28 research outputs found

    Result of cyclophosphamide effect on meristematic cells of anaerobic respiration

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    Structure of the nucleoli in Angiosperms

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    The nucleolus structure in the cells of numerous Angiospermae plants was studied with light microscope. The living material was examined under phase and anoptral contrast. Microscopical observations were also carried out on the material fixed in chrome-formalin or in uranyl-formalin. An occurrence of two structural components of nucleolus was demonstrated: an amorphous ground substance and nucleolonema. Cytochemical analysis have shown that considerable amounts of RNA and acid proteins were located in the amorphous substance while nucleolonema was composed of basic proteins and slight quantities of RNA

    Effect of cyclophosphamide on meristematic plant cells

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    The action of cyclophosphamide on meristematic plant cells was checked. A mitostatic influence of this preparation was observed, by way of DNA synthesis inhibition. The disturbance in the course of mitosis is described and the characteristic changes in the structure of the ergastoplasm, analogous to those elicited by respiratory inhibitors

    Components of self-esteem in homosexual men compared with heterosexual men

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    W pracy tej zostało podjęte zagadnienie samooceny w kontekście mężczyzn homoseksualnych w porównaniu z mężczyznami heteroseksualnymi. Celem mojej pracy jest sprawdzenie, w jakim stopniu zjawiska takie jak homofobia, coming-out, stereotypizacja mają wpływ na samoocenę homoseksualistów we współczesnej Polsce. W pracy empirycznej postawiłam sobie następujące pytania badawcze: czy istnieją różnice w zakresie wyznawanych wartości pomiędzy mężczyznami heteroseksualnymi i homoseksualnymi?; czy mężczyźni heteroseksualni i homoseksualni różnią się w przejawianiu lęku jawnego i lęku ukrytego?; czy istnieje różnica w ogólnym poziomie samooceny pomiędzy mężczyznami heteroseksualnymi i homoseksualnymi?; czy istnieje różnica pomiędzy mężczyznami heteroseksualnymi i homoseksualnymi w poszczególnych aspektach samooceny?W celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na powyższe pytania przeprowadziłam badanie na grupie 30 mężczyzn homoseksualnych i 30 mężczyzn heteroseksualnych W przeprowadzonych badaniach empirycznych wykorzystałam cztery narzędzia, które pozwoliły na zbadanie ogólnej samooceny oraz jej poszczególnych aspektów, systemu wyznawanych wartości, oraz stopnia przejawianego niepokoju jawnego i ukrytego w obu grupach mężczyzn, były to: Skala pomiaru Samooceny SES M. Rosenberga, Wielowymiarowy Kwestionariusz Samooceny test do badania wartości „RN-2002” autorstwa Krzysztofa Mudynia, wykładowcy psychologii w Instytucie Psychologii Stosowanej UJ oraz Arkusz Samopoznania R. B. Cattella.Wyniki przeprowadzonych przeze mnie badań wykazały istotne różnice w odczuwanych wartościach(test RN-2002). Mężczyźni heteroseksualni cenią wyżej wartości ekonomiczne i teoretyczne, natomiast mężczyźni homoseksualni większą uwagę poświęcają wartościom społecznym i estetycznym.Subject of this work concerns the currently popular topic in Poland- homosexuality. Many sources are recognized homosexuality in the context of the problem. But in recent times can be seen in the transformation of social consciousness. People in Poland are starting to treat homosexuality as one of sexual orientation rather than problem. The results of tests showed a significant difference in perceived value (test subjects RN-2002). Heterosexual men prefer higher economic value and theoretical, while gay men devote more attention to the social and aesthetic values.The study was conducted in a group 60 men from 18 to 35 years old, coming from across the Polish. The study group consisted of 30 men declaring homosexual orientation and 30 men declaring heterosexual orientation. In empirical studies were used four tools that allowed to examine the overall self-esteem and its various aspects, the system of values, and the sensible and latent anxiety in both groups of men, they were: Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale SES, Mulitidimensional Self-Esteem Inventor (MSEI), Calell’s Self-Blat and Christopher’s Mudyń (professor of psychology at the Institute of Applied Psychology on Jagellonian University) a test to examine the value of “RN-2002”.This thesis is undertake the issue of self-esteem in the context of homosexual men compared to heterosexual men. The aim of this work is to find out to what extent phenomena such a homophobia, coming-out, stereotyping affect the self-esteem of homosexuals in contemporary Poland. In the empirical work are the following questions: whether there are differences in terms of values between heterosexual and homosexual men? Whether heterosexual and homosexual men differ in the manifestation of anxiety and fear implicit and explicit? Is there a difference between heterosexual and homosexual men in various aspects of self-esteem

    Changes in the structure and function of plant cell protoplast due to energy deficit

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    The influence of glycolysis inhibitors and of the respiratory chain inhibitors on the structure and function of protoplast were investigated in Allium cepa and Tradescantia bracteata meristematic cells. Hypertrophy of rough ER and modification of active transport were found, which was expressed by changes in the permeability of the plasmalemma and tonoplast and by depressed level of active ATP-ase. It is supposed that the formation of the characteristic rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) configurations plays a significant role in bioenergetic processes by increasing the surface area active in glycolysis and in the respiratory chain connected with ER membranes

    Influence of hypoxia on protoplast structure in the plant cell

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    An influence of hypoxia on the protoplast’s structure in the root tips meristematic cells of onion (Allium cepa L.) and of Tradescantia bracteata Small has been investigated. Hypoxia was caused either by respiratory inhibitors (sodium azide, 2,4-dinitrophenol), phosfon-D or by anaeroibic conditions. In both cases characteristic membranization of cytoplasm was observed. It appeared as spherical and parallel structures of rough endoplasmic reticulum. The observed hypertrophy was not connected with the increase of nucleic acids and proteins synthesis. In the examined cells the membranization was accompanied by an increase of the lipids content

    The suitability of the lead precipitation method for the localization of active ATPases in the meristematic cells of Allium cepa L. roots

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    Demonstrated in this study is the suitability of the lead precipitation method for the localization of active ATPases bound with the mitochondrial membranes, ER and plasma membranes of meristematic cells of Allium cepa L. root apices. It was found that the presence of glutaraldehyde in the fixative has a significant influence on the fixation of ATPases and that a somewhat smaller influence is exhibited by formaldehyde. Also shown in this study is the relationship between the course of the reaction indicating the presence of active ATPases and the precipitating activity of Pb ions as well as the stimulatory effect of Ca2, Mg2 and K on the transport ATPase bound with the plasma and ER membranes