik near Stargard, on sandy soil. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of sub-crown irrigation on the yield leaves photosynthesis and transpiration capacity, as well as CO2 concentration in the stomatal cells, and leaf greenness index of early ‚Geneva Early’ cv. and late ‚Rubinola’ cv. apple cultivars. Irrigation was applied in the form of the sub-crown system, in which water is distributed through a mini-sprayers of Hadar type when water potential of soil fell below - 0.01 MPa. The experiment was established in a randomized sub-block pattern (split-plot) in 10 replicates. The study was conducted using the four-year-old trees. The trees were planted at 4×2 m spacing; one hectare was planted with 1250 trees. Turf was maintained between the trees, while herbicide fallow was applied in rows. Plant material for laboratory tests was collected each year in three dates: fruit setting (date 1), harvest (date 2) and one month after the harvest (date 3). Studies have shown that leaves of the irrigated apple trees were lower content of assimilation pigments in leaves than non-irrigated ones. Leaves of late ‘Rubinola’ cv. showed higher photosynthetic activity and pigments content than early ‘Geneva Early’ cv. Pigment content was the highest at the second date of measurements. Better yielding late variety ‚Rubinola’ characterized by a greater intensity of transpiration, stomatal conductance and CO2 concentration leaves than the early va riety ‚Geneva Early’. The applied irrigation significantly increased the fruit yield and also increased the fruits weight of both varieties. Among the varieties of apple trees higher yield and fruit mass was found in the late variety ‚Rubinola’. This treatment and the earliness of varieties had no significant effect on the content of other macro- and micronutrients

    The impact of magnetically treated water on seeds sowing value and growth of selected plant species

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    W latach 2004-2005 przeprowadzono jednoczynnikowe doświadczenie laboratoryjne. Składało się ono z serii badań mających na celu określenie wpływu jaki wywiera woda poddana obróbce magnetycznej na kiełkowanie i wzrost badanych roślin. Testowanymi roślinami były: łubin żółty, lucerna siewna, gorczyca biała, roszponka warzywna, kolendra siewna. Wszystkie etapy doświadczenia zostały przeprowadzone w kiełkownikach gdzie podłożem były dwie warstwy bibuły wolnej od zanieczyszczeń. Poszczególne rośliny badano według schematu: trzy powtórzenia po 50 nasion dla obiektu kontrolnego oraz dla obiektu gdzie zastosowano wodę poddaną działaniu pola magnetycznego. Aby uzyskać efekt "namagnetyzowania" wody wykorzystano magnetyzer składający się z kilku sekcji. W skład jednej sekcji wchodzi namagnesowany osiowo pierścieniowy magnes z ferrytu baru oraz pierścieniowy stalowy biegun. Generowane przez magnesy strumienie magnetyczne po wniknięciu do bieguna zmieniają kierunek z osiowego na promieniowy [www.crylomag.com.pl]. Użyta w doświadczeniu wersja magnetyzera to model bez kołnierza o następujących parametrach: ciśnieniu roboczym 0,6 MPa, średnim przepływie wody 2,25 m3źh-1, wartości indukcji 0,30 T. Efekt magnetycznego uzdatnienia wody uzyskano poprzez jednokrotne przepuszczenie medium przez magnetyzer. Przez cały czas prowadzenia doświadczenia w pomieszczeniu panowała temperatura 20-22°C. Celem przeprowadzonych badań, było określenie wpływu wody uzdatnionej magnetycznie na kinetykę kiełkowania i początkowy wzrost wybranych gatunków roślin. Rodzaj zastosowanej wody różnicował procent skiełkowanych nasion jak również późniejszy wzrost badanych roślin.A single-factor laboratory experiment was carried out in years 2004-2005. It consisted of a series of tests aimed to determine the effect exerted by water subject to magnetic treatment on germination and growth of examined plants. The following plants were tested: yellow lupin, lucerne, white mustard, European corn salad, and coriander. All experiment stages were carried out in germination apparatuses, which were provided with bases consisting of two layers of impurity-free absorbent paper. Individual plants were examined according to the following pattern: three repetitions 50 seeds each for the test object and for an object, where water treated with magnetic field was used. Magnetizer consisting of several sections was used to obtain the effect of water "magnetization". One section consists of an axially magnetized ring-shaped magnet made of barium ferrite and ring-shaped steel pole. After having penetrated the pole, magnetic fluxes generated by magnets change their direction from axial to radial (www.crylomag.com.pl). Magnetizer version used in the experiment is a model without flange with the following parameters: working pressure 0.6 MPa, average water flow 2.25 m3źh-1, induction value 0.30 T. The effect of magnetic water treatment has been achieved by letting the medium pass through the magnetizer once. Throughout the experiment the temperature in room ranged from 20 to 22°C. The purpose of completed research was to determine the impact of magnetically treated water on germination kinetics and initial growth of selected plant species. The kind of water being used was diversifying percent of germinated seeds, as well as further growth of the examined plants

    Economic and productive effectivenes of irrigation and mineral fertilization of some vegetables

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    Doświadczenia polowe przeprowadzono w latach 1999-2001 na glebie lekkiej. Określano w nich efektywność ekonomiczną i produkcyjną nawadniania i nawożenia mineralnego pomidora i fasoli karłowej. Stwierdzono, że efektywność netto 1 mm zastosowanej w nawadnianiu wody zależała od nawożenia mineralnego. Produktywność 1 kg NPK, zależała od zastosowanego nawadniania i nawożenia mineralnego. Zarówno u pomidora jak i fasoli najwyższą wartość osiągnęła ona przy dawce nawożenia 1 NPK na obiektach nawadnianych.Field experiment was carried out in the years 1999-2001 on the sandy soil. Economic and productive effectivenes of irrigation and mienral fetilization of tomato and bush bean was studied. It was found that effectivity of 1 mm applied water depended on mineral fertilizing. Productivity of 1 kg NPK depended on irrigation and level of mineral fertilizing. Both tomato and bush bean gave the highest yields at the irrigated objects and fertilized with NPK doze

    The effect of level of soil hydratation on the content ofnitrogen compounds in the yield of New Zealand spinach

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    Doświadczenia polowe przeprowadzono w Stacji doświadczalnej Akademii Rolniczej w Szczecinie. Zróżnicowany poziom uwilgotnienia gleby wpłynął istotnie na plonowanie szpinaku nowozelandzkiego. Zawartość azotu w roślinach była zależna od części rośliny. Ulistnione wierzchołki pędów powyżej 15 cm, zawierały istotnie więcej suchej masy, azotu ogólnego, białka, azotanów i azotynów niż same liście.The field experiment was carried out in the Experimental Station of Agricultural University of Szczecin in 2003. Different levels of soil hydratation did not have a significant effect on the yielding of New Zealand spinach. The content of nitrogen compounds in the plants was significantly dependant on the usable parts of spinach plant. It was proved that stems with leaves up to 15 cm in length contained significantly more dry matter, total nitrogen, total protein, nitrates and nitrites than leaf blades alone

    Influence of drip irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer on the yield of raspberry cultivated on sandy soil

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    Badania polowe przeprowadzono w latach 2002-2004 na glebie lekkiej, zaliczanej do kompleksu żytniego dobrego. Oceniano możliwości plonotwórcze trzy- i czteroletnich krzewów odmiany „Norna” i „Veten” uprawianych w zróżnicowanych warunkach wodnych (kontrola O, nawadniane W) oraz nawozowych (0, 60, 120 kg N·ha-1). Oceniane odmiany charakteryzowały się podobnymi możliwościami plonotwórczymi. Największe plony uzyskano uprawiając krzewy w optymalnych warunkach wilgotnościowych (W) i nawożąc je najwyższą dawką azotu (180 kg N·ha-1).Field experiments were done in 2002-2003 on sandy soil. Crop productivity of raspberry ( cv. ‘Norna’ i ‘Veten’) was tested in the 3rd and 4th year of cultivation at different water regime (O-control, W-drip irrigation) and various nitrogen doses (0, 60, 120 N·ha-1). The cultivars had similar production capabilities. The highest yield of raspberry was obtained from irrigated plants, which had been fertilised with 120 kg N·ha-1

    Evaluation of weed infestation in faba bean depending on irrigation, tillage system and mineral fertilization

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    The field experiment was carried out in 2004-2006 in Chlebówko localized 20 km from Stargard Szczeciński and 5 km north-east from Stara Dąbrowa commune - 53°27’N and 15°10’E. The area is elevated 62-72 m above mean se level (ASL). The influence of irrigation, tillage system, and NPK mineral nutrition on weed infestation of faba bean variety ‘Titus’ with determined development rate, was evaluated. The weed infestation degree in the faba bean plantation depended on moisture conditions, fertilization rates, and tillage system. Irrigation increased the number, fresh weight, and dry matter of weeds, respectively by 92%, 130%, and 138%. Likewise, increasing nutrition elevated values of these parameters by 46%, 80%, and 95%. The tillage simplifications enhanced the weed population, particularly on irrigated and fertilized objects. Irrigation, mineral nutrition, and simplified tillage caused compensation of spring, winter and perennial weed species on plantation of faba bean ‘Titus’. Chenopodium album, Stellaria media, and Polygonum convolvulus predominated on studied plots

    The effect of various salinity of irrigation water on the onion and celery yielding

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    Doświadczenie polowe prowadzono w latach 1999-2000 na glebie lekkiej. Oceniano możliwości plonotwórcze cebuli zwyczajnej i selera korzeniowego. Uzyskane wyniki dowodzą, że nawadnianie prowadziło do zwiększenia plonu testowanych warzyw, przy czym obserwowany wzrost zależał od rodzaju zastosowanej wody i uprawianego gatunku. Deszczowanie przyczyniło się do zwiększenia plonu korzeni selera (średnio z dwóch lat) o 55,8%, natomiast cebuli tylko o 3,9%. W uprawie cebuli najlepsze efekty dała woda słodka, powodując istotne zwiększenie plonu świeżej masy cebuli o 15,4%. Inne tendencje zaobserwowano oceniając plon selera - najkorzystniej zadziałała rozcieńczona woda zasolona, następnie woda słodka i woda zasolona, powodując zwiększenie plonu świeżej masy korzeni odpowiednio o 72,8, 53 i 41%. Nawadnianie spowodowało również zwiększenie aktywności niektórych procesów fotosyntezy. Intensywność tych procesów była największa u roślin nawadnianych wodą słodką i malała wraz ze wzrostem stopnia zasolenia wody użytej do deszczowania.Field experiments which aimed at assessing the effect of onion and celery irrigation with water of various salt content were done in 1999-2000 on sandy soil. The average yield increase caused by irrigation was 55.8 % for celery and only 3.9 % for onion. Tap water caused the highest increment of onion yields (by 15.4 %). Celery responded best to diluted saline water which increased the yield by 72.8 %, tap water by 53 % and saline water by 41 % as compared with the non-irrigated control. Supplemental irrigation increased the photosynthetic activity of vegetable leaves, i.e. CO2 assimilation, transpiration and carbon dioxide concentration in substomatal cells, to the greatest extent when plants were irrigated with tap water