8 research outputs found

    Цілі як формуючий фактор виробничої (будівельної) організації

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    The activity of each element of the organization: managers, performers – actors and actors of the organization carries teleonomy, that is, expediency. In the target structure of organizations for its survival, preservation of balance, stability arise the need to solve special tasks to achieve internal and external security. The model of activity of an industrial complex always includes the object of management and the subject of management in the form of appropriate systems. Despite the fact that at the present stage information technologies are considered as intelligent information tools and technologies, and how, the intelligence of the control subject and the intelligence embedded in the information technology correlate with each other.Діяльність кожного елемента організації: керівників,виконавців – суб’єктів і головних дійових осіб організації несе в собі телеономію, тобто доцільність. В цільовій структурі організацій для її виживання, збереження рівноваги, стабільності виникають потреби у вирішенні спеціальних задач по досягненню внутрішньої і зовнішньої безпеки.Модель діяльності виробничого комплексу завжди включає об’єкт управління та суб’єкт управління у формі відповідних систем. Від рівня розвитку виробничих відносин залежить метод реалізації відносин поміж ними.. А це можливо лише за умови застосування ефективних методів та засобів збирання, передачі, обробки, зберігання та представлення інформації про предметну область у формі відповідної інформаційної технології підтримки прийняття рішень.Питання, на основі яких закономірностей формуються та реалізуються визначені інформаційні процеси суб’єктом управління та відповідною інформаційною технологією, потребує дослідження і вирішення

    Correction of hypertensive retinal changes in rats with Semax

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    To evaluate the correction possibility of retinal injuries with Semax in a rat model of hypertensive neuroretinopath

    The research of abnormal toxicity and local irritant effect in the Draize test of the drug furacilin, concentrate for the preparation of a solution for local and externaluse

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    The research of abnormal toxicity and locally irritating effect of the drug Furacilin, concentrate for the preparation of a solution for local and external use in comparison with the drug Furacilin, tablets for the preparation of the solution, was carried ou

    Review of a new concept of glaucoma pathogenesis based on the glymphatic theory of cerebrospinal fluid circulation

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    Clinical evidence for the glymphatic system hypothesis: There is some clinical, including case-based, and epidemiological evidence for similarities between glaucomatous optic nerve/retinal injuries and AD, since both occur in the form of improper secretion of neurotoxic metabolites, and both are often diagnosed togethe

    Studies to elucidate the effect and antiapoptotic mechanism of 2-ethyl-3-hydroxy-6- methylpyridine-n-acetyltaurinate in a rat model of retinal ischemia-reperfusion

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    To study the retinoprotective effect and antiapoptotic mechanism of 2-Ethyl-3-hydroxy-6-methyl-pyridine-Nacetyltaurinate (EHMP-NAT) in a rat model of retinal ischemia-reperfusio

    Neuroprotective properties of Na+/H+-exchanger isoform-1 inhibitor in experimental POAG

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    Introduction: Worldwide glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss. The processes associated with the loss of retinal ganglion cells are multifactorial and have much in common with neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore the search for means to prevent the death of retinal neurons is an important task of modern pharmacology. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on male Wistar rats. Glaucoma was modeled by injecting a 1% solution of hyaluronic acid into the anterior chamber of the eye. The IOP level was recorded on the 0th, 63rd and 73rd days of the experiment. The effectiveness of the drugs was evaluated based on the results of ophthalmoscopy, electroretinography, followed by the determination of gene expression. Results and Discussion: In the group with RU-1355 correction, the fundus picture improved; the index in the group was 18.0% lower compared to the model. The introduction of the RU-1355 compound provided an increase in the a-wave amplitude by 18.1%, and b-wave amplitude by 39.0% relative to the group with pathology. The most pronounced effect was observed on the expression level of BDNF, Bcl-2, Caspase 3 and NF-κB p65, which indicates that the compound has the capacity to influence the slowdown of the apoptosis process through an increase in the neurotrophic factor and the anti-apoptotic factor Bcl-2. Conclusion: RU-1355 has neuroprotective properties, which was expressed by a decrease in ophthalmoscopic manifestations, preservation of the b-wave amplitude of the electroretinogram and the influence on gene expression of factors involved in apoptosis and neuroprotection. Based on the pharmacological activity of the RU-1355 compound in relation to POAG, further study of its action against other retinal diseases is promising