3 research outputs found

    Models of legal regulation of spousal separate residence regime in the countries of the European Union and Ukraine

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    The legal regime of separation is a complex institute in which establishment entails several legal consequences for both the spouses and other members of the family and concerns both the property and personal non-property rights of the parties. It is characterized by the features common to a particular model of legal regulation of this institute. The purpose of the study is to analyze the characteristics of legal regulation of family relations, which arise out of the establishment, operation, and suspension of spousal separate residence regime in the countries of the European Union and Ukraine and their representation from the perspective of correlation of institutes of separation and divorce. During the study of models of legal regulation of the institute of spousal separate residence, general and special methods of legal phenomena identification were used. In particular, the dialectical method was used to determine the place of the institute of separation in the system of law and its relation with the institute of divorce. The social purpose of this institute was also established. The hermeneutical method helped to interpret the main features inherent in each of the models of legal regulation of separation. Logical-legal and systematic methods were used for the formulation of logically relevant conclusions, and consistent presentation of study materials. The legal comparative method is aimed at comparing the models of legal regulation of the institute of spousal separate residence in the current family law of Ukraine and the legislation of the countries of the European Union. On grounds of a comprehensive analysis of the legislation and practice of its application regarding the legal regime of spousal separate residence in the countries of the European Union and Ukraine, the features of each of the four models for legal regulation are distinguished

    Development of small hydroenergy in Ukraine and its legal regulation

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    The state and prospects of small hydropower development in the context of rationalization of the use of available natural resource potential of Ukraine were considered. It was established that due to insignificant specific weight in the general energy balance, small hydropower cannot significantly affect the structure of energy supply of the country. Attention was drawn to the fact that the adopted State Target Economic Program for Energy Efficiency and the Development of Energy Saving for Renewable Energy Sources and Alternative Fuels for 2010-2020 will promote the use of the potential of small rivers and the development of hydropower. It was noted that the conducted calculations for the future with the help of correlation analysis of installed capacities and production of electricity by small hydropower objects showed that in 2020, at the current rate of development of small hydropower, the planned indicators will not be achieved. The legal principles of functioning of the market of electric energy and formation of relations connected with the development of small hydropower, which are regulated by the Laws of Ukraine and other legislative acts in the field of fuel and energy complex were described

    Qualified Legal Aid in Developed Democracies: A Comparative Legal Study

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    Professional associations of lawyers play an important part in improving the quality of qualified legal aid. The largest association of legal professionals today is the International Bar Association. In September 1990, the International Bar Association adopted the Standards for the Independence of the Legal Profession, which are designed to enhance the role and importance of lawyers. Accordingly, as stated in the preamble to the Standards, they should be taken into account and respected by national governments when drafting national legislation and practice, as well as by all lawyers, judges, the representatives of executive and legislative power, and society at large. The purpose of the study is a comparative legal analysis of the features of providing qualified legal aid in developed democracies. The leading method during the study was comparative legal analysis. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that the problem of guaranteeing the right to receive qualified legal aid is common to all modern states. But the ways to solve it differ, because the content of law as a statutory regulator of social relations is determined in the context of national systems and is deeply connected with their culture