15 research outputs found

    Study of the Effect of Doping on the Temperature Stability of the Optical Properties of Germanium Single Crystals

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    The effect of doping on the optical transmittance of germanium single crystals is studied by infrared Fourier spectroscopy. It is established that the introduction of silicon and tellurium additives into germanium doped with antimony provides a means for improving the temperature stability of the optical properties of the crystals

    Amorphous Silica Containers for Germanium Ultrapurification by Zone Refining

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    We have studied the wetting behavior of molten germanium on silica ceramics and amorphous silica coatings in vacuum at a pressure of 1 Pa and a temperature of 1273 K. The results demonstrate that the wetting of rough surfaces of ceramic samples and coatings by liquid Ge is significantly poorer than that of the smooth surface of quartz glass. The contact angle of polished glass is ~100°, and that of the ceramics and coatings increases from 112° to 137° as the total impurity content of the material decreases from 0.120 to 1 × 10–3 wt %. Using experimental contact angle data, we calculated the work of adhesion of molten Ge to the materials studied. Its value for the surface of the ceramics and coatings decreases from 0.45 to 0.20 J/m2 with decreasing impurity content, whereas the work of adhesion to a smooth glass surface is 0.55 J/m2. We have fabricated fused silica test containers coated with high-purity amorphous silica. Using horizontal zone refining, we obtained germanium samples with a carrier concentration difference on the order of 1011 cm–3

    Ecological safety of mining regions through creation of power‐heating complexes

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    There was presented a method of use of alterantive source of energy, namely coal mine methane, the use of which as a fuel for power and heating generation is a main direction in coal mines. By this means some ecological problems of the region are solved. Highly efficient power and heating technologies are implemented and energy complexes are established.Pokazano sposoby efektywnego wykorzystania nietradycyjnego źródła energii – metanu kopalnianego, którego wykorzystanie w kopalniach węgla kamiennego jest podstawowym kierunkiem dywersyfikacji przedsiębiorstw górniczych w zakresie przerobu pozyskanego metanu w energię elektryczną i cieplną. Tym sposobem rozwiązane zostaną problemy ekologiczne regionu, wdrożenie wysokoefektywnych technologii ciepłowniczych i stworzenie na ich podstawie kopalnianych kompleksów energetycznych

    Interaction between gaseous oxygen and germanium melt

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.Interaction between the residual gaseous oxygen and germanium melt is analyzed. There is a quantitative relationship between oxygen concentration in a growing germanium single crystal, oxygen partial pressure in an inert gas, and water vapor pressure in hydrogen. The suggested theoretical interpretation of the interaction between oxygen and germanium melt is experimentally validated

    Interaction between gaseous oxygen and germanium melt

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.Interaction between the residual gaseous oxygen and germanium melt is analyzed. There is a quantitative relationship between oxygen concentration in a growing germanium single crystal, oxygen partial pressure in an inert gas, and water vapor pressure in hydrogen. The suggested theoretical interpretation of the interaction between oxygen and germanium melt is experimentally validated

    Study of the Effect of Doping on the Temperature Stability of the Optical Properties of Germanium Single Crystals

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    The effect of doping on the optical transmittance of germanium single crystals is studied by infrared Fourier spectroscopy. It is established that the introduction of silicon and tellurium additives into germanium doped with antimony provides a means for improving the temperature stability of the optical properties of the crystals

    Amorphous Silica Containers for Germanium Ultrapurification by Zone Refining

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    We have studied the wetting behavior of molten germanium on silica ceramics and amorphous silica coatings in vacuum at a pressure of 1 Pa and a temperature of 1273 K. The results demonstrate that the wetting of rough surfaces of ceramic samples and coatings by liquid Ge is significantly poorer than that of the smooth surface of quartz glass. The contact angle of polished glass is ~100°, and that of the ceramics and coatings increases from 112° to 137° as the total impurity content of the material decreases from 0.120 to 1 × 10–3 wt %. Using experimental contact angle data, we calculated the work of adhesion of molten Ge to the materials studied. Its value for the surface of the ceramics and coatings decreases from 0.45 to 0.20 J/m2 with decreasing impurity content, whereas the work of adhesion to a smooth glass surface is 0.55 J/m2. We have fabricated fused silica test containers coated with high-purity amorphous silica. Using horizontal zone refining, we obtained germanium samples with a carrier concentration difference on the order of 1011 cm–3