14 research outputs found
Factors Influencing Information Literacy of University Students
During the COVID-19 pandemic, effective use of information and communication technology (ICT), access to data sources, and critical evaluation of new information were essential for successful distance learning. University students need both information literacy (IL) and scientific literacy (SL) to learn and conduct research. This study examined the level of IL of 561 undergraduate and graduate students. We investigated the impact of scientific literacy (SL), ICT use, psychological/learning characteristics, and demographic parameters on student IL. The effects of a credit-bearing IL course were studied on 151 students, comparing three teaching methods. The average IL test performance of 67.6% did not differ significantly by student gender or natural/social science orientation. Of the IL topics, students were least proficient in legal/ethical issues, followed by information searching. Students’ knowledge of IL and SL was comparable and decreased with cognitive level. While ownership of ICT devices and ICT-rich courses had no effect on the level of IL, confidence in using the Internet correlated significantly with IL. Also, IL correlated positively with students’ self-concepts about learning and problem-solving, as well as their self-efficacy, but motivation played a smaller role. The credit-bearing IL study course was most effective when active learning methods were used
Bibliometric analysis of visualizations in computer graphics
This study examined the field of visualizations in computer graphics (VCG) using bibliometric methods, including performance and science mapping analysis. A dataset of documents from SCOPUS, 1986 to 2019, was analyzed and visualized using VOSviewer. The results showed an increasing trend of new documents in VCG. The five most cited publications were all related to data visualization software. The most prolific authors, examined by Citation per Paper (CPP) and Relative Citation Impact (RCI), contributed to research advances in computer graphics, information visualization, interactive data analysis, human computer interfaces, and visualization software development. A document source analysis identified the major scientific journals and conference proceedings in VCG research, and showed that researchers in VCG tend to publish extensively in conference proceedings, but that articles in scientific journals have a higher citation impact. A co-citation analysis of cited sources revealed seven clusters of thematically similar sources in computer science, genomics, neuroimaging, physics & chemistry, mathematics, education, and communication. Co-authorship analysis of countries pointed out collaboration networks in scientific research, where the USA, UK, Germany, France, and Italy collaborated most frequently. Collaborations were fostered by the same language group, or the geographical proximity. The co-occurrence of research terms showed six clusters of related concepts, thematically grouped around search queries, graphical processing, education, genetics, scientific numerical data, and medicine. The study contributed to a better understanding of the field and is expected to help researchers and educators identify research areas, developments, quality scientific literature, and appropriate journals for publishing their own findings related to VCG
Microencapsulation for functional textile coatings with emphasis on biodegradability
The review provides an overview of research findings on microencapsulation for functional textile coatings. Methods for the preparation of microcapsules in textiles include in situ and interfacial polymerization, simple and complex coacervation, molecular inclusion and solvent evaporation from emulsions. Binders play a crucial role in coating formulations. Acrylic and polyurethane binders are commonly used in textile finishing, while organic acids and catalysts can be used for chemical grafting as crosslinkers between microcapsules and cotton fibres. Most of the conventional coating processes can be used for microcapsule-containing coatings, provided that the properties of the microcapsules are appropriate. There are standardised test methods available to evaluate the characteristics and washfastness of coated textiles. Among the functional textiles, the field of environmentally friendly biodegradable textiles with microcapsules is still at an early stage of development. So far, some physicochemical and physical microencapsulation methods using natural polymers or biodegradable synthetic polymers have been applied to produce environmentally friendly antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory or fragranced textiles. Standardised test methods for evaluating the biodegradability of textile materials are available. The stability of biodegradable microcapsules and the durability of coatings during the use and care of textiles still present several challenges that offer many opportunities for further research
Design and development of a relational database functional foods
Predstavljena je zasnova in izgradnja relacijske podatkovne baze za funkcionalna živila. To so živila, ki so del vsakodnevne prehrane in pozitivno vplivajo na zdravje ter zmanjšujejo tveganje za nastanek nekaterih bolezni. Relacijska podatkovna baza, zasnovana po Fienkelsteinovi metodi, vsebuje entitete, atribute in primarne ključe. Glavne entitete so: biološko aktivne snovi, klasifikacija, lastnosti, živila, fiziološki učinki, bolezni, postopki, zakonodaja, bibliografija in funkcionalna klasifikacija. Normalizirana baza, zgrajena v programu MS Access 2000, temelji na podatkovnemslovarju entitet, atributih, relacijah in entitetnem diagramu. Vsebuje podatke za 35 biološko aktivnih snovi, pridobljene iz 140 primarnih virov (članki, knjige ipd.). Klasifikacijsko drevo temelji na podlagi deskriptorjev iz tezavra FSTA, pridobljenih s pomočjo bibliometrične analize. Predstavljena je s šestimi med seboj povezanimi obrazci: Klasifikacija, Biološko aktivne snovi, Živilo, Bolezni, Zakonodaja, Bibliografija in Iskanje ter podaja odgovore na vprašanja: (1) kaj so funkcionalna živila, (2) katere aktivne snovi vsebujejo, (3) kako delimo biološko aktivne snovi (klasifikacija), (4) katere biološko aktivne snovi znižujejo tveganje za nastanek določenih bolezni, (5) kakšne so fizikalno kemijske lastnosti aktivnih snovi in (6) kakšna je zakonodaja na tem področju. Uporabniška aplikacija je dostopna kot CD-ROM in je namenjena širšemu krogu uporabnikov.We present design and construction of a relational database for functional foods which are defined as foods used in everyday diet, and having beneficial effects on health as well as reducing risks for diseases. Database was designed according to Fienkelstein. It contains entities, attributes, and primary keys. Main entities are represented by: biologically active compounds, classification, properties, foods, physiological effects, diseases, processes, legislation, bibliography, and functional classification. Database was normalised and was constructed with MS Access 2000. It is based on dictionary of entities, attributes, relations, and entity-relationship diagram. It contains data for 35 biologically active foods. Classification tree was set up on the basis of descriptors from FSTA thesaurus following a bibliometric analysis. The data were extracted from 140 documents (articles, books etc.). The database is represented with six inter-linked forms (sheets): Classification, Biologically active compounds, Foods, Diseases, Legislation, Bibliography and Retrieval (Search). It is possible to search according to the following queries: (1) what are functional foods, (2) which active compounds are contained in foods, (3) classification of compounds, (4) which are the risk-reducing compounds, (5) phzsico-chemical properties of compounds, and (6) legislation in the field of functional foods
Antimicrobial paper coatings containing microencapsulated Cymbopogon citratus oil
Essential oils are environmentally friendly candidates for antimicrobial smart packaging systems. Encapsulation is needed to reduce their volatility and achieve controlled release. Within this study, the essential oil of Cymbopogon citratus (citronella oil) was microencapsulated and applied in pressure-sensitive antimicrobial functional coatings on papers for secondary packaging. Two microencapsulation methods were used: complex coacervation of gelatine with carboxymethylcellulose or with gum arabic, and in situ polymerization of melamine-formaldehyde prepolymers with a polyacrylic acid modifier. Minimum inhibitory concentrations of citronella oil microcapsules were determined for Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis), Escherichia coli (B. subtilis), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae). Microcapsule suspensions were coated on papers for flexible packaging, 2 and 30 g/m, and mechanically activated in the weight pulling test. A novel method on agar plates in sealed Petri dishes was developed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of released citronella vapours on E. coli and S. cerevisiae. The results showed that both microencapsulation methods were successful and resulted in a container type single-core microcapsules. In situ microcapsule suspensions had better paper coating properties and were selected for industrial settings. The antimicrobial activity of 2 g/m coatings was not detectedhowever, the antimicrobial activity of 30 g/m partially activated coated papers was confirmed. The product enabled a prolonged use with the gradual release of citronella oil at multiple exposures of functional papers to pressure, e.g., by a human hand during product handling
STIP – slovenski test informacijske pismenosti študentov
Purpose: The article presents, and publishes in a full text, a validated test of information literacy (IL) for higher education in the Slovenian language. The main purpose of the research was to develop a new measuring tool that enables evaluation of IL of students, identification of differences regarding the IL competency standards, and verification of cognitive levels – knowledge, understanding and use of IL contents.Methodology/approach: The IL competency standards in higher education were analysed, a collection of 80 questions was created, and each question was categorised according to the criteria of IL standards and Bloom’s cognitive levels. Forty questions were selected for the multiple choice test, each with four possible answers. The test vas validated in groups of students, and 987 students of university and higher education courses were included into the final study. SPSS version 22 was applied for statistical analyses.Results: The new test for the evaluation of IL contains 40 questions, categorized according to the contents and cognitive levels of IP. The reliability (Cronbach’s alpha 0.715) and discriminant power of the test (Ferguson delta 0.946) were confirmed. Descriptive statistics of the whole test were presented (average achievement 67%), analysis of the correctness of individual answers, and analyses according to the IL competency standards and the Bloom’s cognitive levels.Research limitations: A significantly longer test would be needed to evaluate the IL contents in more details, and additional tasks with open-ended answers to verify the highest cognitive levels of IP.Originality/practical implications: A new measuring tool for evaluating IP of students in the Slovenian language is freely available to all interested researchers and educators.IzvlečekNamen: V članku predstavljamo in celoti objavljamo validiran test informacijske pismenosti (IP) v visokem šolstvu v slovenskem jeziku. Glavni namen raziskave je bil razvoj novega merskega instrumenta, ki omogoča vrednotenje IP študentov, prepoznavanje razlik v glavnih sklopih vsebin po merilih in kazalcih IP, ter preverjanje kognitivnih stopenj – znanja, razumevanja in uporabe vsebin IP-ja.Metodologija/pristop: Po analizi meril in kazalcev IP-ja v visokem šolstvu smo izdelali zbirko 80 vprašanj ter jih kategorizirali glede na merila IP-ja in Bloomove kognitivne stopnje. V test smo vključili štirideset vprašanj s po štirimi odgovori izbirnega tipa. Po validaciji testa v več skupinah študentov smo v končno raziskavo zajeli 987 študentov univerzitetnih in višješolskih študijev. Za statistične izračune smo uporabili SPSS ver. 22.Rezultati: Novi test za vrednotenje IP-ja vsebuje 40 vprašanj, ki so kategorizirana glede na vsebino in kognitivne stopnje IP-ja. Potrdili smo zanesljivost (Cronbachov alfa 0,715) in diskriminantno moč testa (Fergusonov delta 0,946), izdelali opisne statistike celotnega testa (povprečni dosežek 67 %), analizo pravilnosti po posameznih vprašanjih, analizo dosežkov po posameznih merilih IP-ja ter analizo dosežkov po Bloomovih kognitivnih stopnjah.Omejitve raziskave: Za vrednotenje podrobnih vsebin IP-ja bi test moral vsebovati večje število vprašanj, za preverjanje najvišjih kognitivnih ravni pa uporabne naloge odprtega tipa.Izvirnost/uporabnost raziskave: Nov merski instrument za vrednotenje IP-ja študentov v slovenskem jeziku je prosto dostopen vsem zainteresiranim raziskovalcem in pedagogom.Ključne besede: informacijska pismenost, merila, kognitivne stopnje, test, študenti, visoko šolstv
Predlog meril in kazalcev informacijske pismenosti za srednje šole
Purpose: The article describes the development, and presents the proposed information literacy standards with performance indicators for secondary education.Methodology/approach: In Slovenia, no document exists that would define information literacy standards, performance indicators and expected outcomes (knowledge and skills) with different proficiency levels for the secondary school level. To identify appropriate contents and topics, international standards, frameworks and tests of information and digital literacies on the secondary and higher education levels were studied. Slovenian secondary school curricula were analysed, and topics that refer to information literacy were identified. By comparing and overlapping contents of the curricula and the international standards and tests, a proposal was produced, consisting of information literacy standards and performance indicators for the secondary education. The standards were operationalised by stating the expected outcomes (achievements) on three levels of difficulty.Results: Seven information literacy standards with 20 performance indicators were formulated. For each indicator, the corresponding knowledge (expected outcomes) are given on three proficiency levels.Research limitation: The proposed standards and performance indicators were designed by analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information from available international and Slovenian literature. Further testing, harmonisation and optimisation of the proposal in practice of the Slovenian secondary school system will be needed.Originality/practical implications: The proposal of information literacy standards and performance indicators for secondary education fills the existing gap and contributes towards the standardisation and improvement of information literacy in the secondary school population.IzvlečekNamen: V članku obravnavamo razvoj in predstavljamo predlog meril in kazalcev informacijske pismenosti na ravni srednješolskega izobraževanja.Metodologija/pristop: V Sloveniji nimamo dokumenta, ki bi za srednje šole opredeljeval merila in kazalce informacijske pismenosti ter pričakovana znanja in veščine po zahtevnostnih stopnjah. Zato smo za identifikacijo primernih vsebin preučili mednarodna merila, standarde, okvire in teste informacijske in digitalne pismenosti na ravneh srednješolskega in univerzitetnega izobraževanja. Analizirali smo slovenske učne načrte za srednje šole in v njih evidentirali vsebine, ki se nanašajo na informacijsko pismenost. S primerjavo in analizo prekrivanja vsebin iz slovenskih učnih načrtov ter vsebin iz meril in testov iz tujine smo izdelali predlog izbranih meril in kazalcev informacijske pismenosti na ravni srednješolskega izobraževanja. Merila smo operacionalizirali z določitvijo pričakovanih učnih izidov (dosežkov) na treh ravneh težavnosti.Rezultati: Izoblikovali smo sedem meril s skupno 20 kazalci uspešnosti informacijske pismenosti srednješolcev. Za vsakega od kazalcev so podana pripadajoča znanja (pričakovani učni izidi) na treh zahtevnostnih ravneh.Omejitve raziskave: Predlog meril in kazalcev je izdelan z analizo, evalvacijo in sintezo informacij iz dostopne tuje in domače literature. V nadaljevanju bo potrebno testiranje, usklajevanje in optimizacija predloga v praksi slovenskega srednješolskega sistema.Izvirnost/uporabnost raziskave: Predlog meril in kazalcev informacijske pismenosti za srednje šole zapolnjuje vrzel ter prispeva k naporom za poenotenje in dvig ravni informacijske pismenosti srednješolske populacije
Fibers obtained from invasive alien plant species as a base material for paper production
Invasive alien plant species (IAPS) are one of the biggest challenges in European ecosystems, displacing local vegetation, destroying agricultural land, and causing billions of dollars of damage to the European economy every year. Many of them are removed daily and mainly burned. In this work, we investigated the possibilities of using plants as feedstock for paper production. Papers made from three invasive alien plants, i.e., Knotweed, Goldenrod, and Black locust, were studied and compared with commercial office paper. The study included testing of: (1) structural properties— basic physical properties, grammage, thickness, density and specific volume, moisture content, and ash content(2) physical and dynamic mechanical properties—tensile strength, Clark stiffness, viscoelastic properties(3) colorimetric properties of prints(4) effect of UV light on ageingand (5) study of cellulose fiber structure and morphology by microscopy. The results suggested that the paper produced can be used as commercial office paper, considering that the paper is slightly dyed. Such papers can also be used for special purposes that present a natural style and connection to nature. The papers produced can also be used for printing documents that are meant to be kept