15 research outputs found

    Japanese street fashion for young people: A multimodal digital humanities approach for identifying sociocultural patterns and trends

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    Digital technology has changed the ways research is undertaken in universities and this impact extends to humanities subjects that have traditionally focused on close (pencil and paper type) analysis of exemplar texts. Today, there are new computational and visualization techniques permitting far and close readings of massive repositories of cultural data that are now freely available. These advances are at the heart of the'digital humanities' research paradigm, which brings together computer science, humanities, arts and social science researchers in new institutional structures (eg. specialized research institutes) designed to support such interdisciplinary collaborations

    The Role of Images in Social Media Analytics: A Multimodal Digital Humanities Approach

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    The analysis of social media data is an emerging research field that aims to study the dynamics of urban life. In this study, we adopt a multimodal digital humanities approach to combine the analysis of text-based social media data with visual social media data in an interactive map to investigate urban life in Singapore from a social semiotic perspective. Twitter is used as a source of user-defined localised textual data, Instagram as a source of localised user-generated images and Foursquare as a source of user-defined location-based information where is semantically organised according to Wikipedia's classification tree. In this way, we track the multimodal content of social media according to semantically organised location-based sources. This study suggests that users of Twitter express emotion about their own lives and the world around them, but these linguistic resources are differentially deployed according to venue. However, this is less variation in the use of photos to construe personal relationships, suggesting that photos fulfil and intrinsic need to be observed which transcends the nature of the social practice which is taking place. It is envisaged that the role of the visual will continue to expand as digital technologies refashion and transform out semiotic world

    Spatial pedagogy: Mapping meanings in the use of classroom space

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    10.1080/0305764X.2012.676629Cambridge Journal of Education422235-25

    Interactive state-transition diagrams for visualization of multimodal annotation

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    10.3233/IDA-2012-0544Intelligent Data Analysis164683-70

    Analysing multimodality in an interactive digital environment: Software as a meta-semiotic tool

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    10.1080/10350330.2011.564386Social Semiotics213359-38

    Challenges in designing digital interfaces for the study of multimodal phenomena

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    10.1075/idj.18.1.02halInformation Design Journal1812-2

    Multimodal digital semiotics: the interaction of language with other resources

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    10.1515/text-2013-0030Text and Talk334-5665-69

    Multimodal analysis within an interactive software environment: Critical discourse perspectives

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    10.1080/17405904.2011.558687Critical Discourse Studies82109-12

    Developing novel multimodal and linguistic annotation software

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    ACL-IJCNLP 2009 - LAW 2009: 3rd Linguistic Annotation Workshop, Proceedings134-13